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Thread: hgh at 20?

  1. #1

    hgh at 20?

    im 20 years old bout 6ft3 weight bout 200 pound,been takin gear since was bout 16, bad i know. ive done few diff cycles like sus dec and trem testex, had quite bad gyno problems wud i get them wiv gh? really wana get on the gh any advise please?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    What results do you expect? I guess you understand its very expensive? At your age why do you need AAS and HGH? No gyno with HGH.

  3. #3
    yes i know prices, just coz im 20 dont think i dont know much, im not no expert but know basics. i want to put lean muscle on and keep it, im thinkin of runnin it with cyp and wud like advice on best way to take it for my age and wat else i shud take wiv it like any ai's, i can afford to stay on it for bout 4 months, thanks

  4. #4
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    UK - A Backward Part
    If you want muscle gains rather than just anti-aging properties you'll be looking at about 10iu per day...
    Last edited by shifty_git; 02-25-2008 at 02:53 PM.

  5. #5
    just 10 iu? i thought that i mite have to take more why i am younger?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by englandnwest View Post
    just 10 iu? i thought that i mite have to take more why i am younger?
    sorry, my bad.. a typo!! 10iu per DAY.

  7. #7
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    Shifty your my man but your very wrong here.At this age,he is looking at 10iu per day,the sides can be high to reach 10iu in 4 months for a noob.To be honest most people I know who ran ran HGH this age were disappointed with the results.I always advise to perfect the basics,which are diet and training.Your stats suggests that you still have room to grow.HGH is the icing on the cake,when you have reached you genetic max,then look to add HGH,IGF and slin.unless your very competitive this can be fully justified,I have to be honest,that I know some hardcore lifters that are in there mid 20s and these physiques could not be achieved without HGH.At your young age your HGH levels are very high,they start to decline in your mid 20s,this is when its best to take advantage of HGH.

  8. #8
    so if i took just 4 iu a day with cyp, wat kind of results wud u think i cud achieve, wat wud u advise me to take with it? thanks

  9. #9
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    lol listen to goose.

    u won't see ****-all from gh at your age..

    and for someone who's been cycling for 4 years ur stats suck, sort ur diet/training out

  10. #10
    yea well listen dickhead u didnt know my stats before i started any gear and u only know height and weight! no bmi or jack shit

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    Shifty your my man but your very wrong here.At this age,he is looking at 10iu per day,the sides can be high to reach 10iu in 4 months for a noob.To be honest most people I know who ran ran HGH this age were disappointed with the results.I always advise to perfect the basics,which are diet and training.Your stats suggests that you still have room to grow.HGH is the icing on the cake,when you have reached you genetic max,then look to add HGH,IGF and slin.unless your very competitive this can be fully justified,I have to be honest,that I know some hardcore lifters that are in there mid 20s and these physiques could not be achieved without HGH.At your young age your HGH levels are very high,they start to decline in your mid 20s,this is when its best to take advantage of HGH.
    Which bit am i wrong on? needing 10iu per day???
    I was basing my answer on if he's been on aas since 16 then you know he isnt going to be happy with any results from natty growth or lower doses of HGH.
    And after doing aas for 4 years already isnt going to be put off (cause no one ever listens to the line 'you dont need it yet' lol) unless its pointed out its best to wait, and then only utilize it at the higher dose when you actually need it... (was trying to put him off using benefit to cost ratio. ha ha)

    but bottom line.. not worth it yet...

  12. #12
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    you are natrually producing 2.5iu daily i believe so 4 will do pretty much like 200mgs of eq will do ya

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    Which bit am i wrong on? needing 10iu per day???
    I was basing my answer on if he's been on aas since 16 then you know he isnt going to be happy with any results from natty growth or lower doses of HGH.
    And after doing aas for 4 years already isnt going to be put off (cause no one ever listens to the line 'you dont need it yet' lol) unless its pointed out its best to wait, and then only utilize it at the higher dose when you actually need it... (was trying to put him off using benefit to cost ratio. ha ha)

    but bottom line.. not worth it yet...

    I wrote my post before you edited it

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    I wrote my post before you edited it
    ahhhh all makes sense now goose! ha ha

    *Mental note.. dont type and talk on the fone at the same time.. its true.. us guys cant multi-task
    Last edited by shifty_git; 02-25-2008 at 04:07 PM.

  15. #15
    so wud sum1 advise me wats the best option please

  16. #16
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    its been said fella.... your looking at 6iu MIN, pref 10iu to get any actual size gains from hgh.. and then they wont be anything like compared to aas.

    and at those higher doses the sides out weight any benefits for the normal (as in not competative) person.

    hgh is (like goose said) the icing on the cake...

  17. #17
    im deffo gona do it dont care wat the sides are, wats the best thing to take wiv it then i will be stackin it wiv cyp, wat else shud i take

  18. #18
    Gear's Avatar
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    You're still way too young to be playing with drugs as such, but if you go ahead and use HGH I would still start on a lower dose and work your way up to whatever dose is necessary for desired gains.


  19. #19
    thanks alot gear think i will do that, i know i am young but coz a started aas at young age wudnt my test levels be really low now without?

  20. #20
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    Considering your present stats and that you have been cycling for years, I would recommend you also take a look at your diet, if you tweak it your goals will be easier to reach. Good luck.

  21. #21
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    i'm your age, and we have plenty. I'm 20, and 6'5. been this tall since i was 15.(cuz the doctors stapled my growth plates shut.. maybe when your 30 or older. when i use it when im 30 or so, im run it for a year. long cycles. 4 months aint very much. i know some say minimum 6 months.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by englandnwest View Post
    yea well listen dickhead u didnt know my stats before i started any gear and u only know height and weight! no bmi or jack shit

    ooooh, yeah you're a beast 6'3 and 200lbs after 4 years of cycling.

    Even if ur 5% bodyfat you're still small for 4 years cycling..most here were 200lbs before they cycled, and are shorter than you.

    Try eating food

  23. #23
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    i'm 230 and 6'5 and have 11%bf. i am not big, 17.5 arms, 27 quad, 43 chest. i'm wanting 20-30lbs first cycle. use a good cycle.

    1-12: 500mg test
    1-6: 40mg dbol.

    this is plenty, and the same cycle i am doing.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Princes_Gate View Post
    ooooh, yeah you're a beast 6'3 and 200lbs after 4 years of cycling.

    Even if ur 5% bodyfat you're still small for 4 years cycling..most here were 200lbs before they cycled, and are shorter than you.

    Try eating food
    What's that $hit? Take your stinky ass attitude back where you got it from otherwise your title under you name will say banned.

    State your opinion in a meture manner or don't post at all.


  25. #25
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by englandnwest View Post
    thanks alot gear think i will do that, i know i am young but coz a started aas at young age wudnt my test levels be really low now without?
    Not necessaraly bro, but then again it depends on how hard you have been cycling for and how much of a break you have had within that time etc. Your best of seeing your doc and getting some tests done but you are still so young and you should defenitely be taking advantage of your natural abilities.

    All the best.


  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by englandnwest View Post
    im deffo gona do it dont care wat the sides are, wats the best thing to take wiv it then i will be stackin it wiv cyp, wat else shud i take
    personally i think you'll be wasting a lot of money for very little results on HGH..esp at 20..spend youre time working on your diet and I guarantee you that it needs a lot of improvement..been doing AAS since 16? sounds like the only way you think you can gain weight is with drugs

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    What's that $hit? Take your stinky ass attitude back where you got it from otherwise your title under you name will say banned.

    State your opinion in a meture manner or don't post at all.

    He's the one who started calling me a dickhead. I responded in a like manner, I'm surprised people aren't telling him to examine his diet/training more. 6'3 200lbs is easily, easily achieved naturally, let alone after 4 years of using gear and he seems to think he's plateaued.

  28. #28
    Gear's Avatar
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    You called him out first by saying his stats suck, then he called you a d/head.

    Let's just keep this nice and peacefull otherwise this thread is gonna turn into a boxing ring.


  29. #29
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    post your diet.....

  30. #30
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    Bro, im 20 n i wana take HGH as bad as u do. But thers no point yet, not worth the $$$$$ n so little gains we will see from it. JJust hold off a few years IMO.

  31. #31
    I'm around your age as well and I took HGH last year. I had to take around 8-10iu's of ********** to see very little results. I'm going to give HGH one last ditch effort when I pick up some Norditropin, which is supposed to be a night/day difference, so I'll give my final conclusion after a run on that stuff.

  32. #32
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    hey bro good luck finding information, cause i wanted to know the same thing, but i got them your too young remarks, yea i know im too young and you probably are too but your still needing info so ill just tell you what sumone on here told me, you can run 4-5ius a day for 5days on 2 days off but if your going to achieve any results, your considered to run a min. of 6 months to a year!! your a grown man you make your own dicesions, as for me, i took there advise, and im starting my new diet and lots of training natural until i build a good foundation, then i might consider GHG. anyone agree wit me on this

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by notanormalgent View Post
    I'm around your age as well and I took HGH last year. I had to take around 8-10iu's of ********** to see very little results. I'm going to give HGH one last ditch effort when I pick up some Norditropin, which is supposed to be a night/day difference, so I'll give my final conclusion after a run on that stuff.
    did u see alot of sides by taking this much a day? how long did u stay on it for mate? and wat kinda gains did u get?
    thanks alot

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