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Thread: Letro in conjunction with Nolva Post Cycle

  1. #1

    Letro in conjunction with Nolva Post Cycle

    I have read C-BINO's thread and followed it correctly. I still have a small amount of Gyno.

    I have both Nolva and Letro and I am currently taking the letro as C-BINO says to reverse the Gyno.

    My question is (because i see a bunch of people saying different things but nobody really answering my question) is if i should continue taking the letro when i start my Nolva when i get off my cycle????

    If the gyno persists after my PCT should i still take letro???

    Thank you for the help.

  2. #2
    I think i just found my answer. So much information on this board that i skim , but i came acrossed it.

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