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Thread: got a quick question on letro and femara????

  1. #1

    got a quick question on letro and femara????

    is letro and femara the same thing??? are they just alike or are they completely different??? after my cycle i was going to take clomid and letro but i already have clomid and femara(liquid kind) on hand, save me from buying letro. will these two work together for good PCT???? thanks

  2. #2
    ok nvm i just found out they were the same hah might as well not waste a thread, im taking 12 weeks 500mg test cyp ew and 10 weeks of 400mg deca ew with dbol kickstart. my question is will Weeks 1-4 100mg of Clomid (SERM) and 25mg of Aromasin (AI) be long enough??

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