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Thread: HCG 2000 IU Vial... Help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Exclamation HCG 2000 IU Vial... Help!

    Hey whats up guys so my source use to get 5000IU vials of HCG and is now only carrying 2000IU HCG vials. I got 5 of them to get 10,000 IU for my PCT. Im doing 500IU ED for 3wks during my PCT. My bacteriostatic water comes in 30ml vial. My question is how many bottles of Bact. water do I need to mix it properly? This is my first time mixing it myself as my pharmacist buddy that use to room mate with me has been deployed for 15 months. Thanks guys for your help!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Z06 View Post
    Hey whats up guys so my source use to get 5000IU vials of HCG and is now only carrying 2000IU HCG vials. I got 5 of them to get 10,000 IU for my PCT. Im doing 500IU ED for 3wks during my PCT. My bacteriostatic water comes in 30ml vial. My question is how many bottles of Bact. water do I need to mix it properly? This is my first time mixing it myself as my pharmacist buddy that use to room mate with me has been deployed for 15 months. Thanks guys for your help!
    it depends on what type of pin your going to be shooting it through..... buy slin pins...... suck 40 units of BAC water into the slin pin, then shoot it into the hcg vial..... now, thats 500iu HCG per 10 units on the slin pin in the belly.

    500iu x 4 shots = 2000iu

    very easy to do it this way. Get slin pins....

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