i think that's the point...he may have blown it off it she at least came close to his name....
"f me harder Buck" when really his name was Chuck...then he would have kept at it...
i think that's the point...he may have blown it off it she at least came close to his name....
"f me harder Buck" when really his name was Chuck...then he would have kept at it...
Last edited by LT1; 02-03-2008 at 08:22 AM.
Thanks for all you brothers gettin back to me with your advice...maybe I was just over reactin but it just freaked me out, shit's never happened to me like that before....whatever
I'll get the hell over it.
Still would appreciate some more stories/advice...from Yall vets in this type stuff.....*caugh* Kale *caugh* I see you in this thread
Last edited by Dizz28; 02-03-2008 at 08:40 AM.
I've almost done it before.
Really though I was not thinking about the other girl, I just was drunk and confused about names.
I offten even slip up, I use to call my sisters my girl friends name, and my girl friend my sisters name.
you need some distnace from her & some REAL answers as well... as to her relationship w that guy... see what she says.......go from there..... its pretty messed up either way to say someone elses name-meds or no meds. dont get too serious with this one til u find out whats up..... u said ur moving?? maybe that will work it all out for you.... its only been a few weeks bro...its easy to fall for someone after a divorce also(been there)... dont get all cought up in it.... it will pass, it just is wei***ng heavy at this moment...... in a few weeks,months--you may actually look back & be like --pssh...whatever!!! theres TONS of chicks bro.... its just a girl....it aint ur life.
agreed ^^^^ this could be just a rebound thing for u.Jst take it slow bro, so what if she called u someone else's name it happens.Dont fallin love to quick bro
Maybe she got some other guy on the side too..
I would just play it cool, and tease her endlessly about it...
she'll either play it cool too... or she'll freak out..
and if she freaks out, Knee her in the face, than do a stomp, and chock her out...
she's still over here now sleeping....
now ur chance to get some pics![]()
This is why I don't get emotionally involved with anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die.
Every girl I bone now I do it with hate, like I'm actually trying to hurt them. Muahahaha!
dude there more then just friends ,he phucking her too
Been there and done that. No thanks. Not for me.
How is that funny?
Make her feel guilty, then to make it up to you have her let you fufill your fatancy of pooping on a girl's chest. That will teach her.
Thanks brother, not too many feeling for this girl becasue I know she's got at least another guy (and a couple girlriends for that matter) lined up. She has a bangin body and a freak in the bed but def no relationship material with here
The main thing was her seriously calling me of her best guy friends name when we were gettin a little close. Never happened to me before so I didn't know how to react so I just got out of bed and got on here. Kinda freaked me out. She got embarased so she took 2mg Xanax and passed out but I stayed up later thinkin about it.... Crazy stuff man
But yes< i move way way out of state this week so I can't leave all this BS behubd me
Thanks just plain fuked up. Even if you are just bangin her. She called you some other dudes name. I wonder how many other guys she is bangin? i wouldn't get into anything serious at all. Start calling her other female names during sex, and she what she says.
I dont blame you for being pissed. It doesn't matter if you arent in a relationship and seeing other people. you should at least know the name of the person thats inside you at the moment.
I would say something to her. I wouldn't say it with an attitude. I would be like how ****ed up were you last night you called me Gordon. Kinda jokingly See what her reaction is. I think you will be able to tell alot by the way she responds.
I got ****ed up one night and told some girl i was dating a bunch of shit i barely remembered that i really shouldn't have told her. It was stuff all good stuff about us. But she told me some good advice. People are more honest in the moment when they are drunk.
she probably didnt remember shit, a night of xanax and drinking destroys my memory 100%
So you were hitting it and she called out some other guys name...........and the problem would be what?Did you end up getting a nut?Like others have said, you're not going to marry the chic, enjoy the snatch
Hell I have mistresses that have boyfriends, still feels just as good![]()
Sometimes the best things in life are someone elsesI'm like a car salesman, I drive alot of new and used ones but don't have to pay for the upkeep
hate to hear that for ya man. I'd go f'n balistic if it was me, props for keeping your cool. But I think you should leave her the hell alone, or, flip the script, and do the same to her.
I had a simaler situation but it was my ex and we had been together4like3or4months when it happened. I was banging her from behind and she moans OMG Chase. Chase was her exbf. Man I thought getting cheated on was ruff.
i wouldnt even give her the time of day.. just cold shoulder her and move on.
then SHIV her in the kidney
F*** this!
Man, she probably banged Greg and she called you his name by accident!
If not that, then she was thinking about banging Greg while she was baning you which is almost as bad!
C'mon man, you know it, don't try to find the alternative.
Guy as a best friend, suuuuuuure.You should be her best friend.
You are still way too nice. If that happened to me, I would say "Greg... Greg huh?" then I would just shake my head and leave.
Don't sweat it, have some fun couple of time more then just boot her ass out.
Don't be a fool and get serious about this one.
Done deal.
Last edited by UberSteroids; 02-04-2008 at 10:55 AM.
Calling you a different guys name in the middle of the business??! Are you F****n kidding me man?!
C'mon man........
you should sex her up again, and right before you nut, be like " oh (insert weird name here)!! Take it in baby!" Use a name like Gary or Joe, maybe thatll throw her off. If anything she think shes manly... good for a laugh. Or, if you have a dog or cat, you could say its name, if you wanna get rowdy. Or maybe call her mom, or even dad. haha
Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 02-04-2008 at 12:36 PM.
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