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Thread: Diet question for the wise

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Diet question for the wise

    Ok so this is my first post but I've been a long time reader. I'm usually able to find the information I need by just by searching but in this case I think asking is going to provide me a better answer than just searching.

    So I'm getting ready to start my third cycle here in the next couple of weeks. My first two cycles were very weak cause I just wanted to get a feel of how my body would react to some of these chemicals. The questions that I have are not in reference to the cycle that I'm going to run now but more for my diet. I have come to understand, like most of you already now, that a good diet is the absolute key. Below is my information, stats, and planned cycle.

    27 5'11 210lbs 17%

    400mg Test blend every 6th day (Proprinate 30mg, Isocaproate 60mg, Phenylproprinate 60mg, Deconate 100mg and Undeconate 150mg)
    50mg Propinate every 2nd and 4th day
    50mg Winny EOD for the last 6 weeks

    What I want to know is what is a good range for daily calories? Currently I'm consuming anywhere from 1700-2000 calories with a breakdown of 15% fat, 35% carbs and 50% protein. Now my concerns lies in that I can very easily gain weight. I'm one of those guys that if I don't workout and eat pretty good I will gain weight. So I have to be very careful. Now this current diet has allowed me to come down from 229lbs./23%bf to what I am now. I would continue on this diet but I think that it would be counter productive to my goals. I'm not concerned with my overall weight as long as my bf% is low. I'm realistic and I know that this cycle will not get me down to 10%bf but I believe that if I do this really good then it can help me get down further than I am now.

    So all of your input well be greatly appreciated. Sorry for such a long post but I guess since it's my first that I have a lot to say.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    might wanna post this in the diet section bro, you'll get more feedback there...

  3. #3
    Thanks, I just did that.

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