I have been using roids for 3-4 years now, id say a moderate user at 25. Recently came across some STuff called ARA-TEST, by a company called aranda. Probably mexican but can anyone tell me if they heard of it? IF so what to expect, thanx.
I have been using roids for 3-4 years now, id say a moderate user at 25. Recently came across some STuff called ARA-TEST, by a company called aranda. Probably mexican but can anyone tell me if they heard of it? IF so what to expect, thanx.
Well I cant tell ya how it works YET but I i have a some as well. Lot#G01I66 Exp jul 2004. I asked around only one other person i asked has USED it and he said i should do it about every 3 days or just do the Enant. by itself.
thank you, wonder if the stuff is real or not. This never came across in new york
if I remember correctly thats prop and should be injected eod, how many mgs per ml is it?
aratest 2500. 200mg test ethante 50mg test prop from what I recall. It's good bro, but like popa said few times a week you would have to inject in order for the prop to do its trick.
It's good stuff if your just using it for the enanthate, since the propionate only lasts about 2 days in your system, and the enanthate lasts about 10 days. no use in the prop. side, unless your going to inject 3-4 times a week for the prop. and that would be 800mg enanthate a week and 200 mg prop. a week. but that is a lot of test if you are a low or moderate user. hope you got some nolva and clomid on hand. you may need it at 800 mg enan. a week
hope I helped you out some. I've used it 3 times and got great results. (just for the enanthate). I also have experienced that sometimes the vials are a little under 10ml. per bottle. Me and my friends who I know have taken it all say the same thing, you get about 8.5 to 9cc;s to a bottle.
MY last cycle didn't seem to produce the results i expected, it seems everyt time i do a cycle there are only moderate gains, not like in the begining when the changes were significant. I cycled 10 vials of 250mg duratest with 10 vials of 200mg cypinate. Mixing the two every week, 1 for 1, 200mg cyp w/ 250 duratest. Not the desired results, now i justed picked up the aratest. Maybe its time to raise the bar and go full throttle on the mgs. any suggestions??
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