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Thread: Help please

  1. #1

    Help please

    Hi everyone, I am a football player looking to add some mass. I am currently 21 years old, I am 6'0 and weigh anywhere from 175-181 depending on the time of day. I am trying to get to around 190 lbs. while maintaining muscle definition and keeping speed/quickness. i have been researching different stacks for a while and came up with one, the problem i have with it is i would rather not inject Test-E and i was wondering if there were any alternatives that might be similar to what i could receive injecting test. My cycle i came up with was:

    400 mg/week of Test-E - 10 weeks
    40 mg/day of Dianabol - 1st 4 weeks
    50 mg/day of Winstrol - Last 4 weeks
    Nolvadex for 3 weeks after cycle.

    If anyone has any input or suggestions as to what i should do i would greatly appreciate any input given. Like i said really would prefer not to Inject, but i would like to hear thoughts...thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    if your only wanting 10 pounds then just use supplements such a creatine with a good diet and workout program then you should be able to gain that in no time.

  3. #3
    I've been on NO2 and CE2 for the last month and a half with minimal results. Also i don't want the weight to be retained water from creatine. Sorry if i wasn't specific enough with what i was looking for but i would ultimately like 10-15 lbs. of solid muscle and strength increase. I'm not just looking for a superficial 10 lbs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Is this your first cycle?
    In that case a Test only cycle with some winny at the end would be nice.
    And YES, there are no alternatives to injections for a respectable cycle.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by godsofep View Post
    I've been on NO2 and CE2 for the last month and a half with minimal results. Also i don't want the weight to be retained water from creatine. Sorry if i wasn't specific enough with what i was looking for but i would ultimately like 10-15 lbs. of solid muscle and strength increase. I'm not just looking for a superficial 10 lbs.
    test e 500mgs/w 1-12

    ancillaries on hand to control estrogen and a proper pct. done.

  6. #6
    I took a 6 week cycle of Superdrol last year because my friend told gave it to me to try out. Amazing results when i was on it but i didn't take the steps necessary to keep most of my gains. Is that common with all oral steroids? What injecting Winny into a gel pill and taking it EOD, i can't remember where but i saw a thread about that too, anyone know if that is legit?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Why not to take simply oral tabs of winny?
    Superdrol is not a steroid, so YES, this would be your first cycle.
    And please use more creativity for the thread title next time...
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