jakked what you been up to man?
jakked what you been up to man?
I believe it does! Props on the blog bro!
yo yo...
not really a blog more like a joke since no one is taking it seriously. I dont mind was fun while it lasted
Sweet I moved up to junior Member! I'm so proud!
Pewn your avvy is too hot! Can I get her number?
poon lol do you really like fatties or u bsing?
lexed you dont recognize your sister man....
she lost alot of weight didnt recongnize her
clen will do that to you ....
and alot of sex with me ..... oh yea ....
man work is sooo boring
Rana you A**H*LE! What up!?
Sup whores?
rana is one of my bitchs
Hollywood, where is the love?
Was one of your bitches, I moved on
Fine be that way ill edit you out of my avy
What up Rana! <-------better?
Much better Hollywood.
well are you my bitch or not?
Lexed you better go read your blog and figure out how to handle your peeps! Sounds like you are losing your game!
im so excited about hitman tomorrow
Not sure if Hitman looks that good
ya I know. You know who shoulda played number 47. The guy frm transporter he fits the part perfectly
not intrested .. looked mostly computer animation ...
the game was pretty bad ass! I'll probably just watch a bootleg of the movie. I don't want to get disappointed if it sucks.
whos the chick that plays in the movie she looks fineeeee
Going to eat! Be back L8R!
later holly
going to go eat, rana out
I'm BACK!!!
wow this place got dead without me! Well party on peeps! Hollywood is back!
Hollywood if she could
ever see cool world?
That cartoon chick was super hot
Im back, who missed me?
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