Hi guys,
Need some serious help here. Well I am 22, 11 and half stone, been training for a few months, I have began my first cycle (orals only) - this is what it looks like:
anabol - methandrostenolone (30mg a day)
(weeks 1-4)
then combined with anadrol 50 - oxymetholome (50mg - 100mg a day)
(weeks 5-9)
What week should I introduce nolvadex and clomid?? And what sort of dosage? I was thinking of 20mg a day nolvadex and 50mg a day clomid for 3-4 weeks starting from week 7 / 8 or something?
any help would be hugely appreciated guys!! I seem to be researching so much and coming up with loes of confusing difrent answers?!