LOL here is my b4 pic im starting dbol and test cycle so here is my pic b4 and ill hav one in 12 weeks of my after haha
LOL here is my b4 pic im starting dbol and test cycle so here is my pic b4 and ill hav one in 12 weeks of my after haha
Last edited by tuname101; 12-18-2007 at 11:51 AM.
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dosnt work![]()
i insert the url of the pic in the little mountian thing and it doesnt work idk why
save it into a folder and attach it from there instead of urling it
kinda looks like youve been lifting for about 2 or 3 months and you probably don't have a good diet down. how old r u man? ur weight, height, experience, etc.?
Make sure you get your diet dialed in and your workout consistant and intense for awhile then hit that cycle...then you'll be happy with your end result.
well i got the work out consistent and im eating alot also taking weight gainer as well as eating 3000 calories 150+ protien in food alone.. so i should easily get to 175lbs in 2 months easily.. i ussualy weigh 160 but im down to 150 cuz ive been doing boxing and alot of running lately. nd ive already started taking dbol 3 days ago.. but i need to go get sum test in a week or so...
what is your planned cycle and pct?
week 1-5 30mg dbol
week 2-12 testoprim d most likely
and idk wat my pct will be LOL
LOL? I don't think it is no lau***ng matter. You should have all your gear and PCT chemicals prior to starting a cycle. Going by the posts that I read of yours, you do not seem ready and should do some more research. The sad thing is, in one of your threads you mentioned you started a cycle with only 3 amps of test and had to stop the cycle because you did not have enough money. My advice to you, wait till your totally prepared and don't be so anxious to start because it sounds like you do not know what you are doing.
it might be a good idal to lift natual for little longer
ok got some after pics now... only 10lbs bigger
weeks 1 and 2-30mg a day
week 3-40mg day
week 4-40mg day
tuff break kid.... head over to the diet and workout forum.
seems like it was a waste of time and money.
o well it kept me out of trouble by me not drinking any alcohol.. i gained strength and a little size. i didnt buy it.. my friend traded me it for some amps for subwoofers.. and he gave me $150 cash and 100 dbol pills.
next cycle in about 4 weeks will b test cyponiate from weeks 1-8 and dbol weeks 1-4 and maybe some sustanton with a good pct this time.
o.j. m8
do i look any bigger or no?
Youre set on running another cycle? Why? You should learn to eat first.
didnt you just finish a cycle. why are you starting one again so soon. How many weeks are you off cycle between these two?
im going to take 8 weeks off from my dbol only cycle, since ill b taking testrol for about 4 weeks to keep my testosterone levels normal if it even does anything. and bro i try eat good but my mom buys shitty food but now that i have a job i can afford a good cycle and buy more food for myself. i just need to find a reliable source to get my stuff at but im most likely going to ask my friends where they get theres cuz they get it online.
wow is all i can say, im not even gonna go there
you would be far better off saving your cash for quality food rather than spending it on gear and eating shit. Trust me, you may have a great car, the best kit available, but with the wrong fuel, its gonna run like shit.
im at a loss for words at this thread so...
yea man it was a mistake doing a cycle without having a good foundation but dont worry lots of bros make the same mistake, I know I did a couple years back. If I were you I would wait another 1 year of being consistent 2-3 times a week min before u consider another cycle but thats just IMO.. AAS is no magic pill if u dont have the right diet/training..
In your after pic are you even flexing because I know if I pose like that and dont flex my muscles look pretty pathedic(mainly my arms, I still think they're bad when I flex ).. with that said there is little to no visible difference..
Last edited by moregunsthanroses; 01-18-2008 at 07:15 PM.
alright ill probably wait about 3-6 months before i do another cycle.
Last edited by tuname101; 01-18-2008 at 10:49 PM.
please edit that last post and read the rules.
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