hey guys, can anyone tell me which one is better..No explode or Amplify 02? and also where is the cheapest place to order them from?
thx pumped
hey guys, can anyone tell me which one is better..No explode or Amplify 02? and also where is the cheapest place to order them from?
thx pumped
No Explode bro. Twice as better as Amplify.
thats why i asked cause everyone comment seemed to lean toward the amplify o2...do yall know the best place to order the amplify? what company makes it?
Brotha. If I can take NO Explode, workout for 2 or 3 hours in the gym and have titanium hard on for 3 solid hours spent bending my woman over the head rest of the sofa then yeah, NO Explode is IT.
I had mistaken Amplify with Superpump. My apologies. Is Amplify better than NO Explode?
wheres the cheapest place to order No explod?
NO xplode is overpriced junk i think.
all it does is jack you up full of caffiene. there are better products out there i think.
lol im stuck...i dunno what to get..but thx anyways guys
its usually personal preference anyways. cant really ask wut tastes better, a big mac or a whopper without trying both for urself and see what u like better. everyone's body is different and until a magical product comes out with the same proven results for everyone's different body chemistry, ur just gonna have to go through trial and error. super pump 250 didnt do shit for me and either did no shotgun. no explode works awesome for me everytime i take it! just like cellmass doesnt do much for me but size on does. its all trial and error until you find out what works best for u then stick with it. ive never tried amplify, might check it out and see how i respond to it.
personally I love No xplde always gives me a nice boost right before workouts but I have not used the other one so I dont know.
i think NO-Explode does crap....no-shotgun did a little more (to be fair i didnt double dose)....im now double-dosing on superpump 250 and i like the pump it gives me but still no better focus or energy
next up is amp 02
I dont think any of them do jack squat. I get the same pumps taking an ECA stack.
I've tried all 3 of them..
amplify 02 is the only product that did enough to warrent spending $$$ on ..
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I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
^ cool ... i just ordred the lipostack... amplify 02 & lipoflame
i'm surprised by some of the responses in this thread.. maybe people just haven't used amplify?
let me clarify as someone who has used copious amounts of both and has no affliation to either company. i have used them both during pct and off cycle time. the only thing no xplode has going for it is that it comes in a good tasting powder form and you can buy it at gnc.
amplify 02 is WAY BETTER. they are basically the same thing only amplify 02 is much much stronger and cheaper. it takes you to a whole new level over NO xplode. after taking 10 amplify pills you will want to KILL WEIGHTS. really gives you the motivation to push on especially through tough times like pct. after my last cycle i definitely gained size in my off time thanks to amplify. cannot say enough good things about this product.
the last of the shipping issues are done
any late orders will get a $7 discount per unit if after the 5 day cutoff
that our NEW informal policy
dec 1-7 were our last Order issues
ia m the boss so PM me
thanks for all the patronage we love you too!
1) Pills are flavorless and easy to use ( they are small)
2) you can find the Perfect dosesome need 5-6 caps some 7-8, some 9
YOU are in controll of your experience not some scoop.
3) No Sugary Mess , watery mess, no Artificial colors or substances
4) You can take capsules Any where with you with ease
you're the boss of Amplify?Originally Posted by Kaioken
Although I did have issues with the delivery time of Amplify 02, once i finally got it I was very impressed. Having used NO Explode in the past, I have to say there is no real comparison. Amp 02 is simply a superior product. Hopefully I get it a little quicker next time!
You will
Delivery will take less then 4-5 days ONCE we fully adapt our location
I would say we will be at PEAK running in 2 more weeks
Amplify 02-xt is in!
a GMS based version and only $29.95
VERY powerful Glycerol based pumps
Well i have started using NO-EXPLODE this week.It pumps u up real good although nothing beats Ephidrene.And i haven't used amplify 02
I used No Xplode for a month, i didn't like it at all, gets me way too shaky and it's way overpriced!!
i used both no explode ans no shot gun. both didnt do anything for me
I am very familiar with all of these products and I can actually refer you to the best. No Explode will almost certainly make you crash. I would go with Black Powder by MRI. Its great stuff and its more of a natural feeling. Any questions just PM me. Right now GNC is having a sale on it in the us for like $47 usd.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned H-Blocker I've tried noxplode and superpump and H blows them both away. I can only take a half scoop, opposed to two or three with the other two. Has anyone else had this reaction? It's soo strong my skin crawls liike im a crack-head!
wow. untill I read this thread I thought no-explode was great. the only downside I noticed was effects would drop off a little, but I would take a single serving for that last bit of workout and i was good. I also dont like the water intake, sometimes I drink a bit much an get a cramp. I get no explode for $29 a bottle, do you guys think I should try amp 02 or is it a personal preference thing?
I would definately try amp 02, everyone reacts differently to supps, but most of the people who try amp 02 are pretty satisfied. Worked good for me
Fritz, you must try it once (AMP02) I am sure you will be happy with the results
do you have to cycle the lipoflame or amp 02 for immunity resistance?
AMP 02. 10 caps was way to much for me I couldn't even grip the weights from the pumps they were very strong and painful. Now I take 5 caps and the pumps are still incredible after 3 weeks and I love it!
OH OH OH OH Where can I get some![]()
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