Good morning boys. time to go back to sleep.
Good morning boys. time to go back to sleep.
i gained 10 pounds in two days .....
Hi fatty bloater!
I can tell just by looking at you in your avie.
Hey pewn, your pics thread got closed cuz someone posted nude pics on
Why couldn't they have just cut out the nudes and left the thread running?
no serious problems that I know of. That picture that got edited wasn't even funny in the least. Nasty scat porn picture. makes me want to lose my Thanksgiving meal
it wasnt a nude pic, it was 'tubgirl' the girl in the bathtub shitting on herself that got it closed
the poster got suspended for it
SCAT-Thats just wrong!
See if we can get it reinstated
i guess its time for me to add no source checks to my location too buff, im getting flooded with people asking
I have been too. I don't come off as knowing any sources.
Sup all you whores?
Has anyone noticed that the needle on anthony roberts injected looks like the results of a horrible aspiration?
It looks like it's dripping blood. Pretty gorey
thats because the hardcore guys inject right into the veins for UBER gains.Originally Posted by buffgator
Anthony roberts new blog site
Sup sluts
must get to 3000 posts so I can write something under my name. What constitutes some one being a hall of famer?
hofers are people that have been here for ages and have dolled out tons of advice
Amorph, Do you feel I explained this in an accurate way, that is easy to follow?
yes, well putOriginally Posted by buffgator
are you guys getting alot of source checks questions or is it me?
it's not just you...
Im just more popular then u dizz
You are, must be a people person.
how was ur thanksgiving?
Ahh had some family over, Sister's friend came over cuz her family is out of state. It was a low key gathering. My family hasn't roasted a turkey in over 10years. We do this Chicken dumpling stew thing that's insainly good. Mom makes about 5 gallons of it.
how bout you?
my grandmother got really wasted I ate a shitload of turkey and my little neice threw up right on the table when we were eating...... the usual
sounds like a good time. Most of my extended family is dead or we don't talk...I have a weird family.
A side note....I've kept my body temp around 100degrees all day today. 60mcg Clen at work...yah
you cutting dizz?
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