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Thread: Deeper injections release faster?

  1. #1

    Deeper injections release faster?

    I have never been a fan of deep injections, as I have always been of the school of thought that if it is in the muscle, it is an effective IM. regarless of being .5" deep or 1" deep.

    Someone correct me if I am wrong on that, or if that can lead to problems.

    My normal protocol has been this:

    I always swipe the top of the vial with alchohol, and the the site I will be injecting before doing anything else.

    1. Load the syringe with an 18 gauge pin.

    2. Leave one tiny spot of air at the top of the syringe, by pulling back on the plunger just slightly. And change out the needle with a smaller 27 (sometimes 25) gauge that is only .5" long. Push out that tiny bit of air, so that I see just one ity bitty drop of the test coming out the tip of the needle.

    3. inject, nice and slow. Wait several seconds at the end before withdrawing the needle. For some reason that seems to prevent any leakage.

    4. I do not put any more than 1 cc in any one spot. If I need to shoot more than that, I then replace the needle with another .5" 27 gauge, and stick another spot. (Do I need to be switching out the needles when doing this? Or is it safe to pull out and re-inject with the same needle?)

    This is what I do when hitting tris, delts, or quads, as I know I do not have much fat covering any of these areas, and I have never seen a bubble under the skin from doing this either.

    Should I be going a full 1" deep instead? Does that help anything really? Or is these just some anecdotal evidence that deeper get absorbed faster?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    If it works for you then do it that way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    From what I understand, the deeper you go the better the absorption rate.

  4. #4

    4. I do not put any more than 1 cc in any one spot. If I need to shoot more than that, I then replace the needle with another .5" 27 gauge, and stick another spot. (Do I need to be switching out the needles when doing this? Or is it safe to pull out and re-inject with the same needle?)

    I would definitly change the needle the tips get pretty beat up after only one injection and it will be harder to go in the second time
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bd_needle1.jpg 
Views:	171 
Size:	11.1 KB 
ID:	87249   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bd_needle1b.jpg 
Views:	199 
Size:	10.6 KB 
ID:	87250  

  5. #5
    Why not just go deep?? I go 1.5" everywhere, glutes, quads, and delts

  6. #6
    I have 23 gauge 1.5'' pins and normally only leave 1/4'' out i try to go as deep as comfortable, better absorbstion.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by BlaZinWR08 View Post
    I have 23 gauge 1.5'' pins and normally only leave 1/4'' out i try to go as deep as comfortable, better absorbstion.
    Is it better absorption, or just faster?

    I just cannot see more or less of the substance eventually getting absorbed shallow than deep.

    At the very least, what causes it to be better (or just faster if thats the case) absorbed when deeper?

    Are there any studies that show this? Blood test results, both short term into a cycle vs. long term?

    For now I will continue to inject shallow, as it has been working for me fairly well.

    I do however consider learning more about anything that can make anyting better.

    If this is the case, I find it curious. Not trying to argue, more like to understand.

    Besides I do have plenty of 23 gauge 1.25" pins I use for glutes. Although I rarely use these as I have trouble reaching to do the injections myself there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I just believe unless your very lean 1/2 isn't deep enough. The shots are supposed to be IM. If your are using 1/2 by the time you do get into the muscle you aren't in very far. Then you inject 2ml of oil. That oil do go someplace All of it may not be in the muscle since you aren't in very far. And yes that would effect how well and fast its absorbed. IMO

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post

    4. I do not put any more than 1 cc in any one spot. If I need to shoot more than that, I then replace the needle with another .5" 27 gauge, and stick another spot. (Do I need to be switching out the needles when doing this? Or is it safe to pull out and re-inject with the same needle?)

    I would definitly change the needle the tips get pretty beat up after only one injection and it will be harder to go in the second time
    Thanks for the pitctures of the needles.

    Well it is good to know that swtiching my needles has been worth it.

    Even if I am getting a slower absorption, at least my shots have been pain free, or as close to it as possible.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I wish I could find the article, but there was something in the news.. (not steroid related, some other medicine)

    that specifically mentioned that deeper injections are better absorbed by muscle tissue. In this medicines case it made a big difference, thats why the doctors used longer needles.. something like that.
    Last edited by Pooks; 01-12-2008 at 10:25 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I just believe unless your very lean 1/2 isn't deep enough. The shots are supposed to be IM. If your are using 1/2 by the time you do get into the muscle you aren't in very far. Then you inject 2ml of oil. That oil do go someplace All of it may not be in the muscle since you aren't in very far. And yes that would effect how well and fast its absorbed. IMO
    Therein is the difference. I only inject 1 cc at a time.

    2mls, I can easily see why that would have to be deeper.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    I wish I could find the article, but there was something in the news.. (not steroid related, some other medicine)

    that specifically mentioned that deeper injections are better absorbed by muscle tissue. In this medicines case it made a big difference, thats why the doctors used longer needles.. something like that.
    Was that medicine an AAS? either way that is very interesting to me, I may start going in a little deeper. I just want to make sure the extra discomfort is not for nothing. hence why I like to view the studies.

  12. #12
    go deep like tom brady

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by BlaZinWR08 View Post
    go deep like tom brady
    lol about if you draw from 2 diff vials (dbol/test) do you guys recommend to switch pins also?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I inject more than 1 cc in the area that I am shooting. Why do you break the shots into 1 cc shots? Just wondering what the benefits are of doing this. Thanks.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    as far as i am concerned as long as it is in the muscle wether it is half inch or inch and a half the absorbsion rate will be the same...its still in the muscle wether its deep or not...................

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  16. #16
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    Aug 2001
    The deeper you go the less leakage. I inject 4-5cc into one spot and if I don't go deep enough I get leakage.

    I never inject with a pin that has been put through the top of a vial to extract oil. After extracting the oil I always change the pin. It is more sterle and the pin has not been dulled. With a nice sharp pin you whouldn't be able to feel a prick at all. At least I don't feel a thing.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Braz_Machine View Post
    The deeper you go the less leakage. I inject 4-5cc into one spot and if I don't go deep enough I get leakage.

    I never inject with a pin that has been put through the top of a vial to extract oil. After extracting the oil I always change the pin. It is more sterle and the pin has not been dulled. With a nice sharp pin you whouldn't be able to feel a prick at all. At least I don't feel a thing.
    I never put in that much at once, however I complete understand if I did it would have to be deep.

    I also 100% agree with changing pins before injecting too.

    For now 1/2" or 5/8" is where I will keep it at, unless I am going to use more than 2cc in any spot.

  18. #18
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Booz View Post
    as far as i am concerned as long as it is in the muscle wether it is half inch or inch and a half the absorbsion rate will be the same...its still in the muscle wether its deep or not...................
    I am of the same opinion, IM injection is just that and depth shouldn't affect the rate or quality of absorption. However, were the playing field slightly changed, say to a considerably more vascular injection area, then rate (but not quality) would be necessarily augmented.

    If you can locate the aforementioned article, I'd be quite interested as to whether depth may increase vascular opportunity, and thereby be of value.
    Last edited by magic32; 01-14-2008 at 02:44 PM.
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  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The deeper the better the absorption bro.... GO DEEP

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    love this post!!!!

  21. #21
    if u get in the mussle u have won the battle

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