With nuclear assets being equal, Iran defintly has an advantage over Pakistan over the long run because is has the financial means to build a superior military. With all the sanctions and trade restrictions Iran doesnt currently have the logistics. Pakistan was "fortunate" to join the war on terror and was given the green light to acquire US military equipement. Yet lets not forget defence sales were pretty much halted by the US due to the nuclears tests.

The ISI controlled the Taliban and Afghanistan and did a formidable job in controlling almost all of Afghaistan, which historically pretty much never happened. With the war on terror the Taliban was crushed and the Iranians are exerting their influence once again in Afghanistan. Iraq in terms of popularity is a Shia dominated nation that was run by a Sunni dictator, once US is out Shia Iran will make its presence felt in Shia Iraq.

Turkey to my knowledge hasn't indigenously acquired its nukes but they dont influence much of the Arab world.

I due see there geopolitical influence in the gulf region increasing.
Correct, the potential is great and it would defiantly have greater influence with nukes. I really see the lapdog Saudi Arabia getting nervous because Saudi has great influence reaching all the way to Pakistan. Then again I dont want to start a tangent on Saudi Arabia because that is where the root for the war on terror should be. A very hypocritical approach in there regard.