Originally posted by Marines202
Hey, im 5'7 160, ive lost alot of weight lately usaly im around 165 to 170, im lookin into takin a cycle and i have the one i wanna do , but i wanted to throw in some GH into it, i just wanted to know what u thought of the cycle and putin int he GH, and if you could help me wiht the amount of gh to throw in

test Prop/1-10wks-EOD=150mgs

if youve tried somthin like this befor or with some GH in it can u give me some feed back
Well I don't know how old you are, but if it's your first, i wouldn't advise GH.
From the looks of your compounds, it appears your looking for lean keepable gains instread of blowing up huge.
That is actually a pretty good cycle for a first provided you dont' mind the frequent injects; which in the case your looking for once or twice a wk you could switch to Enan.
But anyway, this is how I would lay it out:
Wks1-13 150mgPropEOD
Wks1-10 300mg EQ
Wks8-13 50mgWinnyED
Clomid started 2days after last Prop/Winny dose.

Props half-life along with winny are extremely short. Using Enanthate, you would stop at wk 11, but using prop you can go practically straight into clomid.
EQ's half-life is roughly 17-21 days(or 3wks) so stopping it at week 10 is going to lead you to wk13 before it leaves your system. Thus the reason for continuing the short half-lived roids untill you can come off "cleaner" shall we say.