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Thread: blood pressure 145 over 105 (

  1. #1

    blood pressure 145 over 105 (

    hi bros.i went to my doctor again for regular blood work and it turned out to be fine.i was curious about my blood pressure for some reason so i asked him to take a reading.well as it turned out it was 145 over 105.he was shocked and so was i because i never had problems with my blood pressure or anything else especially after being on steroids for over 20 years or i know i just turned 50 i havent changed my diet.i still eat anything because i have a fast metabolism.he told me he was concerned about the bottom reading (105 )he explained to me that my heart was pumping to fast and if i was to have a stoke its better to have it all the way then half of the way because if its half of the way i would end up in a wheel chair,but at least all the way i would be better off because i would be dead and wouldnt half to go to all the suffering.i have been seeing him regularly for a long time.he told his helper in the room that i assume he is going to be a doctor soon that he is in a way against steroids but he doesnt condome it.anyway he asked me to go at least three times a week to a drug store and use those blood pressure machine that you sit down and put your left arm in and it takes a reading and then show him the results in one month from now.i said i asked him if i should start doing some cardio,i dont usually do cardio unless i am competing three months or so before a competition.i am on a mass cycle now and i find cardio defeats the purpose of gaining about my diet he said even if i change it,it wont make a far a cardio he said if i start that its worse .it will make my heart go ever faster and that could be i asked him what i should do,he said stop taking your two 25 mg.and your two cups of coffee before workout five days a week and see what happens.ok now look what happened.i went to a drug store straight from there and took a blood pressure reading on those machine.i took it three times in a row it read 137 over remember what he said he was concerned about the bottom reading the most dangerous one.ok so what the hell is going on i said is this machine i went to another drug store right away and did the same i took 4 readings of this and they were average 130 over 87........ok guys whats going on and what should i i ignore my doctors advice and still take my ephedrine and coffee or should i just stay of it for a month while i still take my readings three times a week. my cycle right now has been for 10 weeks of 6 iu hgh everyday,10 iu humalog 2 times a day only on workout days.1400mg.cypionate a week.600 mg deca a week, 20mg.nolvadex a day and i know i should have added t-3 s when i started,maybe its good that i didnt because of my blood pressure i dont know what readings are wright or wrong any more and by the way i just started 75mg.trenbolone acetate two days ago.and i was going to add 8 to 10 tabs of d-ball with the trenbolone.any advese would be appreciated

  2. #2
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    Oct 2006
    I think consistent cardio would really help your BP.

  3. #3
    but my doctor said that can lead me into getting a stoke.he said because my heart is pumping faster than it should that would be dangerous.but what about all those other readings a got at the drug store,which ones are true.this is what puzzles me.i train with weights really heavy,should i ease off on the heavy lifting.i dont know what to do.

  4. #4
    you said that you eat anything, if your taking in a lot of sodium, that can cause an increase in blood pressure

    also blood pressuer readings can vary through out the day

  5. #5
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    Have him order a stress test. I dont agree with him but I am not an MD, A stress test should help tell him for sure what is going on. Plus drop the ephedrine, that is going to throw off your BP and HR numbers some.

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulk007 View Post
    if i was to have a stoke its better to have it all the way then half of the way because if its half of the way i would end up in a wheel chair,but at least all the way i would be better off because i would be dead and wouldnt half to go to all the suffering.
    Wow, he actually said that? And what was your reply to that?

    I would lay of the drugs totally, follow a healthy eating protocol and I would say light cardio may do you some good, but I am no expert when it comes to this.

    Hope it all works out for you.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Wow, he actually said that? And what was your reply to that?

    I would lay of the drugs totally, follow a healthy eating protocol and I would say light cardio may do you some good, but I am no expert when it comes to this.

    Hope it all works out for you.

    I cant believe he said that too.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I cant believe he said that too.
    he also told him not to worry about his diet

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man View Post
    he also told him not to worry about his diet
    yeah i read that too, I assumed it was because he is eating healthy already, I kinda glanced at the thread though.

    Oh I see whats going on, he has this double posted thats were I was getting different numbers and things from. It getting to late. LOL
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 12-10-2007 at 10:49 PM.

  10. #10
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    I am not saying your doc isn't giving you the right advice, but it might be an idea to see another doc and see what he/she says.


  11. #11
    ive been on steroids for over 20 years and never had problems.i havent changed thats what i dont gear your advise is to stop everything.what about the difference in the readings from both drug stores.are those machine way off......

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulk007 View Post
    ive been on steroids for over 20 years and never had problems.i havent changed thats what i dont gear your advise is to stop everything.what about the difference in the readings from both drug stores.are those machine way off......
    Yeah they are not that accurate. If you figure that the have a built in error of 10% then you can see how your numbers can be off.

    Buy a cuff and a stethoscope and do it yourself. Its easy and a lot more accurate.

  13. #13
    so why would my doctor advise me to go to a drug store and take my readings three times a week if those readings at the drug store arent accurate.were is the logic in that.

  14. #14
    oh by the way i dont add salt to my food ,i never have and i never had this problem.i havent changed anything.

  15. #15
    and by the way i had to fast for at least 12 hours before my blood work i never ate anything when he took the blood pressure reading.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulk007 View Post
    so why would my doctor advise me to go to a drug store and take my readings three times a week if those readings at the drug store arent accurate.were is the logic in that.
    Cause he assumes your dont have a blood pressure device of your own. He is trying to be an enabler because 90 % of the people that come to his office will not follow his advice or treatment. Most people want a answer in the form of a pill because it is easier than eating right and exercising.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulk007 View Post
    ive been on steroids for over 20 years and never had problems.i havent changed thats what i dont gear your advise is to stop everything.what about the difference in the readings from both drug stores.are those machine way off......
    I suggested to stop everything because all the AAS you are taking are certinly not going to help the situation.


  18. #18
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    high blood pressure can be serious if not brought under control especially if you are older.No disrespect ment, i myself am 45. First you need to establish exactly what your bp is. i have a bp machine (£100 off the internet for a good one) and check mine twice a day when on and twice a week when off at the same times each day for consistancy. Then you can decide the way forward. Make sure the cuff you are using is the right size ,they say on them for what size of arm each is for because this is important to get a correct reading thats why the drug store bp machines are not always accurate for people with large arms. I cant believe that your doc got your bp wrong but judging by his comments im not so sure. If you were not a bodybuilder and went to him with high bp i hope he would recommend a good healthy diet and exercise to start with.If you dont want to stop all aas as Gear recomends then at least lose the coffee and epherdrine both of these up my bp.I probably take similar dosages to you when on and my bp off gear is around 125/75 and i dont let it go over 150/90 maximum whilst on because above this docs consider medication which is the last option.Best of luck.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by hulk007 View Post
    hi bros.i went to my doctor again for regular blood work and it turned out to be fine.i was curious about my blood pressure for some reason so i asked him to take a reading.well as it turned out it was 145 over 105.he was shocked and so was i because i never had problems with my blood pressure or anything else especially after being on steroids for over 20 years or i know i just turned 50 i havent changed my diet.i still eat anything because i have a fast metabolism.he told me he was concerned about the bottom reading (105 )he explained to me that my heart was pumping to fast and if i was to have a stoke its better to have it all the way then half of the way because if its half of the way i would end up in a wheel chair,but at least all the way i would be better off because i would be dead and wouldnt half to go to all the suffering.i have been seeing him regularly for a long time.he told his helper in the room that i assume he is going to be a doctor soon that he is in a way against steroids but he doesnt condome it.anyway he asked me to go at least three times a week to a drug store and use those blood pressure machine that you sit down and put your left arm in and it takes a reading and then show him the results in one month from now.i said i asked him if i should start doing some cardio,i dont usually do cardio unless i am competing three months or so before a competition.i am on a mass cycle now and i find cardio defeats the purpose of gaining about my diet he said even if i change it,it wont make a far a cardio he said if i start that its worse .it will make my heart go ever faster and that could be i asked him what i should do,he said stop taking your two 25 mg.and your two cups of coffee before workout five days a week and see what happens.ok now look what happened.i went to a drug store straight from there and took a blood pressure reading on those machine.i took it three times in a row it read 137 over remember what he said he was concerned about the bottom reading the most dangerous one.ok so what the hell is going on i said is this machine i went to another drug store right away and did the same i took 4 readings of this and they were average 130 over 87........ok guys whats going on and what should i i ignore my doctors advice and still take my ephedrine and coffee or should i just stay of it for a month while i still take my readings three times a week. my cycle right now has been for 10 weeks of 6 iu hgh everyday,10 iu humalog 2 times a day only on workout days.1400mg.cypionate a week.600 mg deca a week, 20mg.nolvadex a day and i know i should have added t-3 s when i started,maybe its good that i didnt because of my blood pressure i dont know what readings are wright or wrong any more and by the way i just started 75mg.trenbolone acetate two days ago.and i was going to add 8 to 10 tabs of d-ball with the trenbolone.any advese would be appreciated
    thanks for this post. I would lay off the ephedrine it a phasoconstrictor if your bp doesnt come down try 10mg or even five mg of lisonpril under your doctor care. Your 50 man whats it gonna hurt to lay off a little and see what up.

  20. #20
    thank you.i called my doctor today and he told me that those blood pressure machines at the drug stores are accurate otherwise if they were not he would not send my there 3 times a week.he told me that most people that go to see him for their blood pressure it is usually high until they leave his office.he thinks its most likely possible because they are nervous but he also says that the readings change during the day.he told me that the hgh and humalog defenitely wont cause the high blood pressure.he never told me to get off or lower my anabolic steroids.he simply said to definetely get off the two 25mg.of ephedrine and i can take one cup of coffee before workout instead of two just for now and see what happens in a if this is what he recommends and doesnt want me to do cardio,does this mean i should not heavy on the weight,because i have been trainning heavy still.i think i am going to end up getting high blood pressure even worse just from damn worrying including ulcer damn it.

  21. #21
    just got back from the drug store from monitoring my blood pressure.this is my readings this morning at 10;10 a;m

    systolic diastolic heart rate
    125 73 94
    126 72 96
    118 70 92
    124 68 93
    127 76 92

    well bros.i dont know what to say.if these arent normal i dont know what is..these readings look more than normal to me.this is my second day of readings now,ill do them at different time of the day for the next month and see what happens.ill keep yous posted.and thank you for all your help everyone.

  22. #22
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    mate with readings like that considering the gear you are on i dont think you have anything to worry about,i think most men of 50 would like readings like that.Heart rate is higher than normal but so is mine when im on.This situation may be a good thing long term because it might make you more aware of bp.Dont forget they do call it the silent killer because you can have very high blood pressure with very few symptoms.Everyone should check there blood pressure if on gear to be safe no matter what age you are. Best wishes .

  23. #23
    turk are you refering to the 145 over 105 heart rate.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulk007 View Post
    turk are you refering to the 145 over 105 heart rate.
    i believe he was referring to your most recent readings done yesterday....they seem good

  25. #25
    ......................(systolic) ......... (diastolic)
    optimal.........120 and below......80 and below

    normal...........139and below......89 and below

    high..............140 and above.....90 and above

    this is the chart at the drug store on the blood pressure machines.

  26. #26
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    i was refering to the latest ones which are good. The 145 over 105 was not good especially the 105 which would be a worry but the latest ones are very good even if not on gear.Its even better because you have lots of readings at a good range so i would forget about the one off high reading just watch it if you resume the epherdrine. Some people are more sensative to certain drugs . Get this one i have an adverse reation to deca and cant take it. It sends my bp through the roof and gives me dreadfull nose bleeds but 150mg of androl not a problem. Best Wishes.

  27. #27
    are you serious.

  28. #28
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    yes mate on my second course of test cyp and deca when i was 25 within a week of deca had nose bleeds so bad and bp through the roof .Had used cyp on first course so that was no problem as it was the same batch as before. Went to the doctor and i stopped course immediately. Then 6 weeks later took 100 mg shot of organon deca which came out of chemist in tenerife and the same thing.Tried it again about 3 years later exactly the same.Never touched it since. Now you can see why 20 years later i am always checking my bp.1500mg of test cyp and 100mg of androl no problem but decas a no no for me . Dont forget some people can die from eating peanuts.You may just be very sensative to epherdrine.Best wishes

  29. #29
    does anyone know if cytomel t3 raises blood pressure.

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