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Thread: More Blatant Rights Violations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    More Blatant Rights Violations

    I am left speechless

    What in the hell have we become? This is absolutely nothing but brute force tactics with no regard for her rights let alone respect.

    Why the majority turn a blind eye to this is beyond me. What will it take for them to wakeup? One of their family members treated this way? I say we take action before it ever gets that far. How many more people have to suffer before we all stand up? Why do we wait for it to hit home before we take action, this could easily be you or me.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 02-16-2008 at 12:39 PM.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    damn. hope the truth comes out and justice is served.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    damn. hope the truth comes out and justice is served.
    This particular case is only magnified by the fact that she was being manhandled by two MALE officers. WTF?

    This is an outrage.

    Honestly, what would you do if that were your wife?

    I can understand where the woman was coming from in saying "I felt raped only without penetration".
    ***No source checks!!!***

  4. #4
    Thats totally out of order, i hope she bankrupts that sherifs department.
    WTF is it with people? dont they have any sort of common sense???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Well... Looks like the next time I'm in need of help I know who "not" to call...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Maybe it would be easier to get rid of bad cops, if they were not unionized.

    Maybe if they knew they could get fired at the whiff of the moment, they'd act better...

    but than u'd have more turnover in the police officer.. which could also be dangerous.

    I agree there is something wrong with the system, and the oversight over it.

  7. #7
    I would rather it happen to me then my wife(if I were married)...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    disturbing to say the least. i thought males officers couldnt check females in clothing. so whats with the butt naked strip search?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hardgainer12 View Post
    disturbing to say the least. i thought males officers couldnt check females in clothing. so whats with the butt naked strip search?
    They CANNOT!

    The Sheriff of a neighboring county had this to say:

    "The Sheriff in Cuyahoga County, Gerald McFaul, responded for the first time to Channel 3's investigation. He called the conduct by Stark County sheriff deputies "way out of line." McFaul went on to say that male deputies should never forcibly remove the clothes of a female."
    ***No source checks!!!***

  10. #10
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    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by hardgainer12 View Post
    disturbing to say the least. i thought males officers couldnt check females in clothing. so whats with the butt naked strip search?
    That is true, I believe under law they are forbidden to do so. But that is the real point in the growing number of similar cases such as these. Public servants who believe that either the law does not apply to them, or that they just completely disregard it all together. This is the growing police state we are referring to time and time again. In years passed people viewed police officers as friends to the people. This is also what we referr to as the shift in the attitudes of the police officers since "9/11", as viewing EVERYONE as a suspect, even the recently assaulted victim, who was then reassaulted by police officers.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    That is true, I believe under law they are forbidden to do so. But that is the real point in the growing number of similar cases such as these. Public servants who believe that either the law does not apply to them, or that they just completely disregard it all together. This is the growing police state we are referring to time and time again. In years passed people viewed police officers as friends to the people. This is also what we referr to as the shift in the attitudes of the police officers since "9/11", as viewing EVERYONE as a suspect, even the recently assaulted victim, who was then reassaulted by police officers.
    This shit was going on LONG before 9/11

    the only thing that happened after 9/11 is the cops were pricks to my tinted windows on my car till about 2004..and since then they've been cool again.

    Cops always acted wack man..
    but yah they do act wack still now..

    What they need is to face against a big monster like Godzilla, so Godzilla can put them in their place..
    stomp em n shit..
    n than the cops will be like DEAD.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Training Hardcore Style
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Maybe it would be easier to get rid of bad cops, if they were not unionized.

    Maybe if they knew they could get fired at the whiff of the moment, they'd act better...

    but than u'd have more turnover in the police officer.. which could also be dangerous.

    I agree there is something wrong with the system, and the oversight over it.
    This kind of stuff has been going on all the time.. it is just the internet and video camera that is bringing it on surface... any time you have humans errors are going to be made.. but hopefully with enough eyes around it will constitute a change.

    pooks, now we got two going here, but the reason i highlighted your comment was to talk about the unions. This is a very good point you brought out... I am not big on unions as a whole... no doubt they held a place at one point of time, but this can turn into a classic example of how they have become ineffective in many ways... these cops probably, I will even go as far as to say "definately" won't get fired... but with that being said.. many companies have implemented good policies that prevent mistreatment of people... another words the ethical standards are embraced and police departments can establish code of ethics that prevent certain behaviors like this with termintion, etc.. and no union or anyone can get in the middle... now you have unions fighting for employees to make money their job doesn't necessarily warrant and fighting to keep people from being accountable like these police officers... they are not fighting for the original union establishment of protecting employee rights like in the 30's..

    ok enough of my ramblin

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    CHAPTER 13... page 129

    How Unions Reduce Real Wages

    "Yet the blunt truth is that labor unions cannot raise the real
    wages of all workers. We may go further: the actual policies
    that labor unions have systematically followed from the beginning
    of their existence have in fact reduced the real wages of
    the workers as a whole below what they would otherwise have
    been. Labor unions are today the chief antilabor force."

    "Wage rates are prices. Like other
    prices they are determined by supply and demand. And the
    demand for labor is determined by the marginal productivity
    of labor.

    If wage rates go above that level, employers drop their marginal
    workers because it costs more to employ them than they
    earn. They cannot long be employed at a loss. If, on the other
    hand, wage rates fall below the marginal productivity of workers,
    employers bid against each other for more workers up to
    the point where there is no further marginal profit in hiring
    more or bidding up wages more."

    So all unions do, is provide more JOB SECURITY at A LOWER WAGE.
    This might be a little hard to grasp at first, because lots of people could find examples of how unionized workers are making more in a field than non-unionized workers, but it needs to be looked at from the view of the whole economy, somewhere someone is getting shafted by this as in maybe HIGHER PRICES OF THE PRODUCT... meaning less stimulation to the economy and some one else making less money etc.. .. means a competitor could under cut the prices.. wipe out the whole industry.. cause eventual loss of job.. as in Delphi.. the auto parts manufacturer for GM.

    In the case of the Cops, Job Security is a bad thing.. cause these cops SUCK!


    the thing about COPS is.. they get paid by the GOVT...
    so unlike a corporation who would cut staff, the govt has other options = MORE TAXATION..

    so in the cops case.. it costing us unneccesary amounts of tax money + they get job security.
    Last edited by Pooks; 02-16-2008 at 02:33 PM.

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