i've tried to read everything before i post, but i cant seem to find a definite answer. So here is my baptism by fire question. If i was to run test 250 & deca 300 1ml each for 10 weeks, is that too little, or too much?
i've tried to read everything before i post, but i cant seem to find a definite answer. So here is my baptism by fire question. If i was to run test 250 & deca 300 1ml each for 10 weeks, is that too little, or too much?
Read up on beginner cycles. For a first cycle you shouldn't run deca, and when it's time to run a test/deca cycle you shouldn't run it like that.
what are your stats and pct knowledge?
unfortunately, this isn't my first cycle. I did a test only cycle last year. I've read a bunch on pct, but all i could get my hands on is nolva. So i am hoping that will be sufficient.
oh, and im 27 and 170lbs, 5/11... and still skinny as hell. Which is why i am here
what was your last cycle and pct?
i'm on a pretty strict diet, and i started out at about 145 lbs.
and my first cycle was 600mg of test a wk, for about 8 weeks. I started taking nolva about 1 wk after my i ended. and that was last june
steroids should be used to get past the plateau when after years of proper diet and training you reach your genetic potential. You are very far away from your genetic potential, it's likely that your diet is not as good as you may think.
definetly with imma on this, at 5'11" you should be able to get past 170 naturally. im 5'6" and i got there solid with proper training and diet. id say get another 20lbs of beef on you before aas. don't be lazy and jeapordize ur natural gains.
well i would like to think i am not at my full potential, but i have been working out hard since 02, and i cant seem to get any bigger. I basically looked like that skinny guy from the movie 'road trip' before i started working out.
the fact that you admit you can't get any bigger verifies my opinion that your diet is sub-standard.
you used steroids at 145lbs dude iam the same hieght and ive gained 30 pounds with a good diet and still climbing not as much but still and iam just on here to do some research before I start my first cycle. So I have all the corners sharp. If you get a awsome diet and follow it and get alot of rest. thats all you need
ugh.. i got to 170 by just working out normally. But i am going to rethink my diet and read on that a little more, perhaps i am missing something.
read the stickies at the top of the diet section
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