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Thread: Why are you doing this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    On the barbell

    Why are you doing this?

    Just wanted to see how some of you are looking at the weight lifting you do.

    Why are you doing this?

    What do you want to get out of lifting and why do you want to get it?

    Where are you at now? What is your ultimate goal?

    Me, I always was the bigger kid, always had a problem with taking a shirt off in public like beach, locker room etc. when I was younger. I think it has something to do with it as I was never happy with my body.

    Even know when some say you look fine... I am not happy with it. I need more.

    I lift weights because I want to get really big and be above the avarage.

    I want other people to look at me and be like "holy sh!t, he is big"

    I need it to be happy in life. I love lifting weights.

    I am 260 @ 17 and my ultimate goal is to be 250 @ 6%.

    Anyone would like to share?


  2. #2
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    I've played every sport growing up and after playing some in college I had no other way to burn some energy.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    For me, it's just a never-ending quest for more. I've always had really low bf%, so that's never been an issue. When I was in my teens, I was about 150lbs, and I decided to start lifting. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I needed another 50lbs. I worked out hard, but knew nothing about proper diet. It took me over 10 years to put on that 50lbs, and I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I needed another 50lbs. I continued lifting, but unfortunately it was only in the last 5 years that I've realized how important diet is. Lots of semi-wasted years of training without the proper fuel to grow. Now I'm around 250lbs, and I look at myself in the mirror and think I need another 50lbs. The truth is there will probably never be an end to this journey, it has long since become a way of life for me.

  4. #4
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    Was skinny back in highschool 140lbs. I wanted to make a change and have that lean muscular body that you see in magazines. So far have gained 55lbs and still think im tiny so im still on the quest to get bigger as its never ending. I too was in Big's shoes in regards to diet and how to properly bulk. That is why it is stressed so much now by not only myself but many others as food is where it lies, AAS only helps you to grow and without food you wont grow, plain and simple. I think the term many use is "Bigorexia" opposite of anorexia never can be big enough so keep pushing yourself.. I like to amaze friends and family that I havent seen in a while too, plus this helps keep my mind stable.

  5. #5
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    Always a big football player broke my arm 2nd to last game in high school and lost my Div 1 scholarship. Went to college, partied too much and lost most strength/muscle I had from my high school days. Lifting then became my new drug and kept me from going to the bars or smoking and I was addicted. I am now 100% devoted to my diet and lifting and I love it. I feel great about myself, i treat people better and I am an overall better person. Just my two cents.

  6. #6
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    I do this for my Super modeling career, j/k
    As a kid I was average size and just started lifting then because I enjoyed it and now I am hooked.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Training Hardcore Style
    I use to do it to push the bar with body and mind..

    Now i am getting older so it is for better health... at least that is what i am trying to tell myself, but then I keep pushing the envelope.. more size, stregnth, looks, etc..

    ultimately it is a good hobby to have.. I guess I am just wired that way?? I have at one point or still am into riding motorcycles, shoot pool, drink beer, build cars, higher education... and I have to say that this is hands down the best hobby you can have.

    to put it short.. I think most on this forum are probably all that we do...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Very interesting.

    Hmm, maybe it is a never ending journey. I think I will find out when I hit that 250@6%

    Sure, like Lego said, when some friends of family don't see you in a long time, then they're like "wow, you got bigger"... Man, that is a music for my ears, makes me feel so good

    Thanks guys!

    Whoever would like to share, keep it coming!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    I do this for my Super modeling career, j/k
    Hell yeah!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocket22 View Post
    Lifting then became my new drug and kept me from going to the bars or smoking and I was addicted. I am now 100% devoted to my diet and lifting and I love it. I feel great about myself, i treat people better and I am an overall better person. Just my two cents.
    I totally agree here! Very good points.

  11. #11
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    Dallas, TX
    thats why these forums are so great, there are people you can really connect to. When i first started skipping out on my buds to workout or eat right i was always taking shit but you just have to get your prioritys right and you will then find your true friends.

  12. #12
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    I got n2lifing from looking at a add4legal steroids n though"I wana look like that". After a long and constant struggle with addiction i got hooked on weights. Now lifting is what gets me up, keeps me going, n im always lookn4more, always gota weigh more. lift more, it really calms my nerves at the same time. In the past id go do some dumb shit when i got all depressed n now i just get a pump n all my problems seems so small after words n life just gets easyr. lifting/steroids r my anti drug without a doubt n its stayn that way till i die.

  13. #13
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    Go Figure
    I got back into weightlifting after a friend mentioned I should work out because it will take my mind of a bad break-up I was going through. Plus, I was tired of being the toothpick wei***ng 150 lbs. Ever since then I have never looked back, and it's the best feeling when you haven't seen people in a long time and they are shocked at how big you have gotten.

  14. #14
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    I started getting depressed after wei***ng 130lb's not being active and just lazy,not having the balls to chat up girls just being a little sh*thead. Then i started going to Gym and everyone looking at me and i could see what they where thinking that i would never be able to get anyware, now 2 years later im on 200lb's feeling great loving life and getting poon everyware i go and people just wonder what im on..... lol

  15. #15
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    curls are for the girls..............thats y i do them......

  16. #16
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    some days i feel like crying, i go to the gym and lift so hard, and i walk out with a smile on my face nothing can turn it upside down

  17. #17
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    was pretty much always the tallest... and skinniest kid in my school. Then when i got out of highschool i got addicted to cocaine and a bunch of other drugs. so i got skinnier. once i cleaned up and went to rehab... my mindset changed. and i wanted to be healthier. bigger. stronger. i wanted to show ppl that knew me that i can be better then i was. so now im 45 pounds bigger. low body fat. been clean for over 3 years now!!!!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    was pretty much always the tallest... and skinniest kid in my school. Then when i got out of highschool i got addicted to cocaine and a bunch of other drugs. so i got skinnier. once i cleaned up and went to rehab... my mindset changed. and i wanted to be healthier. bigger. stronger. i wanted to show ppl that knew me that i can be better then i was. so now im 45 pounds bigger. low body fat. been clean for over 3 years now!!!!
    good for you, you overcame a dangerous poison that plagues my streets and stealing some of my friend's souls, good for you!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Souf Afrika
    U go ! Dukkitdalaw....Always good to see friends make it out to the otherside , I must say i think im hooked on Testosterone Enanthate and stuff, i cant sleep and get hectic withdrawel symptoms .. lol....

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    U go ! Dukkitdalaw....Always good to see friends make it out to the otherside , I must say i think im hooked on Testosterone Enanthate and stuff, i cant sleep and get hectic withdrawel symptoms .. lol....
    ah steroids, another poison!

  21. #21
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    Thanks for the props guys. Yea i lost a few close friends to Overdoses and that made me wake up a bit. Then i got into some legal trouble and was forced into rehab but im glad it happened. best thing that could of happened to me. now im engaged to a beautiful girl and have a nice 9-5 managerial job. and yea.... steroids... my anti-drug.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    2 reasons.

    1. i'm addicted to it, and i like being addicted to it.

    2. i want my body to catch up with my cock because i am way disproportioned with this damn tree trunk between my legs.

  23. #23
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    3 reasons:

    1. as a gay guy, i think i started working out because i was a scrawny soft guy and wanted to be the attractive, hard-bodied, muscular guy that i was attracted to. i guess hetero guys don't want to become the guy they are attracted to, but for gay guys, this is probably a big driver. i guess you could say i wanted to be turned on by my own body

    2. once i started, i would say i got hooked on the feeling of working out - i just don't feel right if i don't have my 4-5 workouts every week - i feel lethargic, tired, whereas if i'm working out i feel energetic and great.

    3. not sure when in the progression it happened, but i think i got hooked on seeing my body in the mirror as something i was proud of - definitely became obsessed with bettering it (still am). now it's a never-ending quest.

  24. #24
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    Ha, didn't expect that this thread will bring so many nice responses.

    I was just sitting the other day and thinking about all these people, friends and family, asking me -"why are you doing this?", "aren't you big enough?", "what the hell all this extra muscle is gonna give you?" blah blah blah...

    So I thought I would ask you guys to see, if it is much deifferent for you as it is to me.. looks like it is not different at all...

    Seems like all the guys here were strong enough not to fall for the lazy life as almost all of the society lives these days... beeing strong enough to go for it and stay dedicated, reaching the goals...

    Pretty damn cool as we need this to be happy in life... even when we reach our goal, we don't stop, but set another and so on...

    Good to be here, I think this is the only place that people don't call me "crazy" when I tell them about what my future BB goals are...

  25. #25
    I love the pump I get and how I looked 'swollen' afterwords.... And I like moving heavy weight..

  26. #26
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    At almost 53, I am doing it to stay alive and still have the ability to fvck lots of chics

  27. #27
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    lol im not telling :D
    meh.. just do it because i always have.. no real goal, just a hobby that engulfs my whole life

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    At almost 53, I am doing it to stay alive and still have the ability to fvck lots of chics

    That works!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    meh.. just do it because i always have.. no real goal, just a hobby that engulfs my whole life
    i really am lau***ng Tai. amazing response. "hobby that englufs my whole life"

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    i was very skinny my whole life. I like to lift, its a hobby, blows off stress. I like the respect i get based on appearance, because lets face it, america is superficial as **** so i play that to my advantage. I like women noticing me. I like standing out from the crowd, just as someone would get a tattoo or some weird peircing to stand out. I like knowing i can defened myself better. I like knowing i am physically superior to the average shmuck. I like looking good and being proud, and not being another statistic for americas obesity epidemic. And, with 30% obese and whatever huge percent of people being overweight, that only make me stand out that much more. I also like the fact that i will live longer (unless i die in a freak accident) than some fatass. ANd i like feeling and being healthy. I could go on...

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