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Thread: Bouncer aka Bouncer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA

    Bouncer aka Bouncer

    Good job taking advantage of you moderator status, and then closing that thread. And name calling in the process that was not a right thing to do.

    Just cause someone doesnt agree with your views does mean they are spewing "lies" ,I support the palestinians, so that doesnt that mean I support terrorism, as you say.

    Just cause someone supports the Palestianians doesnt mean the support terrorism.

    Im sure your the type of person that thinks all Palestians are terrorists, and thats a shame.

    I said I support the Palestianians in whatever they do, I didnt say I support terrorists in whatever they do, dont put words in peoples mouths.

    And dont ever say "I support suicide bombings against innocent" thats as far as you will go in putting words in my mouth, no human being can justify killing the innocent on both sides, dont say that, I never said that so DONT say that about me!!

    I came to anabolicreview to research and start my first cycle. I like this site and am respectful, read all my other posts, but the part of the board is to discuss matters, and not make up BS and then make that an excuse to close the thread cause you didnt want to bother or reply to my claims.

    You attack me for calling Isralies greedy then you post an article im sure you support that says " But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough. Oh im a regular member so I cant say it rite?

    Now after reading this close or delete this thread also cause I have made my point.
    Last edited by RockSolid; 12-23-2002 at 01:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Didn't see the thread, but it would be much better to resolve this stuff via PM than like this.

    Can you believe an Israel and Palestine thread got heated, not very surprising? Lets get back to Fitness, Nutrition, and Body Building, shall we?

    We will have enough of a war to debate in a month or so.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    New Jerzey, USA
    He choose to call me a terrorist supporter, and a supporter of suicide bombing against the innocent and closed the thread. Out in the public not in pm's. I like his info on traning and his steriod pictures. But calling people this and that is not right.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    RockSolid, You wanna call people out do it in private via PM. That thread needed to be closed because some people in it were starting to make it into less of a discussion and more of a flame fest. That is not the kinda posting we allow here. Now you are here trying to do it all over again.

    Heres a little tip bro. AR allows any opinions on all subjects. We do not allow you to Flame others. We certainly do not allow people to call out longstanding member (or Mods).

    If you want to support a civilization who supports terrorist acts you have that right but don't be such a tough guy when for some reason people disagree with you.

    BTW I did see the thread but decided not to participate because of where it was going.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Rock you haven't made any point with me. I let that thread go on alot longer than most people here would have. I tried giving you the last word, but you couldn't finish the matter in a civilised manner, instead you showed your support for torrorist acts against the Israeli state and it's people. I even pointed out the fact that I was closing the thread while the poll showed a majority support for the Palestinians. At this stage had I been as cunning and underhanded as you seem to think I am I could have 'recruited' some pro Israeli members of other website's I use to register here, vote in favour of Israel THEN close the thread. Anyway here's some points you choose to ignore;

    I have worked in both a military and humanitarian roll in support of both Jews, Christians and Muslims in Lebanon, and on the Lebanese/Israeli border. I've even posted a personal photo of me with those poor Muslim orphans whose parents were killed in the war in Southern Lebanon.

    I've had comrades killed by both sides in the war, and still I've shown respect to both and have not once bad mouthed any side in the conflict. I tried pointing out historical facts about the region which you said you choose to ignore.

    I've shown my support for the state of Israel, plus my support for a Palestinian state and the withdrawal of Israeli settlers. Without blowing kisses up Chairman Arafats ass there's hardly anything more I could do to show my support for a peacefull settlement to the conflict.

    etc etc etc, forgive me but I can't remember 70+ pages posted.

    I'll tell you what I did prevent, I feel I prevented 'Rak_Ani' making a total and utter fool of you, I could have with your very poorly researched information on Ireland but I choose not to. And she could have as an Israeli, and as Israeli who played a part in the peace movement there made you look a fool with your research on Israel/Palestine. However instead you choose to post this thread and do it all by yourself.

    'Cutting to the chase', both before and after closing the thread I sought advice from alot of people here and they all agreed it was time to close it. I asked my fellow moderators to review it and if my actions had over stepped my bounds as a moderator to open it again. But what came to the fore in everyone's mind was your emotive last post in the thread and your support of terror.

    Ok you've called me out here, there's my reply to you. I refuse to read or answer any PM's from you regarding this matter now. My part in this discussion is finished.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    rock solid, dont worry about it bro, im palestinian/australian, and i know bouncer is pro israeli, so u will never be right in his eyes, thats how these things are...i dont know what ur thread is about, but i will say i ofcourse support the palestinians and think the israeli government is the real terrorist. ive been there and seen it with my own eyes so many times, the only reason i am alive is becasue im australian in nationality,and they know that. i have seen young kids shot because thay are throwing stones, ive seen curfews devastate the proudest of families, ive seen cousins come back in a vegetative state after being "routinely" interogated by the idf, its cruel, and any reasonable person can see this. these pple who say if we give the palestininas more land they will want more. how do u know? u have never had the courage to even do that? i mean i know pple who condemn palestinian bombings and then say why is this happening? are u joking me? someone can only put up with so much then they explode,its human nature, and the more shit u givem the less likely they are to return to a peaceful position.
    one last word about this "rak-in "chic, ive read her posts and ive read many more, i dont care what her qaulifications are, she has an obviuos vested interest in the whole crisis, i mean i can go get some of my uncles who are proffessors on the area and i can gaurantee they will trash her arguements. will u believe them???? my point is its not about truth anymore its about what the media can make pple believe is the truth. and "RON" "a civilisation that supports terrorism " that is extreme and untrue i expect more from mods, their status implies they are knowledgeable and free of bias...I wont comment any further on this thread cause humans are destined to to kill themselves fighting we all know that, i just wanna juice and live in my little world of peace i call my home. rock solid stick in there bro, insha allah peace one day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    New Jerzey, USA
    Originally posted by big palo
    i just wanna juice and live in my little world of peace i call my home. rock solid stick in there bro, insha allah peace one day.
    good post your rite, there is no point arguing, im done arguing too. But I had to call out on Bouncers ludcrious comments.

    By the way Ron Intelligent post. Im sure they are all terrorist supporters or terrorists.

    Im done.
    Last edited by RockSolid; 12-24-2002 at 04:18 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Big palo Great post bro.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Big Palo, I agree you made a good post there. But you went astray in your points alittle on me. And I'll say this one more time, and I'll even make it simplier. ***Geeze***

    I support both an Israeli state and a peace process that will lead to an independant Pal state living in peace with their Israeli neighbours. I utterly condem any terror activities regardless their origin as I've (unlike you Big Palo) proved here beyond any doubt that I've been there and seen the results of both Arab and Israeli aggression.

    I would love to see the proff whereby I used or abused my moderator status here when during that last thread, had I done so I would have closed it alot earlier than 70+ posts and I would have made sure of an Israeli majority in the poll.

    And of course Rak-Ani has a vested interest in this discussion because unless it escaped your attention Big Palo she's an Israeli lady not a "chic" as you've called her, living in an Israeli state with it's back to the wall fighting terrorism on a scale unseen in either the USA(where the majority of our members are) or in Australia where you are.

    But I'll tell you both one last thing. One final attempt to twist my words and I WILL start to use my moderator status here and put a stop to it, as I've done for dozens of other members when they've reported voilations of the boards rules to me or any other moderator.

    Rock Solid I think you've shown a support for terror and have incited hatred here with your very biased and poorly researched views of the current Israeli/Palestinian crisis. I've tried my very best to give an unbiased view, which I why I've both posted proff of my military and humanitarian roles. However my support of Israel seems to be a torn in the side of a few people involved here who are too narrow minded to see through their prejudices.

    Now it's christmas eve here, I'm chilling with a few can's of Guinness and a bottle of Black Bushmill's so with that I'll bid you all a safe and happy christmas.



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Bouncer I didnt twist ur words I believe by saying this u are twisting mine, all i said was ; "and i know bouncer is pro israeli, so u will never be right in his eyes, thats how these things are." check it out a few posts ago, thats all that was mentioned about u bouncer, so please dont threaten to ban me because of what i didnt say.
    i was merely expressing my view on several things. I did not at any time twist anyones words the facts speak for themselves.
    I love this board,and its informed members, i am a member of academia and have the highest respect for the role education plays in human society and hence i get very annoyed when education is raped by bias and predjudice, and turned into a medium of diseducation.
    I said i didnt want to comment any further in my last post but i felt i had to correct what was said about me, because i can tolerate almost anything but misrepresentation.
    i remember while studying Herodotus i came past a quote reffering to the ancient culture at the time; " power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" .This applies i think to every single person who lives, from presidents to mods to pple who have no real distinguished position , use power for the right reasons.
    no hard feelings anyone, life is too short ...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    New Jerzey, USA
    Originally posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
    But I'll tell you both one last thing. One final attempt to twist my words and I WILL start to use my moderator status here and put a stop to it
    I didnt want to start ANOTHER argument, and I wasnt gonna reply but there you go again accusing me falsely and misinterperting and Twisting my words, and then send out a threat. I didnt know "twisting words" can cause a person to be banned, lol

    Rock Solid I think you've shown a support for terror and have incited hatred here with your very biased and poorly researched views of the current Israeli/Palestinian crisis.
    [Bouncer aka Bouncer] I think you've shown a support for Israeli terror and have incited hatred here with your very biased and poorly reserached views on the current Israeli/Palestinian crisis.

    I've tried my very best to give an unbiased view,
    LOL, this is coming from a person with an Israeli flag as a avatar.

    And I lost all my respect for the rak ankle "chic" when she basically called all AMERICANS dumb stupid and uneducated morons,that cant tell the differece between Afghanistan and Israel.

    Dont speak my name and accuse me of things PLEASE, i have done nothing wrong, I didnt know what I did as Ron said a "call out" was wrong. I am a well respected member in many boards and I would like to keep it that way. Dont accuse me of anything, Please.

    IF these words are the reason I get banned, I really dont know what to say.

    Dont refer or accuse me of anything and I honestly will not reply.
    Last edited by RockSolid; 12-25-2002 at 05:13 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Guys where in the fucking hell did I threaten to ban anyone ?.

    And Big Palo, your wrong in thinking that as an Israeli supporter I won't see the Palestinian side of the arguement here. At this stage I feel like I'm banging my head off a fucking wall with you two, the saying 'Theres none so blind as he who will not listen' comes to mind here. How many more times do I have to repeat myself here in my support for an Independant Pal state living in peace with their Israeli neighbours, READ MY DAMN WORDS PROPERLY.

    If I was biased as you two make me out, why in the name of god did I volunteer to serve in the middle east as a UN peace keeper?. Putting my life in jepardy more times than I care to remember. I have served in the middle east many many times since my first tour of duty in 1988 and have seen more changes, killings, feuds, maiming's etc and have sat out more IDF/IAF artillary shelling of Arab villages while at the same time giving shelter to the local muslim and christian population. I've also put my life, and asked my comrades to put theirs at risk while doing daily minesweeps protecting the tracks the IDF and SLA would use. In 1988 I had 3 friends killed protecting water tanks above a village called 'Bra shite' (I kid you not!) because the locals were afraid the IDF would poision their water supply. And who killed them?, the same fucking locals! by laying a land mine on the track to the post. The track was used only by us.

    Don't think (and I know you don't because you've tried many times to muddy the waters in my replies) I look at the IDF with rose tinted specs, I don't!. However my support for the Israeli state will never be shaken.

    Now prove to me please where I threatened to ban you both or apologise.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA
    Originally posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
    Don't think (and I know you don't because you've tried many times to muddy the waters in my replies) I look at the IDF with rose tinted specs, I don't!. However my support for the Israeli state will never be shaken.

    Now prove to me please where I threatened to ban you both or apologise.

    Hey man, Bouncer, its a very honorable and courageous thing you did working as a peacekeeper in the middle east, yes you respect the palestianians and their causes, and know why they are fightiing, but you come of pro-israeli to me in every post, come on, you even got an Israeli flag in your avatar. I know US soldiers that defened the Kuwaitis in 92, that basically hate the Kuwaitis, just cause they defend them doesnt mean they like them.

    And Bouncer read the article by Joseph Farah an arab jew you posted in the "70+ page thread", that really doesnt show any support for Palestianians or even recognizition of the palestianians, that article basically says "there is no such thing as palesetinians" and that "they were an invention by the enyous and greedy arabs". How can you paste an article like that?

    And the comment you said "I might use my moderator status" if that wasnt refering to "banning" I apoligize. I come of very strong against Israel cause thats how it has been even since losing a loved life by an Israeli soldier and Im not even Arab, that is why sometimes I come of as basically "wanting to nuke israel" It was stupid but its in the heat of the argument.

    My support for the Palestianian people and a future state for them will remain 100%, and I hope they one day have a state to live in peacefully.
    Last edited by RockSolid; 12-25-2002 at 03:27 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    i am not ignorant of the fact that u do humanitarian work, and i know u do see some of our side, the reason i told rock solid not to expect u to see his side is ur refusal to accept that there is such a place as palestine, in some of ur earlier replies. i know ur justification for this but it is in my eyes its not right, and this is why i have grouped u in such a group, but the more i read the more i see u probably have differing views on diff issues and shouldnt be grouped. and about the threat, i thought it was to ban, but u may of meant to delete?
    bouncer, i do support a two state solution, its the only way, BUT it has to be equitable and just. i dont hate jews, my departed grandfathers buisness partner/best friend was a jew back in the 30's in palestine , the arabs and jews lived together as freinds and neighbours, it was the artificial influx of outsiders that has created this problem. i dont believe jews from russia, uk, poland etc have any right to displace the natural inhabitants of the land, whether they be jew or anything else, that is what i hate most.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Great to be Back!

    Glad to see that Bouncer hasn't changed a bit.

    Really Glad there are the likes of Big Palo and RockSolid in this board.

    Come on how do you expect people from all over the world to live harmoniously if we in this board are bickering with one another.

    I truelly believe that MOST of the members in AR are mature intellectual people who don't resort to stereotyping or name calling.

    I don't hate Jewish people (hope this is the politically correct word) , I just don't like bias-ness and injustice that's all.

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