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Thread: possibly changing cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    possibly changing cycle

    I am five weeks into my first cycle and I am considering changing it. If this makes no sence it is because this is my first cycle and I don't have alot of knowledge in this area. I am currently doing 500mg of sust and 400mg of deca. I haven't put on a pound but my buddy who is on the exact same cycle has put on about 20 pounds. I am 6'4" 202 so with my body type it is hard to put on weight. I was thinking about dropping the deca and adding d bol instead. I would keep doing the sust though. This might be a bad idea, I dont know. But I would like some advice as to what you guys think I should do.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I don't think it's the juice that's the problem here. Sounds like he's just eating more then u are. Diet is 70% of the game.
    Although the sus and deca just started kicking in around week 4.
    How far is he into his cycle?
    You should have added the d-bol starting at the begining, but I don't see a big problem w/ adding the d-bol now. keep running the deca.
    How long are u running this cycle for?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    the deca just kicked in. give it some time to work.. i agree with MBaraso you are probobally not eating enough food.. you could throw the d-bol in now..i never have done it in the middle but it should be alright...Madmax..

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