The only thing I would want to make sure of, If I were in you shoes, is to look into the possibility that low-testosterone itself could be causing the depression.
It would be a good idea to get tested:
Estradiol (E2)
As well as the common side areas of AAS :
You say you were on 200mg EW, of test, and got good results, and while that is not unheard of it can be an indicator that your natural level may have been low before, as 200mg is a rather low dose. It will get you a little higher than natural sure, however is low for a typical cycle, and is more the high end of TRT.
Being off for 6 months, and being depressed, together, just screams getting tested for low testosterone.
How did you feel when on the 200mg EW?
have used a.s. and celexa together with no problems
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