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Thread: combining T3 and Clen - need some help.

  1. #1

    combining T3 and Clen - need some help.

    I want to start using T3 and clen to lose fat,
    If I'll combine clen with the T3 will I lose muscle as well?
    I'm going to do a 2 monthes cycle something like 50 pils of T3, nothing more.

    I want to lose some thing like 5% of fat, I'm now 16% and want to be 11%.

    Going to do 45 min aerobics and 45 min of wight lifting, with a balanced diet, some thing like 1800 calories per day. (my bmr is 2300~)

    I don't want to lose any muscle, what is your opinion?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Cardio and diet seem ok, but if your T3 is 20/25 mcg per tab (standard) you're not going to have the minimal amount to run it for two moths...neither for a single month.
    You'd need 75-125 mcg a day to let T3 help you with your fat burning process, it means 3-5 tabs a day for a total of 180-300 tabs/2 months...
    Run the clen up to 140 mcg/day to avoid the catabolic effect of T3 on your muscles.
    Finally, a link surely helpful for you:

  3. #3
    thanks, I'm going to use 75 mcg a day, I was wrong about the pils.

    Are you sure that I wont lose any muscle?

    can you tell me some thing about the t3 side effects?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Nobody is sure how much he's going to gain or lose...
    Be sure to have all in check: that's important.
    Take a look at this other:

    Basically in my pers exp T3 sides at low doses like 75mcg are not noticeable, BTW you have to start with 1 tab the first day then taper up the next ones (as illustrated in the link in my prev post), and taper down when you're going to end the last days. This allow your natural thyroid production to retrieve regularly.

  5. #5
    thanks brother.

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