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Thread: Frontloading explained-

  1. #81
    Join Date
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    Dirty South
    Lol copied from wrong window. I meant this one...

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    for inquiring minds.......

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    My advice would be to fronload then inject everyday. This was posted on another board. All good information:

    I am writing this but cannot take credit for it. This line of reasoning was pointed out to me by a bro who wishes to now remain anonymous.

    GG and Superduty got me thinking tho so I'd thought I'd try to explain it.

    The goal of injecting steriods is to increase blood levels of testosterone much higher than can be achieved normally. One of our criteria in doing this is to keep blood levels as stable as possible throughout cycle to provide the best environment for growth and to avoid as many sides as possible. I believe many side effects are caused by the spikes and dips created by once or twice a week injections, even using long esters. A way to reduce these sides would be to use a proper half life to determine when to inject or more importantly how much to frontload with.

    Now most half lives are calculated on 1.5 x the number of carbon atoms to determine 1/2 life in days. Thats wrong! If you go to PubMed or AMJ you can look up numerous studies showing a much shorter half life(@ .7 per carbon atom)

    That difference is because esters decay at a logarithmic rate, meaning the more esterified hormone in the injection depot, the more is released. This release rate slows as the amount of esterified hormone in the depot is reduced over time.
    The general rule is about 0.7 X the number of carbons atoms in a linear ester . However when the body builder needs to keep in mind is that the majority of the esterified hormone is released, regardless of the ester, with the first 24hrs of injection because of the logarithmic rate of decay.
    What does this mean in simple terms?
    I'll useTestosterone Enthante in an 8 week cycle as an example:

    Assume a 5 day half life for enthanate based on .7 x it's carbons.
    Injecting 579mg on day one of your cycle will provide stable levels of 550 mg per week for the duration of your cycle provided you replentish 75 mg EVERY DAY.
    Day 1- 579- giving you 550 mg in 24 hours
    Day 2 75 giving you 550 mg
    Day 3 75 550
    Day 4 75 550
    Day 5 75 550
    Day 6 75 550
    Day 7 75 550
    Day 8 75 550
    Day 9 75 550
    Day10 75 550
    Day11 75 550
    Day12 75 550

    and so on until day 57 when you stop injections
    decay clearance is as follows
    DAY Total MG
    58 479
    59 417
    60 363
    61 316
    62 275
    63 240
    64 209
    65 182
    66 158
    67 138
    68 120
    69 104
    70 91
    71 79
    72 69
    73 60
    74 52
    75 45
    76 40
    77 34
    78 30
    79 26
    80 23
    81 20
    82 17
    83 15
    84 13
    85 11
    all the way down to day 98 (end of week 14) before the enth is totally cleared.

    Enthanate Clearance 500 mg
    Bump. Still looking for answers on my questions on this type of cycle. Anyone use it? Hows it working? Better then a EOD cycle?


  4. #84
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Shit on one has a opinion on this. Gotta be a First!!!

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Come on people. Anyone with an opnion here? Dont want to bump this thread all year people.


  6. #86
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    Mar 2007

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    KTM country!
    This is a great thread. Going to use it on my next cycle. But there was one question that came to my newbie mind while reading all this info... isn't this really the same as kickstarting a cycle with A-bombs or Dbol? Better yet, would you still use one of these kickstarters when front loading?

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I have been on Test En and Deca for ( week 2 ) now @ 500mg Test and the Deca 400mg/week. After reading about frontloading am I able to up the dosage now and continue with this principle or should I just give it a whirl next run?

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    KTM country!
    Quote Originally Posted by 3**
    This is a great thread. Going to use it on my next cycle. But there was one question that came to my newbie mind while reading all this info... isn't this really the same as kickstarting a cycle with A-bombs or Dbol? Better yet, would you still use one of these kickstarters when front loading?
    bump, this never got answered. thx

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 3**
    bump, this never got answered. thx
    I like to use an oral too along with frontloading, but when you do the oral sometimes you only have to run it one week or so instead of the usual 3-4 weeks. Much shorter run of the oral.

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    KTM country!
    Thanks for answering. This makes sense.

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'm not sure if I'm understanding all this or not,,,

    say I was going to run a cycle of
    test e at 1000mg a week
    deca at 600mg a week
    tren e at 750mg a week

    Ok I can frontload all of these right?

    and if so is it better to inject on a daily basis or e3d since these are long esters?


  13. #93
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Good Stuff

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by yngnastyman View Post
    this may be a dumb question..but does front loading work with deca? to my knowledge its a slighly different compund then testosterone, would i double my reg monthly dose with this as well?
    The principle relates to the speed of release of the drug into the blood stream. Hence it can be applied to Deca, the same way it can be to test, but because the test esters release at different rates to deca, the formula for frontloading would be different, albeit slightly. (i think)

    Um, i didnt realise that there were 3 pages, and the question was already answered
    Last edited by Twanny; 11-06-2007 at 12:34 AM.

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    i reckon ill give this a go.

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    West Coast, Southern BC
    Great post. Bump. Good knowledge for us Juniors to learn early.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    West Coast, Southern BC
    Is there any reason this tecnique can not be applied mid cycle, just for the purpose of boosting blood levels, not having to wait the extra weeks to reach your target. An extra injection thrown in the mix maybe??

  18. #98
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    no reason, it won't speed things up. A constant blood level is what you want

  19. #99
    Join Date
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    Sam's Club
    Meh, Ive tried frontloading a few times and so have several of my bros. We all agree, that this theory looks good on paper but is a load of crap in reality. However, its just my exp. and everyone is unique. Good luck to all, hope it does work for you.

  20. #100

  21. #101
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Meh, Ive tried frontloading a few times and so have several of my bros. We all agree, that this theory looks good on paper but is a load of crap in reality. However, its just my exp. and everyone is unique. Good luck to all, hope it does work for you.
    Not so at all. It works, and works well. I can get a peak effect in one week frontloading, whereas the conventional way it might take me 3 weeks or so. Ive run a frontload 2 weeks and the effects were so strong that I wish I hadnt. It has a very powerful effect and should not be taken lightly. I would only recommend it for experienced users.

  22. #102
    Join Date
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    frontlading= more sides

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    My advice would be to fronload then inject everyday. This was posted on another board. All good information:

    I am writing this but cannot take credit for it. This line of reasoning was pointed out to me by a bro who wishes to now remain anonymous.

    GG and Superduty got me thinking tho so I'd thought I'd try to explain it.

    The goal of injecting steriods is to increase blood levels of testosterone much higher than can be achieved normally. One of our criteria in doing this is to keep blood levels as stable as possible throughout cycle to provide the best environment for growth and to avoid as many sides as possible. I believe many side effects are caused by the spikes and dips created by once or twice a week injections, even using long esters. A way to reduce these sides would be to use a proper half life to determine when to inject or more importantly how much to frontload with.

    Now most half lives are calculated on 1.5 x the number of carbon atoms to determine 1/2 life in days. Thats wrong! If you go to PubMed or AMJ you can look up numerous studies showing a much shorter half life(@ .7 per carbon atom)

    That difference is because esters decay at a logarithmic rate, meaning the more esterified hormone in the injection depot, the more is released. This release rate slows as the amount of esterified hormone in the depot is reduced over time.
    The general rule is about 0.7 X the number of carbons atoms in a linear ester . However when the body builder needs to keep in mind is that the majority of the esterified hormone is released, regardless of the ester, with the first 24hrs of injection because of the logarithmic rate of decay.
    What does this mean in simple terms?
    I'll useTestosterone Enthante in an 8 week cycle as an example:

    Assume a 5 day half life for enthanate based on .7 x it's carbons.
    Injecting 579mg on day one of your cycle will provide stable levels of 550 mg per week for the duration of your cycle provided you replentish 75 mg EVERY DAY.
    Day 1- 579- giving you 550 mg in 24 hours
    Day 2 75 giving you 550 mg
    Day 3 75 550
    Day 4 75 550
    Day 5 75 550
    Day 6 75 550
    Day 7 75 550
    Day 8 75 550
    Day 9 75 550
    Day10 75 550
    Day11 75 550
    Day12 75 550

    and so on until day 57 when you stop injections
    decay clearance is as follows
    DAY Total MG
    58 479
    59 417
    60 363
    61 316
    62 275
    63 240
    64 209
    65 182
    66 158
    67 138
    68 120
    69 104
    70 91
    71 79
    72 69
    73 60
    74 52
    75 45
    76 40
    77 34
    78 30
    79 26
    80 23
    81 20
    82 17
    83 15
    84 13
    85 11
    all the way down to day 98 (end of week 14) before the enth is totally cleared.

    Has anyone done this or have any comments on a cycle like this? Im still looking for answers.

  24. #104
    There is some great information in this thread, i have read the whole thing and it appears to come down to preferance. I am new to all this and have never done a cycle before.. I would want to know how a certain steroid affects me before i took a mega dose or a frontload. I would start a cycle in a altradition manor, see how the sides were then look at these options on a later cycle IMO.

  25. #105
    One other thing, if you were to front load or mega dose could this lead to possible injury while lifting? I have always been told that muscles can grow and handle weight faster than tendons and joints. If you had it all up front this might lead to overtrainng and injury, again JMO.

  26. #106
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    im coming to the end of my cycle now but what i would like to know is on my next cycle i will be using sus 250 eod=1000mg a week and deca 500mg a week running these 2 compounds for 8 going to try this front loading technique,how much of what and how often will i need to inject to achive this ?

  27. #107
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    sust contains short esters so frontloading it is not needed, but you could double your dose of deca for the first week.

  28. #108
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    sust contains short esters so frontloading it is not needed, but you could double your dose of deca for the first week.
    cheers bro

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    This thread is amazing. I've learned A LOT!!!

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Yes great thread but I think I will skip this method for my first cycle so I can see what my reaction to TEST is like. You never know.

  31. #111
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    loads of good info in here - ganna use test and tren e in my text cycle and am really considering frontloading!

  32. #112
    Join Date
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    Bump...I have been following this thread for a long time now...its great.

  33. #113
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    bump, due for it

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