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Thread: Constitution- Bill of Rights...

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    ^^^Both parties offer promises left and right, it's called politics.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Sure u can ask the democrats to legalize Steroids, and they will probably say YES! WE CAN HELP U!.. just to win your vote.

    The democrats remind me of XERXES in the movie 300.
    when he offers Sparta anything it wants, all Sparta has to do is bow down to him.

    The democrats offer promises left and right, to anyone with a sad story. They tell them, they were wronged by others, and that they can fix all their problems and etc.. they just don't mention the cost of it all.. or they just the "wealthy".. but they don't say its the people who cut your your paycheck every week.. or it even might be you, cause u actually make money and file taxes.

    in the end all it does is enslave the nation to a system of heavy taxation, and systematically bleed us into the exact type of indebted slavery and eventual poverty that Ron Paul warns us about.
    Ok, lets talk but on one subject at a time... you lure me into a talk and then it goes into another direction... I would like to stay on steroid topic...not which political party has the solution, I tend to lean a lot toward a liberal perspective on many things... why do you think steroids should be illegal? is it for children? is it for sports? Is it for the health and safety of the general public? is it for votes?

  3. #43
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    Ok, lets talk but on one subject at a time... you lure me into a talk and then it goes into another direction... I would like to stay on steroid topic...not which political party has the solution, I tend to lean a lot toward a liberal perspective on many things... why do you think steroids should be illegal? is it for children? is it for sports? Is it for the health and safety of the general public? is it for votes?
    I never said they should be illegal.

    But they are illegal right now...

    what liberals will propose is weak sentences or fines, (to collect taxes and enslave you) when you get caught with steroids.

    Republicans are tougher on crime.. and right now steroids are criminal.

    The root of the whole problem is the legality issue.

    That needs to change..

    Ron Paul being for small gov't is best when it comes to this issue.. he'll flat out make it over the counter.

    Second best in my opinion.. are the other Republicans.. even Sylvester Stallone is endorsing McCain now..

    they might be tough on crime.. but they are also the ones who will the most respect for your property rights.. and would be the easiest to convince that steroids don't really cause a problem for the eventual legalization of steroids. Once legal they would respect them.

    On the flip side, the democrats, confuse the issue by being lenient on punishment... but than they are the part of the lawyer system, and the lawyers make money every time a crime is made, and the more often prisoners get released, the more the chance there will be another crime committed..

    plus their plan of imposing heavy fines, through legal fee's and taxation, is worse than sentencing. People would rather go to jail for a year than face 10 years of debt I'm sure.. (filing bankruptcy wouldn't work if u owe the govt, maybe gets u out of your lawyers fee's, credit ruined, wackness)

    the democrats are twisted like that.. if you would try to legalize steroids in congress, the dem's would side against it.. like they side against Roger Clemens..

    thats my view on it.. I'd go Ron Paul.. than the Republicans, then lasty the dems
    Ron Paul after all is a Republican for a reason, after all... he sure ain't no democrat.
    Last edited by Pooks; 02-16-2008 at 12:57 PM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    I never said they should be illegal. But that is why I posted to this thread to speak my opinion on my constitutional rights... I feel that the line has been crossed

    But they are illegal right now... this is for certain

    what liberals will propose is weak sentences or fines, (to collect taxes and enslave you) when you get caught with steroids.

    Republicans are tougher on crime.. and right now steroids are criminal. this can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how much you trust the penalty assessment. one example would be breaking and entering a house... this should be a lot more strict because every time this happens it turns in to a deadly situation...what I am getting at here is that you can be tough in enforcing the the crime law, but if all it does is slap you on the wrist then it doesn't really matter how tough you are or liberal your perspective is... My issue here is that some laws can cross the line of free choice...treating steroids on the same level as coca!ine (that impairs your ability to function as a human being), etc... and then on the other hand sell tobacco or alcohol... whatever... but just don't try to get me to believe that a democrat or a republican will set some rules that have my health on the forefront when as long as alcohol and tobacco are legal....

    The root of the whole problem is the legality issue.

    That needs to change..agreee

    Ron Paul being for small gov't is best when it comes to this issue.. he'll flat out make it over the counter.that's not one president or not has the power to act alone... you just got done saying they feed you a line.. if you believe this then you were fed a line of bs to get in bed...

    Second best in my opinion.. are the other Republicans.. even Sylvester Stallone is endorsing McCain now..

    they might be tough on crime.. but they are also the ones who will the most respect for your property rights.. and would be the easiest to convince that steroids don't really cause a problem for the eventual legalization of steroids. Once legal they would respect them. Either party can put the any angle they want to convince congress and the nation to change something, but really it is just going to boil down to selling it.. which, there has been so much propoganda against it I doubt it will change for the positive.

    On the flip side, the democrats, confuse the issue by being lenient on punishment... but than they are the part of the lawyer system, and the lawyers make money every time a crime is made, and the more often prisoners get released, the more the chance there will be another crime committed.. you don't really believe the repubs aren't on the lawyer system too do you? repubs and demos are on the voters system

    plus their plan of imposing heavy fines, through legal fee's and taxation, is worse than sentencing. People would rather go to jail for a year than face 10 years of debt I'm sure.. (filing bankruptcy wouldn't work if u owe the govt, maybe gets u out of your lawyers fee's, credit ruined, wackness)I wouldn't want to leave my family for a year... i will take the fines.. but I won't take it that far anyway... so I can't comment to this.

    the democrats are twisted like that.. if you would try to legalize steroids in congress, the dem's would side against it.. like they side against Roger Clemens..

    thats my view on it.. I'd go Ron Paul.. than the Republicans, then lasty the dems
    Ron Paul after all is a Republican for a reason, after all... he sure ain't no democrat.
    my main point in this thread is that I know it is illegal and that's the way it is but change doesn't happen or things keep getting worse if we don't at a minimum voice our concern and talk.
    Last edited by rockinred; 02-16-2008 at 01:41 PM.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    my main point in this thread is that I know it is illegal and that's the way it is but change doesn't happen or things keep getting worse if we don't at a minimum voice our concern and talk.

    I cant disagree with anything u say. Its on point.. except that i'd prolly take the 1 year in jail hehe..

    but anyways I'll finish off with RON PAUL flipping out on a "FAT" KID over the drug legality issues in 1988 hehe...

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    I cant disagree with anything u say. Its on point.. except that i'd prolly take the 1 year in jail hehe..

    but anyways I'll finish off with RON PAUL flipping out on a "FAT" KID over the drug legality issues in 1988 hehe...

    I can't believe I haven't seen that video.... why don't we put you on a diet your overweight.... i can't stop.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I agree with this, but only if the DEA confiscated these things with warrants from US courts. What I would have a serious problem with, is if the Patriot Act with the warrantless wiretapping and what not, started to take down drug dealers and other criminals under that bill. I would object to this because it was intended for 'terrorists', and not to extend policing powers for other crimes. In that case, I would say many people would start to be personally affected. Of course we also have no way of knowing if such methods were used or not, since there is essentially no oversight.

    Also, I would appreciate you not try to classify me as a "tinfoil hat," as I always back up what I say with evidence, and I rarely speak on Economics, because I do not have a degree in economics, and its an area that I know significantly less about than I do about Constitutional law. So, as most of my posts are geared towards Constitutional law and rights, I always articulate my posts with constitutional interpretations and how certain laws or practices by the government are in contraindictation with the Constitution. And honestly, the name calling thing is mostly used when you are looking to discredit a persons opinion. I would preferr you stick to your previous method of providing evidence to discredit peoples opinions rather than reducing your arguments to name calling.... Thanks
    I was honestly referring to muriloninja, not you or Blome. Although I must admit that alot of your recent posts are boardering on hysteria bro. That is obviously just my opinion, but it seems out of character for you.

  8. #48
    ron paul is now my ****ing hero

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