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Thread: next cycle idea

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    next cycle idea

    I've been off here for quite some time now due to work and school but i would like to pick some minds now. im currently in the planning process of my fourth cycle. (first cycle test e; second prop(kickstart), test e, deca; third dbol, test e, deca, prop (into pct))
    For this cycle im trying to lean toward cutting up more so then bulking up. Both will be accompanied by cardio and a clean diet.

    Stats are: 24, 6'3, 254, bf im guessing is around 14-15%. in the process of cutting it down prior to start date in mid march.

    goals are to primarily lean up while maintaining muscle mass (obvioulsy if i added a few pounds off this one i wouldn;t be opposed)

    proposed cycle 1
    var --- 20 mg ED (mainly used for it's aissistance in bf reduction)
    prop 1-8--- 100 mg ED
    tren 1-6--- 65mg ED
    t3 ---- still researching prior to use, want to monitor waking temp
    clen--- start out at 40mcg and gradually increase will run for 6 weeks (benedryl will be used to upregulate receptors)

    Cycle 2 would be
    var ---- same as above
    test E 1-13--- 750/wk
    deca 1-11----600/wk
    t3 ---- as stated above
    clen --- same as above

    I realize cutting up is achievable with both cycles presumming diet and my cardio are maintained throughout. I'm just curious about any input people may have with the two proposals.

    *anti-e, b6, an AI, and clen ancilleries will used in both as precautions. bromo on hand.

    any input would be appreciated as i said it's in the early stages right now i dont plan on starting till mid to late march but i'd like to have a concrete idea with everything in place prior to starting. ideally when all is said and done i'd like to get the bf down to about 8-10%. Last cycle was over a year ago and frankly im kind of itching to do one again...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I would go with the first one but you can extend the tren closer to the end of your cycle assuming your using tren ace so you get a little more bang for your buck. and I personally dont use var under 80mg ed. I see poor if any results under that dose. 6-8wks for that is optimal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    thats where i've been leaning at this point. i've nver used the var myself my budd has been on it though low dose and has seen good results with it. maybe i'll look into upping the dose a little i would feel bad wasting my money on it and not have it do a whole lot since it's not the cheapest thing around. As for the tren i wasn;t even thinking i forgot it lines up with prop in the pct aspect. maybe i'll end up running it 8 weeks and just extend the prop a week, cause usually i like to run the test a little past something that shuts you down hard like deca or tren. thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    any other input on this one fellas? not asking for anyone to build me my cycle i have a good idea what i want to run just seeing what the opinion is on it

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