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Thread: Important Q about Sten(similar to SUST 250)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    chicago area

    Question Important Q about Sten(similar to SUST 250)

    I would really like some help from the vets on this one please. I am planning on starting Sten in a week and i am unsure of the dosage. I have done my research but i want to be 100% accruate with what i do. It is my first cycle ever and i am 21 yrs old 6'2' 250 LBS at 17 bf%. I will be using 23 gauge by 1 inch long needles and i would like to cycle the injection spots between my thighs and delts. Any info would be much appreciated. I will have 6 vials of sten (getting it very cheap) so it won't be a long cycle, i also know this stuff is very similar Sust. Only gear i can get right now and will be happy with any gains i receive. I can gain mass very easy and cut fairly easy as well. But i think i need an edge for the comp in March and i know my main competitor is saucing right now. I have him by 1" tall and about 30 LBS in weight.

    Please, please, pleae help, i know that there are 4 or 5 main guys that answer most of the q's so if you could help me it would be great.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    sten is a very weak sause you should run it EOD even if its your first cycle 6 amps is to little bro, your better off getting sus and run it at 500mgs a week and maybe throw in some deca at 300mgs a week,
    Last edited by popa; 01-06-2003 at 11:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    agreed, plus i heard sten hurts and isn't worth the money if you compare price to mg/ml of test, sust or omna is a much better choice, and deca and/or dbol thrown into the mix is a beautiful thing...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    chicago area
    Thanx for your help guys. I know that it is a weak sauce but for now thats all i got and i probably won't do anything else ever or atleast till next September. Any other suggestions please help. Thank you very much to those who have replied.

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