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Thread: Clenbuterol

  1. #1
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    Hi i am planning to use Clenbuterol in a few months to cut some body fat.

    First training history. I just turned 18 years old. I have been training for 2 years consistently 3-4 times a week doing power lifting more or so to build muscle mass. I started at about 215 pounds and 30 % some percent body fat. I managed to get down to about 180 pounds and then thought it was time to put on some serious weight. Amazing in about 1.5 years after i got the weight down i have gotten up to about 245 pounds. I gained alot of muscle and want to cut fat now.

    Yes this is true and i have not used any anabolic steroids or testosterone before. I have gained alot of muscle to the point where my skin was stretching and my doctor thought i was using "androgens".

    However i am happy with the muscle i gained but i would like to begin to cut some fat. I have made a new program already and am also researching my diet.

    One more important thing i feel is that ihave had bigger genetics. I find im an easy gainer but i was severly obese before i began lifting weights. Even when i got down to 180 pound si didnt lose all my fat i wanted to build muscle to make it easier to burn fat. I lost a tonof fat on my stomache, arms, chest but however i have a terrible amount of fat on my thighs and butt. Also from what i see it could even be a bit of cellulite on my rear end. Another thing i feel is important to mention is i have been trying to bulk and my BF hasnt changed in months from what i feel. I havent gained alot of fat in my opinoin but i havent lost any of the fat. Alot of the fat i had is garbage left over from before.

    As far as Clen goes i am in the high teens BF % now and i would like to get a little bit lower and then begin to use some clenbuterol. From what i understand you can use Clen for 2 weeks and then stop and go back on 2 weeks because clenbuterol will downgrade your beta 2 receptors.

    Here is where it gets confusing i hear you can use Clenbuterol for up to 6 weeks at a time if you use Benadryl or a similar anti-histamine to upgrade the receptors but can you use longer then 6 weeks if you are taking benadryl? And if you go this route and choose to use clen for 6 weeks in conjunction with benadryl how long after those 6 weeks would you have to wait to go back on?

    Also if you are taking clen for 6 weeks would you begin with the 20-40 mcg and then up it keepin an eye on the sides and Blood pressure and stay at the max dose for like 4 weeks and then work back down???? What i am trying to say if you choose to use clenbuterol for 6 weeks at a time do you only build up to the top of the pyramid once and work back down? And do you take benadryl every week your on clen after the second week?

    Thanks for help i would like to know how you guys found clen it seems some people get good results and others don't. And as far as dosages go i haven't seen to much info some people say they go up to 120-140 mcg and others say dont go over 200 mcg? what is a good dosage if you plan to use it for 6 weeks?

    (I dont plan on using AAS as i am to young and know its effects on HPTA so please no recomendations on AAS compounds.) Thanks!
    Last edited by bigt10; 12-07-2007 at 10:41 PM.

  2. #2
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    Hey also any comments on other NON-Steroid Compounds such as DNP, Albuterol, or T3 (clymotel)

    From what i gather DNP is risky and Clymotel (T3) is also catabolic to muscle as the way it functions it will use fat and muscle so it isnt very productive without AAS which isnt an option for me.


    Also is possible i have actually had breathing problems and never got tested for asthma but my fathers medical plan will pay 100% for prescription drugs? If i turned out to have asthma is they're any chance they would prescribe me clenbuterol or albuterol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    you should take the clen 10-12 weeks straight...taking benadryl every 3rd cardio 5-6 times aweek and check out the diet form hear....its nice to see someone your age be responsible about the body and not dive in to of luck bro!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    check this site out to bro...its great read!!!!

  5. #5
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    What about the dosage?

    I hear this stuff is hard on your heart and you cant just pop pills i am sure they're is a decent amount of mcg per kg or something of body weight for clen which you shouldn't go over..........

    And so is it every 3rd week u take benadryl for 1 week and how much of a dosage of benadryl would be recommended?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    take a look at the site I posted it should answer all your questions

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    forget about the dnp

    clen is best done 2 weeks on 2 off

    start with .02 or .04
    and listen to ur body
    as long as ur shaking ur good to goo

    just try not to exceed .16 - .2

  8. #8
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    I have read that thread it is a good starter to clen however i see a few missing things.

    One being he stops at 120 mcg but what is the max you shouldn't go over? WIll more clen raise the body temp giving higher thermogenic effect leading to higher fat loss?

    And one thign always puzzled me with clen if clenbuterol is supposed to trigger the beta 2 receptors how do they downgrade after 2 weeks?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Sparta!Athlete town USA
    read the profile on this site, he covers beta receptors, good luck kid.This stuff is strong and if you don't handle uppers well avoid it.Its coffee on steriods.Sometimes it feels like your head is going to split in half!I would rather change my diet then go through clen shakes or insomnia again.Thats my take.

  10. #10
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    Anyone try albuterol here?

    And from what i gather Clymotel (t3) alone is a bad option and youll lose alot of muscle to if you arent using AAS with it.

  11. #11

    not what u wanna hear

    this is prolly not want u want to hear but u just turned 18 and ur body is going to go threw alot of changed is the next 2 years or so...despite the fact it seems that u have really researched and prolly know what u r doing...I would hold off for as long as possible just because clen is not an aas dont think it is not as or more powerful...clen is scary to me and works diff on everyone I have taken HALF of a 20mcg pill and it had me going like u wouldnt believe then some people take 120 mcg... imo I would stick with cardio and diet for a lil while longer remember anything worth having is worth working hard for....good luck and b careful

  12. #12
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    EZgainer you are probally right but when i say i am hard to lose fat i mean it.

    I never wanted to use AAS right now cause the muscle gains i got in a year were just incredible. But i still want to lose some of this fat i had from before and need to keep my muscle to keep the fat off. I plan on starting this in a 2-3 months and the first month ill try doign it with cardio and different diet but if it doesnt work ill need some help. Mind you i have looked alot more jacked since i was 190 pounds i had put on well over 55 pound sin a year and ahalf.

    ALso the fat i got is shit from before all very lower abs and legs/ass. I found my stomache leaned nicer with the muscle.

    Anyways i think i am gonna get tested for asthma soon cause ive always had asthma symptons.

    What is albuterol like to you guys or would the docotor prescribe me clenbuterol (canada). And if they did how much would they prescribe anyways....

  13. #13
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    in my own world
    that upper stuff can have some people adicted in no time. make sure that doesnt happen to you. use it carfully and be safe.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    what they would prescribe would be most likely in inhaler form and dont think you'd get the same benefits...but as a few people before said work on the diet...that'll get whatever results you me, the diet is where any problem lays...

  15. #15
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    have any of you gone over 120-140 mcg it seems most people dont go over this much.

    If you stay on for 12 weeks u take the Benadryl ever 3 rd week for 1 week?

    Week 1 = Clen
    week 2= Clen
    week 3= clen and benadryl
    week4= clen
    weel 5= clen
    week 6= clen and benadryl
    week9=clen and benadryl
    week12=clen and benadryl

    And if you stop after 12 weeks of this how long would you wait before you jump on clen again???

    What is the recommended dosage of benadryl?

  16. #16
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    I am most likely going to buy clen off of a freind because his sister works on race horses and she herself uses it.

    I never asked because he has a problem with clen from years ago where he says if he uses it his eyes feel really weird.

    But the clen given to horses i would guess it is going to be a syrup??? In that case would an oral syringe work to measure the clen dosage???
    Last edited by bigt10; 12-08-2007 at 10:03 PM.

  17. #17
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    Is it more common that clen would be given to a horse in pill, injection, or syrup?

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    i think it comes in as a gel pump

  19. #19
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    Sorry any recomendations for dosage of benadryl.

    was i correct in that every 3rd week you would use benadryl for 1 week?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    You Need About 50 To 100 Mgs Every Night For A Week..

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Make sure you start low as stated above around the 20-40mcg range and take 2-4g of taurine and drink 1-1.5 gallons of water a day. After about 3 days the worst of the sides tend to subside for most(headaches, shaking, cramping). If you are dieting down just be careful how low you take your carbs, clen and low carbs don't work well in the majority of people. Good luck and keep learning.

  22. #22
    im taking clen everyday at 80mcg and eca stack.great results

  23. #23
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    So what would you guys change with diet?

    What is reason for keepin carbs up on clen?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    big, you have to watch out clen for me, increased my appetite big time. I was eating like an animal when i was on clen. You have to keep protein high , moderate carbs. sometimes the shaking on clen can be a little counterproductive in a workout but good luck and just keep diet in check.

  25. #25
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by SMALLbaby View Post
    im taking clen everyday at 80mcg and eca stack.great results
    I believe the eca stack will reduce the results from the clen. The use up the same receptor sites.

  26. #26
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    Ya from the article i read on the steroid profiles it says that eca stack will hit the beta 2 receptors and everything around them.

    SO if after 2 weeks of clen use 1 week of benadryl 50-100 mgs a day is enough to upregulate those receptors?

    "So what exactly dose a stimulant like Clen (or Ephedrine) do when it stimulates those Beta Receptors? Well, it serves to increase your body temperature a bit by increasing heat production in the Mitochondria, increase your basal metabolic rate, and decrease your appetite (1). This partly explains how Beta-2 agonists directly stimulate fat cells and increase lypolysis (fat-loss)(1)(13). And also, because it is a Beta-2 agent, clen can decrease insulin sensitivity (2), unfortunate"

    So if clen is stimulating these receptors wouldnt it upgrade them?

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Decatur, GA
    im ordering the liquid clen from aar today. does it come with a "squirter" or should i go out and purchase one?

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    NY, Long Island
    Wow guys -.- Where to start. Bigt if you are worried about Clen sides go with Albuterol. I am not going to go through the trouble of sifting through all the crap in this thread. So if you need any help feel free to pm me. Darkseed the clen doesn't come with a squirter the bottle has a little squirter on it. Each pump is about 20mcg, but it isn't very accurate. Go to your local pharmacy and buy an oral syringe.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Decatur, GA
    well i sure appreciate your assistance mister to the pharmacy i go!!!!!!!!!

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