i have heard from couple of people **** lab products are underdosed... if anyone have ever used their products i would like to hear their experience...
i have heard from couple of people **** lab products are underdosed... if anyone have ever used their products i would like to hear their experience...
i have lab reports of the stuff im using if you want to see them.... just shoot me a pm
Okay, Here It Is... I Had To Edit The Lab Name... If I Broke A Rule Let Me Know And I Will Edit Promptly!
It Said That It Was 247 Mg Per Ml........and It Claims To Be 150, So It Was Pretty Close..
Did you have it tested yourself or is that from their website?
good catch dizz... and an update on how i think the plex gear is, i know im only 2 weeks into my cycle, deca and test e, but i had the best pump and workout i have had in months tonight...... i pushed more weight, more reps, and i am looking more filled out in the arms and chest... everyone has noticed... this may be placibo, but still its great. so far i love this gear.... we will see how it turns out in 4 more weeks... cheers!
if you read my post again, you would see where i said that it is placibo.... do you know what placibo means? that means it's where it is just in your head.... either way, a good placibo at the begining is usually a good sign to a great start of a cycle... i know my sex drive has gone way up, usually a sign that the test is good. but like i said above, i will see the truth in 4 weeks, so your not bursting my bubble.
RBIZZY, bro please keep me updated i am ready to purchase my gear just need some feed back because everyone here says plex products are underdosed.... has anyone ever heard of upjohn?? test cypionate?? i hope its not a UG
Last edited by texasmk4; 12-27-2007 at 07:17 PM.
will do.... from everything i have gathered it is a good choice... one of the best ugl out there. i have only read one bad thing on "plex" and that person thought that it was just his batch... i would go with it if you trust your source. pm me if you need to. peace
yes i know what placebo is .... ( and i know how to spell it) either way sex drive wouldnt be up in 2 weeks either, also please enlighten us why a placebo effect is the sign of a good cycle![]()
out of my cycles and my friends cycles, a good placibo always took place before a good cycle... nothing scientific about it, just my opinion... thats why i said that a good PLACEBO is a great start to a cycle....just my two cents....and there has been plenty of threads on this or other sites saying that with test cycles that they felt a increase in sex drive at the second week.... it happened in my cycles that envolved test.... and thats why there are threads where people chime in with there opinions... thats all this is, my own opinion....
I don't see why you couldn't have an icrease in sex drive in the first week. Your Testosterone levels start to rise within the first 24 hours after an injection of Test E/C let alone 160+ hours later. This is the first thing I notice in the beginning of any cycle. Usually during the second week it gets more pronounced
at 500mg per week test e, the ester hasnt even disattached itself within 2 weeks, without frontloading i dont buy it
really, well you have two guys saying that it has happened to them, more than once, and im sure, in fact i know i have read about other people having this happen to them. a rare occurence maybe, but i think not...
ok fine![]()
But really, this is kinda silly to argue how soon after starting a cycle do you start gettin boners. It's really not important. Whether it's just in my head or not, the world will continue,...
What is important is when you start seeing gains, 4 - 5 weeks.
yeah, 2 to 4 more weeks... i cant wait to see how good this plex line really is.... i have noticed a little water retention, but that is the d-bol.... its starting to kick in this week. all my workouts have been much more intense- no breaks what so ever. all my lifts have been 15-25 pounds more... and i have been getting a little edgy every now and again... i think im keeping it under control mostly....i have put on 8 pounds in two weeks, mostly water wieght i suppose, and i have alot of my family members ask me if i have been gaining wieght...
cyp400 i believe your natural test level is very low thats why it takes test cyp/enan a little while to kick in.. Make sure you get it checked from a certified doc...
i just can't wait to hear good stuff about plex products.. i am getting some npp from a friend of mine... also i heard plex's oral products are one of best in the market.. is it a rumor or fact?
so only their injectables are fairly underdosed
Yes, and I know of many other people that have also.
Hmmm, I'm hesitant to compare plex to the other three because it's a UG... But I'll try to answer this question
I would say the best out of the group is Schering. If you can get the real deal, this is the best Pharm companies on the market, IMO. But like hinted to, lots of fakes on the market
Second would be the galinika's. For three reasons; 1) they are very cheap 2) I know of no fakes on the market 3) they are always filled to 1.2ml
Third would be Testex Elmu. Kinda on the expensive side compared to the Galenikas but worth the price. A few fakes of this are on the market but as long as you trust your source you should be alright
Lastly (only because it's a UG) the Plex.
I just started a plex cycle and I can feel it already on day 3, It would be the 40mg per day of dbols I`m feeling as I have only injected 250mg of Test E so far. The injection was painless and I am expecting big gains from this cycle. I will also be using their winny injected and oral for the last 6 weeks of my cycle. All of my pct (nolva and clomid is their brand as well) I am also running arimidex at .5mg EOD. I will keep you guys updated I have before pictures and will be posting them with my after pictures and I believe there will be a dramatic change.
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