View Poll Results: Who are you voting for?

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  • John McCain

    21 36.84%
  • Barack Obama

    17 29.82%
  • Hilary Clinton

    6 10.53%
  • Ralph Nader

    2 3.51%
  • Undecided

    11 19.30%
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Thread: Who are you voting for?

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    Attacking my posts will not make Logan come back. I suggest you go cry in a corner.
    Logans gone? Can I get a link to the thread that did him in

  2. #42
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    I voted for ralph since no one else did

  3. #43
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    Obama was a registered Muslim, and when he was swore into office he used the Koran not the Bible. That right there is enough to make me run from that dude...there are many other reasons I am terrified of this guy getting into office.
    He's Christian. He was sworn in with a Bible. There is a video of it on YouTube.

    "Barack Obama is a committed and active Christian. He has been a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for 20 years, where he continues to attend services with his family. Barack has never been a Muslim or practiced any other faith besides Christianity, and in January 2005 he was sworn into the U.S. Senate on his family Bible."
    Obama was sworn in using his own Bible, as widely reported in newspaper accounts and pictured above. That's his wife holding the Bible with Vice President Dick Cheney swearing him in. (Under the Constitution, the vice president serves as president of the Senate.)
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    Obama was a registered Muslim, and when he was swore into office he used the Koran not the Bible. That right there is enough to make me run from that dude...there are many other reasons I am terrified of this guy getting into office.
    Brother you are so wrong!!!!!You Need to get your facts straight. Educate yourself before making a retarted commet like that. If he was really Muslim and had been sworn in on the Koran do you think he would be doing as well as he has????? Think about it......

  5. #45
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    My gal!

    Hillary Clinton had my vote in the primaries, but I would be just as happy voting for Obama in the general election if he's selected as the Democratic nominee.

    I think Clinton's skill set and real-politik experience will give her a hard edge over Obama when it comes to fighting the Republicans, but I also see how Obama's style and charisma could win over the swing voters.

    I believe McCain is personally a fine man with a noble character, but he'd just give us more of the last seven years: war, fear, job losses, debt, rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, etc. Time for America to give the Republicans a good rest and a lie-down for a few years.

    Whoever we elect is going to have a tough job of "clean up" after the last administration.


  6. #46
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    none of them they are all phucks. They will all change as soon as the lobbyist money starts pouring in.

  7. #47
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    McCain, I wish it was a different Republican

  8. #48
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    I can't decide between Hillary or Obama. I can live with either.

    But I think I'm gonna vote for Ron Paul in the Republican primary -- something I haven't done in a few decades -- because he is the direction I'd like to see the Republican party go.

    I doubt he's gonna get the Republican nomination, though, so I'll vote for whichever Democrat makes it to November.

    Yep, Texas votes on March 4. I wonder who will win . . .

  9. #49
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    Gee, if Obama was sworn in on the Koran, then this photo proves that Dick Cheney must be the head Koranian (or Islamian, or Muslim, whatever they call 'em nowadays).
    I guess it's safer if he holds a Koran than a shotgun . . .
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cheney.jpg 
Views:	92 
Size:	15.3 KB 
ID:	88223  

  10. #50
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    education is important to me. both democrats have good plans, Barack's seems hard to begin and maintain, but if his policies work I think he could really help our education system.

    universal healthcare is touchy with me. if its for everyone then you have people waiting and waiting on life saving procedures that they used to be able to receive in an ample amount of time. yet the argument can be made, that everyone already gets healthcare regardless of income or insurance, and the loss in profits seen there in hospitals are reasoning behind elevated healthcare costs. i don't think there is a good solution proposed for healthcare yet.

    i don't side with democrats or republicans on any set issue, but this election is throwing me all over the place because i see set backs and i see solutions from both sides and all potential candidates. i know that's normal, yes, but I see more potential for no follow through on some issues than in the past. i am undecided.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust View Post
    everyone does deserve health care. it works in many other countries. besides politics, why couldnt it work?
    Healthcare is NOT a right. We already have healthcare available for those who cannot afford it, its called Medicaid/Medicare. And, hospitals cannot refuse people for emergency care and are obligated to make them stable. I do believe people are entitled to that, but everyone is not entitled to the best, latest, and most cutting edge healthcare available.

    National healthcare is a Socialist policy, and therefore I do not support any form of it what so ever, I opposed Medicaid&Medicare as well. In a true free market/capitolist economy there would be many fewer people who could not afford healthcare, and the cost of healthcare would be driven down in a truely free market economy with no things such as the income tax to burden people.

    In addition to this, National healthcare reduces the overall quality of care for a plethora of reasons. While it is true many other countries have forms of national healthcare currently FUNCTIONING; do people from around the world fly there to have cutting edge risky surgeries? No, they fly to the United States, because our healthcare is the best in the world bar none. If the United States healthcare were to become socialized I can tell you without a doubt that the quality would drop. The competition of the free market is what keeps prices low and encourages innovation in technology. I can also tell you that if socialized medicine becomes a reality, far fewer people will be pursuing careers in healthcare, meaning the overall quality and intelligence of those seeking those positions goes down. I will be in Med School in the next 2 years, but I'll be making other arrangements if universal healthcare goes into effect, there is no way I will sacrafice 10 years of my life and over $200,000 in debt to get payed like a fu**ing teacher.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I will be in Med School in the next 2 years, but I'll be making other arrangements if universal healthcare goes into effect, there is no way I will sacrafice 10 years of my life and over $200,000 in debt to get payed like a fu**ing teacher.
    That is not true and I provided you numbers that you ignored in another thread.

  13. #53
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    In the general election I will 'write in' Ron Paul even if he is not on the ballot, on principle. I'll discuss the issues that are important to me later...

  14. #54
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    I love how people say out economy is doing poorly by saying that the US dollar is less valuable then the Euro. Doesn't anyone recognize that the Euro is compiled from ALL European nations? No shit its going to be more powerful than the currency of one country. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills...

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim View Post
    I think Clinton's skill set and real-politik experience will give her a hard edge over Obama when it comes to fighting the Republicans, but I also see how Obama's style and charisma could win over the swing voters.

    Whoever we elect is going to have a tough job of "clean up" after the last administration.

    I personally think there should be less "fighting Republicans" and more uniting Americans.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    Brother you are so wrong!!!!!You Need to get your facts straight. Educate yourself before making a retarted commet like that. If he was really Muslim and had been sworn in on the Koran do you think he would be doing as well as he has????? Think about it......
    I've done my research man, he was a REGISTERED MUSLIM. And yeah sure, he claims to be a Christian right now, because if he didn't, he wouldn't get very far in this election, but once he's in office, everyone is going to see another side of this dude.

  17. #57
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    all politicians are liars, the game is just that dirty, you can walk in with the best intentions, but you'll see, they will all turn corrupt like every other one

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    I've done my research man, he was a REGISTERED MUSLIM. And yeah sure, he claims to be a Christian right now, because if he didn't, he wouldn't get very far in this election, but once he's in office, everyone is going to see another side of this dude.
    Nah man, I don't like Obama myself, but that is just a pure smear campaign they're waging against him. Don't fall for their tricks.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    I've done my research man, he was a REGISTERED MUSLIM. And yeah sure, he claims to be a Christian right now, because if he didn't, he wouldn't get very far in this election, but once he's in office, everyone is going to see another side of this dude.
    So tell me where you got your information bro??? I would love to see it. Unfortunatly there are a still a few folks who think like you do. I feel sorry for the about of ignorace thats out there about all the canidates. And this is just another perfect example.

  20. #60
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    Obama is of Muslim decent. That isn't an opinion and it isn't ignorance. Its a fact. I'm not saying he practices Muslim religion, or that it should even matter, but the fact is that being a Muslim is part of Barack Hussein Obama's background and life.

  21. #61
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    true his father was Muslim. And his mother was Christian. But his father also had hardly any influence in his life. He left him when he was 2. The fact is he has never been a muslim but obviously does have Muslim relatives in Africa. THe ignorance is that people say he is/has been Muslim which is wrong.

    PS: Nice little jab on the middle name.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    You can lesson to all the bull shit. But none of them know what the real job is till they get in the wight house. They all talk shit like there going to do this or that and have no clue how hard it realy is to make the changes they clam the will.

    The only one that has a little bit of a clue is Hilary.
    The only experience Hillary has in the oval office is checking to see if the door is locked!!!

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Healthcare is NOT a right. We already have healthcare available for those who cannot afford it, its called Medicaid/Medicare. And, hospitals cannot refuse people for emergency care and are obligated to make them stable. I do believe people are entitled to that, but everyone is not entitled to the best, latest, and most cutting edge healthcare available.

    National healthcare is a Socialist policy, and therefore I do not support any form of it what so ever, I opposed Medicaid&Medicare as well. In a true free market/capitolist economy there would be many fewer people who could not afford healthcare, and the cost of healthcare would be driven down in a truely free market economy with no things such as the income tax to burden people.

    In addition to this, National healthcare reduces the overall quality of care for a plethora of reasons. While it is true many other countries have forms of national healthcare currently FUNCTIONING; do people from around the world fly there to have cutting edge risky surgeries? No, they fly to the United States, because our healthcare is the best in the world bar none. If the United States healthcare were to become socialized I can tell you without a doubt that the quality would drop. The competition of the free market is what keeps prices low and encourages innovation in technology. I can also tell you that if socialized medicine becomes a reality, far fewer people will be pursuing careers in healthcare, meaning the overall quality and intelligence of those seeking those positions goes down. I will be in Med School in the next 2 years, but I'll be making other arrangements if universal healthcare goes into effect, there is no way I will sacrafice 10 years of my life and over $200,000 in debt to get payed like a fu**ing teacher.
    Your arguments are so old; I have forgotten the responses to them.


  24. #64
    Any of the military VETs on the board, I am one of them, and I can easily say that socialized medicine sucks.

    I could get free care there, for the rest of my natural life as it is, and I still chose to go with the private care I can get through my insurance I get through my job.

    If the VA socialized medicine is such utter shit 3rd rate care, for our veterans, then what can the rest of you expect?

    The US Constitution is designed to protect us from force and fraud, yet leave personal responsibility up to individuals, to take care of themselves.

    Whenever people decide the government should take care of them, there is a huge cost, economically, and socially.

    It also gives them far more power over our lives, and limits choices in medicine.

    Imagine having to wait, on a list, for 6 months, to get your biceps reattached when it tears, or having HRT capped at 100mg of testosterone per month.

    That is the kind of socialized care you can expect under Hilary or Obama.

    Oh, and if you vote for a guy who wants us to fail in Iraq, when we are finally seeing progress, and the same guy’s middle name is Hussein, thanks for spitting in our faces. Take that I support the troops sticker off your bumper.

    Socialism is NOT Freedom. It is the antithesis of Freedom.

    The only thing that makes people vote for it, is the idea that they will be taken care of, and an overblown sense of entitlement.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    true his father was Muslim. And his mother was Christian. But his father also had hardly any influence in his life. He left him when he was 2. The fact is he has never been a muslim but obviously does have Muslim relatives in Africa. THe ignorance is that people say he is/has been Muslim which is wrong.

    PS: Nice little jab on the middle name.
    Obama sets record straight on his religion

    COLUMBIA, S.C. - Barack Obama is stepping up his effort to correct the misconception that he's a Muslim now that the presidential campaign has hit the Bible Belt.

    At a rally to kick off a weeklong campaign for the South Carolina primary, Obama tried to set the record straight from an attack circulating widely on the Internet that is designed to play into prejudices against Muslims and fears of terrorism.

    "I've been to the same church _ the same Christian church _ for almost 20 years," Obama said, stressing the word Christian and drawing cheers from the faithful in reply. "I was sworn in with my hand on the family Bible. Whenever I'm in the United States Senate, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. So if you get some silly e-mail ... send it back to whoever sent it and tell them this is all crazy. Educate."

    Obama is referring to a debunked chain e-mail circulating widely on the Internet that suggests he is hiding his Islamic roots and may be a terrorist in disguise. It says he was sworn into the Senate on the Quran and turns his back on the flag during the pledge.

    Some facts, some misstatements
    There are some truths in the e-mail's details. Obama's middle name is Hussein. His father and stepfather were Muslim. And he spent part of his childhood in Indonesia, a largely Muslim country. But he attended secular and Catholic schools, not a radical madrassa.

    His campaign has been pushing back against the false rumors all year. His aides decried an incorrect news report that Obama was educated in a Muslim madrassa and a section of his Web site is devoted to correct that and other false rumors circulating on the Internet.

    But they are stepping up the effort now that the campaign has hit South Carolina and soon turns to other southern states where religion is so important to voters. The campaign distributed an open letter from seven Jewish senators this weekend condemning the attacks; aides are planning an event this week to respond directly to the e-mails; and campaign representatives blanketed South Carolina churches Sunday with literature that touted Obama's Christian faith.

    One piece features photos of Obama praying with the words "COMMITTED CHRISTIAN" in large letters across the middle. It says Obama will be a president "guided by his Christian faith" and includes a quote from him saying, "I believe in the power of prayer."

    A second piece, which like the first doesn't mention the Muslim rumor, includes photos of Obama with his family and a caption that says they are active members of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. It explains how as a young man Obama "felt a beckoning of the spirit and accepted Jesus Christ into his life."

    Fighting against Clintons
    Obama says he's going to fight harder against other mischaracterizations about his positions that he says are being perpetrated by rival Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband, the former president.

    "When I see Senator Clinton, President Clinton distort my words ... that is not a way to move the debate forward, that is not a way to help the American people," Obama said during his rally at the Columbia Convention Center. "I am not running for president just to become president, I'm running to help the American people. I'm not willing to say or do anything just to win an election."

    The Clinton campaign suggested the former president would continue pointing out what it says are inconsistencies in Obama's record.

    "President Clinton is a huge asset to our campaign and will continue talking to the American people to press the case for Senator Clinton," said Clinton spokesman Phil Singer.

    Obama adviser Steve Hildebrand said the campaign has organized "truth squads" made up of South Carolina supporters ready to defend Obama's record from any attacks made by the Clintons this week.

    In an interview broadcast Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America," Obama said the former president "has taken his advocacy on behalf of his wife to a level that I think is pretty troubling" by making statements that are not supported by the facts.

    "This has become a habit, and one of the things that we're going to have to do is to directly confront Bill Clinton when he's making statements that are not factually accurate," Obama said.

    The Clinton campaign responded to Obama's interview with ABC by posting a fact check on a campaign Web site in an effort to bolster Bill Clinton's arguments against Obama.

    "We understand Senator Obama is frustrated by his loss in Nevada, but facts are facts," Singer said.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    Obama was a registered Muslim, and when he was swore into office he used the Koran not the Bible. That right there is enough to make me run from that dude...there are many other reasons I am terrified of this guy getting into office.
    WTF is a registered muslim bro LMAO!!!! yeah i assume your voting for mcain
    where does one register to be a muslim? I read the Koran a few times as well as tora and 2 versions of the bible....I just never found a registration card in any of them Hmmm

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Any of the military VETs on the board, I am one of them, and I can easily say that socialized medicine sucks.

    I could get free care there, for the rest of my natural life as it is, and I still chose to go with the private care I can get through my insurance I get through my job.

    If the VA socialized medicine is such utter shit 3rd rate care, for our veterans, then what can the rest of you expect?

    The US Constitution is designed to protect us from force and fraud, yet leave personal responsibility up to individuals, to take care of themselves.

    Whenever people decide the government should take care of them, there is a huge cost, economically, and socially.

    It also gives them far more power over our lives, and limits choices in medicine.

    Imagine having to wait, on a list, for 6 months, to get your biceps reattached when it tears, or having HRT capped at 100mg of testosterone per month.

    That is the kind of socialized care you can expect under Hilary or Obama.

    Oh, and if you vote for a guy who wants us to fail in Iraq, when we are finally seeing progress, and the same guy’s middle name is Hussein, thanks for spitting in our faces. Take that I support the troops sticker off your bumper.

    Socialism is NOT Freedom. It is the antithesis of Freedom.

    The only thing that makes people vote for it, is the idea that they will be taken care of, and an overblown sense of entitlement.
    Great Post

    I am pretty certain the majority of people do not believe there is a benefit of Universal healthcare...
    Media is just out of wack and so are the democrats.

    As citizens and hardworking people we are going to end up paying more for less service with Universal healthcare..

    I know for a fact, that Massachusetts Universal Healthcare system enacted last year

    is like 400% over budget now.
    it is so bad they are asking for the federal government to bail them out.

    "The subsidized insurance program at the heart of the state's healthcare initiative is expected to roughly double in size and expense over the next three years - an unexpected level of growth that could cost state taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars or force the state to scale back its ambitions."

    The thing does not work in one of the richer and smaller states, how is it supposed to work on a federal level?

    and whose gonna bail us out on the Federal level? THe Chinese? Taxing us at 100% rate.. i mean wtf.. where's your freedom than, when u cant do jack shit..
    Last edited by Pooks; 02-26-2008 at 02:13 PM.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    WTF is a registered muslim bro LMAO!!!! yeah i assume your voting for mcain
    where does one register to be a muslim? I read the Koran a few times as well as tora and 2 versions of the bible....I just never found a registration card in any of them Hmmm
    Let me put it this way, terrorism sucks and to think that someone could be our president that may have a hidden agenda terrifies me. Hilary is a nut case, Mcain is senile, I'll actually be writing Ron's name on the ballot, I refuse to be turned into a sheep.

  29. #69
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    Im just going to come out and say it...
    George Bush scared the living shitt out of you people, this is the melting pot, the guys name has husain in it, last I checked george Bush killed more people in Iraq than saddam hussain did in his whole time in power. WTF is wrong with people that are sooooo ignorant to think because of a given name he is unfit to run this country???? are you guys in the woods cleaning r***es right now? this is absurd ignorance Im sorry but OMFG this is ridiculous, if your playing the muslim card and the OBAMA(OSAMA) card...your an idiot that has had people thinking for you instead of thinking for yourself.....remember the RED SCARE? well its back it is the muslim scare, what is wrong with being a muslim? what is wrong with being a christian? NOTHING (and Obama isnt a muslim BTW) it is the extremists on every front that are dangerous, I have a few very good muslim friends and a few christian born again friends.....the christians scare me more TBH

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    Im just going to come out and say it...
    George Bush scared the living shitt out of you people, this is the melting pot, the guys name has husain in it, last I checked george Bush killed more people in Iraq than saddam hussain did in his whole time in power. WTF is wrong with people that are sooooo ignorant to think because of a given name he is unfit to run this country???? are you guys in the woods cleaning r***es right now? this is absurd ignorance Im sorry but OMFG this is ridiculous, if your playing the muslim card and the OBAMA(OSAMA) card...your an idiot that has had people thinking for you instead of thinking for yourself.....remember the RED SCARE? well its back it is the muslim scare, what is wrong with being a muslim? what is wrong with being a christian? NOTHING (and Obama isnt a muslim BTW) it is the extremists on every front that are dangerous, I have a few very good muslim friends and a few christian born again friends.....the christians scare me more TBH
    THis is a fight between Hillary and Obama...

    Hillary put that stuff out there..
    and the only people talking about it on this thread seem to be Democrats..

    so point your finger in the right direction.. other democrats.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    Let me put it this way, terrorism sucks and to think that someone could be our president that may have a hidden agenda terrifies me. Hilary is a nut case, Mcain is senile, I'll actually be writing Ron's name on the ballot, I refuse to be turned into a sheep.
    you got an interesting take on things bro.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    Let me put it this way, terrorism sucks and to think that someone could be our president that may have a hidden agenda terrifies me. Hilary is a nut case, Mcain is senile, I'll actually be writing Ron's name on the ballot, I refuse to be turned into a sheep.
    Dont understood why it would bother you even if Obama was an out and out Muslim. He is an American and unless you are some kind of nutty christian extremist, why should his religious persuasion terrify you?

    You see my problem with conservatives is the fact that most are terrified by anything that isnt white and christian i.e anything different. Insecurity seems to be the curse of the conservative disposition.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by xero View Post
    Dont understood why it would bother you even if Obama was an out and out Muslim. He is an American and unless you are some kind of nutty christian extremist, why should his religious persuasion terrify you?

    You see my problem with conservatives is the fact that most are terrified by anything that isnt white and christian i.e anything different. Insecurity seems to be the curse of the conservative disposition.
    Muslims do not identify themselfs with a country only by religon.

    That "white" statement was very stupid considering I am NOT white and I am a conservative.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by xero View Post
    Dont understood why it would bother you even if Obama was an out and out Muslim. He is an American and unless you are some kind of nutty christian extremist, why should his religious persuasion terrify you?

    You see my problem with conservatives is the fact that most are terrified by anything that isnt white and christian i.e anything different. Insecurity seems to be the curse of the conservative disposition.
    I disagree, I think u are the sheep now hehe.

    There are morons on both sides.. but the vast majority of populace are intelligent people

    Not all are very well versed in economics thought..
    cause our educations system imo keeps people dumb intentionally when it comes to that.. they seem more focused on trying to spread socialism, ...

    but than it is the big gov't that cuts the Teachers paychecks..

    and the actors and other celebrities are not any smarter either..

    I was a life-long democrat all my life until I ran into Ron Paul.. and read just one book on economics.

    I cannot give u one good reason now..
    I just look at it, that it is the way I was brought up in the city..
    It was brainwashing at its finest.
    The Media, The teachers, the socialist wack ass populist politicians are still at it.. it works for them..selling SLAVERY TO THE SYSTEM disguised as HOPE, or CHANGE

    I just see... the idea that conservatives are some sort of racist people or something.. completely false..

    in fact history teaches us it is the Progressives the democrats if u will that are the more segregating overall..

    They always try and use science to differentiate between people, and judge people, and than sort people from best to worst.

    The big problem with that is that science a lot of times is faulty.. like in the early 1900s.. when Woodrow Wilson and the Democrats started up Segregation. Woodraw Wilson, supported the KKK.. because KKK was used to keep African Americans from votiing Republican at the poll stations.. It was a tool used by southern democrats.

    So could a lot of this DNA and stem cell work and everything else we got going on, it could end up being faulty too..

    now they found the Bald GENE the other day they said..
    they could use that, to sort out babies at birth..the bald ones from the non-bald ones..
    and put them in segragated schools.. for balds, and for people who will have hair..

    I'm not against science,, but keep science in the Private sector.. GOVT shouldn't be getting mixed up in it, and trying to utilize it.

    Democrats are ****ed!!
    There are bad republicans too, but overall it is the lesser of the 2 evils..
    People like Ron Paul.. extreme conservatives are the best.. Small federal government, and just let people be.
    Last edited by Pooks; 02-26-2008 at 03:35 PM.

  35. #75
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    [QUOTE=RANA;3843856]Muslims do not identify themselfs with a country only by religon.

    That "white" statement was very stupid considering I am NOT white and I am a conservative.[/QUOTE
    so christians identify themselves with america? my father is arabic from lebanon (armenian) and is a christian, his sister is muslim, she and my father and I stood at ground zero 2 weeks after 911 and sang god bless america all with our hands on our heart.

  36. #76
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    im still looking for my muslim registration card LMFAO!!! where do you register for this? too funny

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    Muslims do not identify themselfs with a country only by religon.

    That "white" statement was very stupid considering I am NOT white and I am a conservative.[/QUOTE
    so christians identify themselves with america? my father is arabic from lebanon (armenian) and is a christian, his sister is muslim, she and my father and I stood at ground zero 2 weeks after 911 and sang god bless america all with our hands on our heart.

    I believe, that Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and all the other private religions are.. better than having just GOVERNMENT as the religion (SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM).

    the problem is you have to keep Religion separated from Government..

    other wise you have what WOODRAW WILSON and the democrats want.. everything working together as a "living entity" Which as Nazi Germany proved led to hatred. Some muslim nations are proving the same.

    It all eventually leads to Fascism..
    it leads to government control over corporations and religions.
    The government offers certain large corporations or religions protection from competitors and they work together to control the population.

    this is the problem in the Middleeast especially now.. a lot of the countries there have government/religion intermixed..

    Turkey is a good secular example,where they are separated.. thats the direction the rest of the Middle east needs to go..

    There needs to be Checks and Balances..
    Thats what real conservatives believe in..
    The church needs to be separate from the government, and the business's need to be separate from both the church, the government, and other business's.
    There needs to be Freedoms, not extraction of control from the entities onto each other. Since Government tends to be the most powerful force within a nation, it needs to be kept small. Welfare systems enslave the population, It makes u reliant on something else, it is like selling your soul... Even if you do not collecting any welfare benefits, you still sell out your soul.. because of the Income Tax... It steals your money, it steals your freedom, and options to better yourself.

    "Financial Freedom IS Freedom"
    Ron Paul
    Last edited by Pooks; 02-26-2008 at 03:37 PM.

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    LOL, this thread cracks me up......

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post

    I believe, that Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and all the other private religions are.. better than having just GOVERNMENT as the religion (SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM).

    the problem is you have to keep Religion separated from Government..

    other wise you have what WOODRAW WILSON and the democrats want.. everything working together as a "living entity" Which as Nazi Germany proved led to hatred. Some muslim nations are proving the same.

    It all eventually leads to Fascism..
    it leads to government control over corporations and religions.
    The government offers certain large corporations protection from competitors and they work together to control the population.

    this is the problem in the Middleeast especially now.. a lot of the countries there have government/religion intermixed..

    Turkey is a good secular example,where they are separated.. thats the direction the rest of the Middle east needs to go..

    There needs to be Checks and Balances..
    Thats what real conservatives believe in..
    The church needs to be separate from the government, and the business's need to be separate from both the church, the government, and other business's.
    There needs to be Freedoms, not extraction of control from the entities onto each other. Since Government tends to be the most powerful force within a nation, it needs to be kept small. Welfare systems enslave the population, It makes u reliant on something else, it is like selling your soul... Even if you do not collecting any welfare benefits, you still sell out your soul.. because of the Income Tax... It steals your money, it steals your freedom, and options to better yourself.

    "Financial Freedom IS Freedom"
    Ron Paul
    uh we are living in a facist state right now Pooks, you dont think that GWBUSH has let corperations run our government and vice versa? he is a friggin corperation. Ron Paul has some great ideas I just cant take him all that serious as we are light years away from his philosophy IMO

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    hard to talk politics and not get some people fired up. It's good to feel strongly about your views but makes it difficult to discuss with others with out offending and/or being offended. I predict a thread lock.

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