Hello. I am on my frist cycle ever. I am doing the suggested Test only cycle.
I am starting out with .25 eod the first 2 weeks then gonna step it up.
I did my first injection yesterday. I warmed the bottle of test between my hands steralized my glute. Slapped the ass pretty hard (heard it takes away the pain of the inject). Inserted needle almost all the way in. I asperated with no blood so i began to inject the test. I injected all the test then let it set for 1 minute pulled out the needle. Some blood followed the needle. Not alot just enough to cover a steral pad. Then it stopped.
I did move the needle around a little by accident. Doing my first shot in the right glute was harder then i thought. I couldnt grab the needle and asperate at the same time.
So today I woke up with some lower back pain. Thinking nothing of it i went to the gym and hit it hard again. I was actually feeling better during the workout. 2 hours later i Feel like i have been hit by a truck. My lower back has this pressure in it that makes it hurt. Its not a sharp poking pain but a dull throbbing pressure. It moved from my lower back to the front of my stomach near the pelvis.
I took 1600mg of Ibuprofen and the pressure is still there. It feels ok when im laying down but when i walk or sit the pressure builds to the point of pain.
Is this normal? Is it because i moved the needle around to much while inside? Or was it cause i prolly hit a vessel?
I am doing another shot tommorow in the thigh so hopefully that goes alot better.
Any suggestion greatly appreciated!!