you keep asking qustions like we can give you magical answers or put the muscle on your body
listen, just train consistently, give each muscle group a week to recover, train a muscle group a day, make sure you got off days to rest, and just keep eating.. this is the best advice we can give you
here is a split example..
monday-chest tri
then repeat
I know man I am sorry just dissapointed thats all.. Should I do cardio on those days off?
This is my workout right now
Workout #1
EXERCISE Set # 1 Set # 2 Set # 3
Bench Press - 6-10 Reps
Incline - 6-10 Reps
Decline - 6-10 Reps
Seated Bench - 12-20 Reps
Leg Raises - 20-25 Reps
Crunches - 20-25 Reps
Workout #2
EXERCISE Set # 1 Set # 2 Set # 3
Straight Bar/EZ Bar Curl - 6-10 Reps
DB Curls - 8-10 Reps
Seated Barbell Curls - 8-10 Reps
Close Grip Bench Press - 8-10 Reps
Skull Crushers - 6-10 Reps
Tricep Pulldowns - 10-15
1 Arm Pulldowns - 10 reps
Leg Raises/ Crunches - 20 each Reps
Workout # 3
EXERCISE Set # 1 Set # 2 Set # 3
Leg Press - 10 -15 Reps
Leg Raises - 10 Reps
Leg Extensions - 10 Reps
Squats - 10-20 Reps
Calf Raise - 8-10 Reps
Seated Calf Raises - 10-12 Reps
Shoulder Press - 6-10 Reps
Lateral Raises - 10 Reps
Bent over Lateral Raises - 10 Reps
Workout # 4
Pulldowns - 6-10
Seated Rows - 10 Reps
Bent Over Rows/Machine Rows - 6-10
Dead Lifts - 8-10 Reps
Shoulder Shrugs - 6-12 Reps
taken this morning
looks like you got all the exercises in there, and you asked if you should do cardio on your off days.. it depends on your goals.. but i promise you if you eat clean and train hard you will lose fat just by dieting alone and drinking only water.. all the calories will be going towards building new muscle instead of fat.. and you are just beginning to train so you will see your most gains in the very beginning so enjoy the growth spurt while it lasts man
it takes time to put quality muscle on. It's called Dedication.
Dude good progress so far, the lbs are definitely coming off but this will take TIME. Everyone here has given great info. The only thing I can say is that I'm sure you're eating a shit load but make sure it's good food intake!
I like to look at it this way, your body is a high performance machine don't turn it to shit by putting 87 octane gasoline in it, make it perform the way it should and put some 107 octane Race gas!!!! (aka healthy food)
again....time time time.
Thanks man.. I really appreciate everyones info.. I guess I am getting a little bit impatient.
Here is my diet break down
1830 2 chicken breast on whole wheat with a slice of mozzarella cheese
2100 1 chicken breast or some sort of nuts
2330 about 12-20 egg whites one chicken breast and sometimes some white rice if they have it
0230-0300 2 chicken breast
0500 protein shake
0645 workout
0800 shake and now a banana
I need to find a way to get some more carbs in my 0300 meal any suggestions
I can get whole wheat. That is one thing they have so I could add it to my 2330 meal and my 0300 maybe 2 slices with some peanut butter??
dont add peanut butter, you want to separate carbs and fats
have either protein / fat meal or a protein / carb meal
carbs trigger insulin spike, so intaking fat with it would help you store fat
makes sense... Damn never thought of it that way. So looks like I am adding wheat bread to my meals.... So I guess I should stop taking a pwo shake? It has fat in it
Total Fat 6g 9%
Saturated Fat 2g 10%
x2 since there a 2 scoops per shake
whats the food taste like in the army? big selection for bulking or cutting? btw if you want extra food do you pay?
the food is what it is man over here its not the best some places in Iraq are GREAT. cutting yah I mean you can always get checken breast. Bulking not to clean of a bulk. if you want more you just go get more lol
New Macros well for the last 2 weeks still loosing weight WTF
grams cals %total
Total: 3871
Fat: 47 423 11%
Sat: 14 124 3%
Poly: 9 79 2%
Mono: 13 120 3%
Carbs: 381 1438 39%
Fiber: 21 0 0%
Protein: 460 1842 50%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%
updated pic will have more soon
army serves real fatty food.. i had a hard time dieting on DFAC food... i ate the wild rice and baked/broiled fish everyday... it seemed like the only real low fat foods they had for me when i was there.. i do miss their fresh fruits and veggies though
yeah thats the truth
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