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Thread: what pct for pct for test/tren/dbol cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    what pct for pct for test/tren/dbol cycle

    this is my third cycle but first with using tren
    cycle looks like this
    1-4 50 mg dbol ed
    1-8 75 mg tren ed
    1-10 500 mg test ew

    i have letro and nolvex from my past cycle but read different thing like nolvex shouldn't be used on a tren cycle.
    I wanted to know what should be used and at what weeks should they be used

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    while on cycle:
    .5mg armidex, don't like letro cause of libido issues

    pct (stop armidex)

    1-3: 20mg nolva ED, 25mg aromasin, 500iu's HCG, 1000iu Vitamin E
    4-6: 20mg nolva ED, 25mg aromasin

    should have caber on hand

    i know a lot of people who take nolva durring pct on tren cycles so I really don't see anything wrong with it.
    Last edited by axemurderer187; 11-14-2007 at 08:14 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by axemurderer187 View Post
    while on cycle:
    .5mg armidex, don't like letro cause of libido issues

    pct (stop armidex)

    1-3: 20mg nolva ED, 25mg aromasin, 500iu's HCG, 1000iu Vitamin E
    4-6: 20mg nolva ED, 25mg aromasin

    should have caber on hand

    i know a lot of people who take nolva durring pct on tren cycles so I really don't see anything wrong with it.
    The only other thing I would suggest is dependent upon what ester of test your using... HCG has an active life of 3 days and you want it to clear when your test ester clears....... also you dont have to run HCG for 3 weeks at the end of this cycle I would suggest 500IU's E3D throughout the cycle with 500IU's ED for the last 10 days and if your running prop your last HCG and PROP injection would coencide if test E or C you want to start the 10 day HCG run around 4 days after your last test E shot...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    The only other thing I would suggest is dependent upon what ester of test your using... HCG has an active life of 3 days and you want it to clear when your test ester clears....... also you dont have to run HCG for 3 weeks at the end of this cycle I would suggest 500IU's E3D throughout the cycle with 500IU's ED for the last 10 days and if your running prop your last HCG and PROP injection would coencide if test E or C you want to start the 10 day HCG run around 4 days after your last test E shot...
    my pct protocol is the Anthony Roberts routine. Lots of people have had success to this is what I'm going to stick with.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff113113 View Post
    this is my third cycle but first with using tren
    cycle looks like this
    1-4 50 mg dbol ed
    1-8 75 mg tren ed
    1-10 500 mg test ew

    i have letro and nolvex from my past cycle but read different thing like nolvex shouldn't be used on a tren cycle.
    I wanted to know what should be used and at what weeks should they be used

    what ester of test are you using during this cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    test e

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

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