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Thread: Frontloading Cycle suggestions

  1. #1

    Frontloading Cycle suggestions

    Running a short cycle to get back to normal after surgery, want to be off as quick as possible so I can start my summer cutter with adequate time off.

    I am going to front load double first week, than back to normal 2 week.

    So Starting date 2/26
    week 1: 1500 of Test E and 1100 of Decaplax
    week 2-9 750 test and 550 deca
    week 10 750 test.
    week 8-12 dbol 50mgs day
    clomid x days after last test shot.

    I am going to run nova in begining and low does throughout.
    Pct , standard with HCG 10 days before end, possible midway as well, Clomid, and nova ( try hookers next time around)

    Could I front load for first 2 weeks and cut another week of the cycle...?

    The shorter this cycle is the better so I will have some time off for my early july Prop and Winny cycle.

  2. #2
    I am going to do my first shot right now of
    600 test and 275 deca

  3. #3
    Many cycles under my belt, but none in past 6 months, I am waiting to run dbol later in the cycle to give my shoulder some more time to heal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    why not run short esters, if you want a quick cycle?

  5. #5
    Its what I have right now, plus too late, just did it, I thought Deca would be good for my shoulder recovery.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366 View Post
    Its what I have right now, plus too late, just did it, I thought Deca would be good for my shoulder recovery.
    i kinda figured that. i would still go 12, you ll get more out of it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366 View Post
    Running a short cycle to get back to normal after surgery, want to be off as quick as possible so I can start my summer cutter with adequate time off.

    I am going to front load double first week, than back to normal 2 week.

    So Starting date 2/26
    week 1: 1500 of Test E and 1100 of Decaplax
    week 2-9 750 test and 550 deca
    week 10 750 test.
    week 8-12 dbol 50mgs day
    clomid x days after last test shot.

    I am going to run nova in begining and low does throughout.
    Pct , standard with HCG 10 days before end, possible midway as well, Clomid, and nova ( try hookers next time around)

    Could I front load for first 2 weeks and cut another week of the cycle...?

    The shorter this cycle is the better so I will have some time off for my early july Prop and Winny cycle.

    bro stay clear of the nolva if you're running deca. it can actually increase your progesterone levels when taking with 19-nor. search it there a lot of threads about it. hope it helps.

  8. #8
    well my second question is than My major concern is to get back what I lost from being off from the gym for 4 months, and I want to run my summer cutter, so would there be a problem running for 12 weeks ( I would have to lower deca to 400mg week) and than " bridging for 10 weeks" ( seems a very long time) and than start my Test Prop 700 and 75 mg winny day.
    Or would running the 10 week plan, short break ( 8 weeks, 4 week pct than 4 week nothing) than starting again.
    SUmmertime is my favorite time, Look up and you will see why..

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    bro stay clear of the nolva if you're running deca. it can actually increase your progesterone levels when taking with 19-nor. search it there a lot of threads about it. hope it helps.
    I never heard that before, I have not been on the boards since last cycle and it seems everything has changed, ( PCT< supliers, and now nova too) Damn....

  10. #10
    Alright, just did my second frontload shot, another 600mg test e and 275 deca,

    I got some liquidex and caborgline now,
    What are the least amt I could run these just to be on the safe side...

  11. #11
    starting weight 181, I am down quite a bit from having surgery in December, I plan on being back at 200lbs in 4 weeks, wish me luck....

  12. #12
    How does .5mg liquidex eod and .5mg caborgoline e4d sound...

  13. #13
    or is that to much?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366 View Post
    How does .5mg liquidex eod and .5mg caborgoline e4d sound...
    Dont use them till needed, especially the caber.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366 View Post
    or is that to much?
    hahahaha here we go again. msu has more threads started on this site than a 10 year old in a vietnamese sweat shop.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by naturalsux View Post
    Dont use them till needed, especially the caber.
    agreed here. i am sure you can get to 200 in 4 weeks. good luck! keep us posted( i am sure you will)

  17. #17

    I just going to use the liquidex in the begining while frontloading, as for the caber I will have to use it until my nips stop having liquid come out when I squeeze them. I ran deca and novadex before which probaly raised my prolactin levels and they never dropped. No gyno, just can make stuff come out if I squeeze very hard..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366 View Post

    I just going to use the liquidex in the begining while frontloading, as for the caber I will have to use it until my nips stop having liquid come out when I squeeze them. I ran deca and novadex before which probaly raised my prolactin levels and they never dropped. No gyno, just can make stuff come out if I squeeze very hard..
    dam, ok thats different then. good luck with your cycle and jobbienooner

  19. #19
    I got a place about 10 mins from there, anyone that wants to go hit me up...

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