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Thread: amps vs. multi use vials danger?

  1. #1
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    amps vs. multi use vials danger?

    curious to what u guys think of's from a well known source...would like to know some opinions

    ============= Ampouls VS multiuse vials=====
    ---only real pharma can do amps and we are worlds first to make a full line of steroid amp , invested over $300k for your health . %99 of multiuse vials in market at this time are ug or vet regardles of what lable says as anyone can import oils or raw materials and rebottle vials with $200 investment

    one person says : oreganon deca is multi use vial and is not ug , well that deca is 2ml x 100 mg = 200mg so its single use as who inject only 100mg deca per week ? besides Oreganon deca 2ml vial copied with $20 invesment so faked endlessly so its UG as long as its vial even if it says Oreganon on it , again almost all of multiuse vials in market are ug or vet , and even if its not UG it will become UG as it get faked instantly !

    amps not easy to fake .. fake amps actualy relabled of existing amps , for instance they get cheapo prop amps and relable it enant 250 or parabolan etc

    why UG ? because often there is no choice, pharmacy items dont exist or not in doses useful for bb use ,trenbolone dont even exist in pharmacies anywhere in the world maybe because it has no medical uses to justify toxicity , primobolan maybe in 2 countries in the world you can buy without prescription or even with prescription and human deca only come in 100mg max and EQ dont even come for human use , and where in europe pharmacy anavar exist after italy SPA stop making them ages ago ? and pharmacy winstrol dont exist if only come in 5 mg and halo seems to be discountinued worldwide and so on , most everything guys use now days are ug
    Lab testing VIALS is totaly meaningless, because every month or week new batch made so maybe its good this week but bad next week and visa versa

    vial maker = ug order enough powder to make several hundred vials enough for this week or month and because he cant make more nore safe for him to do more, after it sold that few hundreds he made he order another batch of powder so every week or month he is making new batches , this way he can get out winer with cash if he choose or forced to break and run from this business ,each time he use different jugs or amounts to mix so size and end dose vary so you get new batches monthly ,each test differently ,even powder not same batch each time , its not his his fault either because thats the way it work

    he can only make few hundred vials at a time as its very tedious and time consuming work , he has to do it himself alone , he cant hire workers , he cant have assembly line , and he has to finish the job and make the buck before gets caught which can lead to short cuts , also no point risking importing huge amounts of powder when he cant turn all to vials or cash ,so all of above means you get new batch monthly each different , the one you test wil not apply to next weeks vial

    and even if every batch tested still it has no meaning because guys just test for steroid , if tested to contain correct steroid then its good and goes into your body regardles of it contain harmful impurities, germ , yeast , molds ....

    amps min order is 100,000 so once made it takes AGES to sell , test it once and it be same amp all those years, yes its BAD investment in such high risk biz because it sold for same price as vials=UG and takes YEARS to turn over , but you know what you getting

    with amps powders not same , nore process , nore #s produced and batches , human grade pharma have to use %99.9 purity reprocessed purified material thats cost lot more and takes months to get preped , tested , produced and takes YEARS to sell so its same stuff , test it once ..

    ug produced in normal room so dust mites , contaminant , pyrogens , are inside vial already regardless how carefully and painstingly filtered the oil , the dust and germs and fungus etc come from air and you cant stop it going into vials ,you can syrenge filter it , water based ones cant filter so you can only boil it to kill germs ..and cant use BA so germs can get in and grow back after couple of uses

    strelity is more the filtering and adding BA so even on pharmacy multiuse ones , after first use ur vial nolonger sterile as you must inject air into vial to draw the oil out each time , out side air contain germs and contaminant and various pyrogens , dust etc

    thats why most human use injs come in ampouls , one time use units lessen chance of contamination

    multi use vials only meant for hospitals or animal farms where subjects lined up to get shot so they go through vial quikly before germs get chance to grow

    the rubber in vials are magnet to germs as its porous -pours means small microscopic holes thats germs seek refugee

    its common practice to load up ug vials with BB or BA to stop the germs and make things like 100mg tren , but BB/BA desolve the rubber both in vial and plunger , just add a drop of BA or BB to stoper and see it melts , then you inject that into your body , used often body infected with silicon ruber result in cancer in long run

    Filtering even to 20micrometer still viruses and smaller bacterias get through , and you cant remove oil soluble impurities by filtering same way you cant filter suger nore colouring out of pepsi , the powder must have been %99.9 purity from factory to begin with ..if not must be sent back and purified ,..have you tried to filter your oils ? its very slow and tedius , wonder how many ug really do it ? and smaller the filter the slower it gets

    back in 2001 only one firm in the world made oxandrolone powder ( that was italy) and only firm in the world made Halo powder was in usa , they made only one batch every 6 months , back then china didnt have test enanthate let alone oxandrolone ,now small batches monthly in asia , when so many batches produced its very hard to have consistent quality control, for one thing there is no big buyer for hormones after usa banned prohormones which used to be imported by tons

    regardless of what powder factories asay tells you purity on ug powders/oils is often %97 , they know you are not Oreganon , so such standrards levels not required nore costs justified to meet nore possible to meet when so many little batches produced , its not that factory dishonest , he has to deal with reality , and why so many little batches produced ?because no big customer exist, i mean ug guy not buying 100 kg test powder like a real pharmacuetical does

    noone knows what the rest of %3 is most likly unconverted intermidietes or chemicals used in processeing various stages of synthesis , its common for raw material used to make ug oil smell like acetone or other chemicals , colours of every batch vary while they show you same good assay

    and how many ug test thier powders , source paid for raw materials ,would he throw it away if tested bad or supplier resends ? he be just happy it got through customs without get him busted and its like there is any other option to source better ones or he can order his powders from europe ? besides everyone else useing same powers as his , all he cant think convert and move it before get caught ,so answer is : it end up going into your body regardless

    have in hand drum of so called USP grade BP standard etc enanthate with %99 assay , find a pool of mud gray coloured liqued at the bottom of tank , the stuff is liqued and go right through filter .., all can be done is is throw that portion away and asume or hope rest not contaminated by that stuff , thats ug , amp factrory dont take this *** because cant risk $100k amps get rejected at the end , nore if one get ill it shut down his licensed 500k factory

    we aproached pharmacuetical companies for human grade , suprised at what they told us , the powers are not fit for human use , only 2 powers were ,prop and nandrolone phen-prop , only because they already made for this perpose as there is already human grade prop amps in human grade produced in china licensed for human use and on pharmacy shelf , only in 50 and 25 mg dose ..

    new batches of powders and purification process had to be employed to produce our amps so we paying lot higher for raw material ,.. min order is 100000 pieces regardless of size , its 1ml or 10ml , guess what size one afford to invest and its the 1ml or 2ml

    ampoule are free of pyrogens and air , germs dont grow where there is no air also 600 degree heat to melt the glass kill them , this done in sterile room in multi milion dollar facility as one can not make amps in his apartment like multiuse vials , try making one amp in basement then you know the difference beween a vial and amp

    compare to 10ml rebottled with air inside already , and you injecting more of contaminant such as dust and pyrogens each time into it and back into your body ,and if that tren is really 200mg then loaded with BA so you inject silicon rubber into your body each time and God know what impurites the raw material had to begin with

    bigger vial means you stick needle in out more so is chance of contamination , but guys think injectables are like a pepsi bottle , bigger ones are better deal

    min run to make amps is 100,000 amps per type so its big investment, so a full line need a half a milion dollar compare to multi use vial anyone can rebottle and lable with $200 equipment , one can not do same with amp so if you want to make sure its not ug get amps ..

    we have nothing against bulk oils and offer it too and thats what %99 of guys injecting in thier body anyways and that will only increase as customs and law geting more restrict daily , but beware there is difference :

    ================================ hard truth about BA/BB that all UG stuff contain :

    to make tren over 70 mg , cyp over 150mg , and so on you need BB?BA , 4 guys diagnosed with cancer , one is a IFBB and my friend , cancer ended his career ,thier doctors all diagnosed same thing :

    thier body infected with rubber from syrenge plunger and vial stopper which desolved by BB/BA

    just add few DROPS of %3 BB + %15 BA you recomanding on plunger rubber and leave it for a short while and see it get stuck ,take rubber out and inpect it , you see it desolved ,then you inject that rubber into your body day after day , week after week

    maybe thats why according to FDA max safe limit for BB/BA is only %1 ,any higher do not exist as medicine aproved for injection to human use , we used to make up to 400 mg oils with BB/BA before anyone else but guys getting hurt

    we only use Paraben / methyl paraben but its not as effective as ba in kiling germs , also its not a solvant like BA so can not bring up the dose

    because of all this we invested $300k to produce human grade prices same as ug vial on per mg basis
    Cyp needs BA to get even close to 200mg , guys want higher dose will end up rubber injected into thier body ,same goes for many other steroids ... as for tren go , few guys kiney failed on tren , kidney do not regenerate like liver so once kidney failed you are done

    Dan duchaine died because of tren , he choose death rather then going through painfull daily dialysis for rest of his life , dialysis is machine with 2 hoses and 2 huge nail size needle into your sides , then all your blood go into machine to be cleaned , the huge daily IV needle pain and hours it take and get infections after a while with all the hosses and needles going in and out , thats your life to be atached to machine ,if rich you buy machine and keep with you , if not you move near hospital and hope you have good insurance , thats what they told me ..

    tren is worlds most toxic steroid , its not like test which you can inject 1000 mg and only get water ,tren will kill your kidney , thats why it designed to be used at low doses only , if you need more efects from tren stack it with test or dball

    also tren needs BA to go over 75 mg so you get kidney poisen and cancer in one bottle ,now we only make oils without BB/BA , that limits dose , it may crystalize and crush in cold but i will not cause cancer we use paraben as preservative , know what BA/BB did to guys

    guys asking for high dose short acting steroids , like high dose prop or tren acetate :

    with short acting ones you must inject it daily regardless its 50 mg or 200 mg so what is the point of adding cancer causing solvants to get the dose higher ?
    if you insist on bulk oils , then we can only offer without BA/BB so only at doses it desolve without them

    we are worlds first UG producer for over a decade , worlds first 50mg winy when only other was 2.5 mg , first bulk oil , superstuff 400 mg and above which we dont deal with anymore ,we did and seen it all , guys say ug stuff better and dosed higher raving , have you seen how much is 500 mg ? its tea spoon of powder , now have you seen how big is 1ml of oil ? ,that much powder dont desolve in 1ml of oil unless cancer causeing BA /BB added ,its been said pain caused by alchohls Ba but thats not only cause , too much powder and not enough oil so it crystalize in your ars , powder are tiny crystals which are sharp object and oil gone so turn to a knott in ars cause pain , .. so after first batch they hear complaints and water it down , guys crying in pain dont help sales.. .. tren , primo etc all have low solibility below 100 mg .. we dont use cancer causing alchohls so no superdose cancer bottles

    we see so many misinformation on boards ,with any substance that has been creminalized there is rumors and lies spread on boards , take it with a grain of salt , the truth missings is health problems caused by steroid creminalization : users forced to use unstrelized homebrewed and UG products made of chinese raw material which are not up to pharmacuetical standards to begin with , heavy metals , oil soluble impurites that can not be filtered , unconverted intermidiates and other chemicals used in various stages of synthesis still there , guys just add BB and call it sterile , you see EQ from china thin and smell like acetone with as low as %70 purity with thier fake Assay which not from same batch they selling , the ones we used to get 10 years ago from italy was thick as honey and didnt even needed filtering with true %99.7 purity , due to tightening regulations it become impossible to get european raw material,athelites forced to use short acting orals to clear doping tests , the very law to save health did the oposite.

    and because person write this it dont make his Vial better as its still a Vial , get amps ... cost is same ..


  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    this was posted a couple months back and sparked quite a debate.

    This information is wrong. Posted origionally by a certain UG manufacturer. Please don't believe it

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    If multi-dose vials were really bad they wouldnt get used.. and there would be a lot more problems with infection than there is as the present.

    also, if you put neat BA and BB on a rubber plunger its going to have more of an effect cause its not diluted..

    come across like an anti-steroid article, yet is trying to make you spend more $$ with the big pharm companies...

    i call bs.

    Last edited by shifty_git; 02-27-2008 at 03:31 PM.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2004
    yeah thats what i thought..sounds like a sales pitch for amps haha ..thought it was kinda strange

  5. #5
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    not worried about an infection, but curious as 10 yrs down the road getting cancer

    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    If multi-dose vials were really bad they wouldnt get used.. and there would be a lot more problems with infection than there is as the present.

    also, if you put neat BA and BB on a rubber plunger its going to have more of an effect cause its not diluted..

    come across like an anti-steroid article, yet is trying to make you spend more $$ with the big pharm companies...

    i call bs.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by flabbywussy View Post
    not worried about an infection, but curious as 10 yrs down the road getting cancer
    is nothing better to scare someone than saying 'it may hit you in the future'...

    hell, they say you can get cancer from eating burnt/dark toast.. but how many people do?

  7. #7
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    anyone can buy a machine to make amps for a couple hundred dollars.

  8. #8
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    What a bunch of bs propaganda. That was ridiculous.

  9. #9
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    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    anyone can buy a machine to make amps for a couple hundred dollars.
    I think it costs alot more than that...

  10. #10
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    i thought that to until i saw a post the other day on another board about it. there was a pic with a guy using it in his home to make amps. he could of bought it used for all i freaking know because i dont make gear and have no clue how much that crap costs. but i do know what i saw and read

  11. #11
    Well my uncle get prescribed Cypanate from the doctor and it comes in a 10 ml bottle, so I find this article bullshit.

  12. #12
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    Thumbs down

    they aren't speaking of high quality gear (human grade) like ur uncle gets they're speaking about ug lab gear. btw it's "cypionate" NOT "cypanate" so b4 u jump on the bandwagon start callin bullshit. i would make sure u read everything properly, and stick around awhile longer til u learn the proper terms so people know what ur talking about

    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366 View Post
    Well my uncle get prescribed Cypanate from the doctor and it comes in a 10 ml bottle, so I find this article bullshit.
    Last edited by flabbywussy; 02-28-2008 at 02:47 AM.

  13. #13
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    yea thats ug bro. most people used to get the 10ml goldline test cyp that had it perscribed in the us

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by flabbywussy View Post
    they aren't speaking of high quality gear (human grade) like ur uncle gets they're speaking about ug lab gear. btw it's "cypionate" NOT "cypanate" so b4 u jump on the bandwagon start callin bullshit. i would make sure u read everything properly, and stick around awhile longer til u learn the proper terms so people know what ur talking about
    This article was posted some months ago. It's quite obvious and pretty well known that the author of it, 1. was trying to plug his own product line and smear a competitor, and 2. has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.

    Regardless of the "quality" of gear, all sterile solutions placed into multiple dose vials have some form of a disinfectant to keep the solution somewhat sterile. That is the inherent problem with multiple dose vials, multiple punctures and contaminated air getting into the bottle. Something has to be placed into the solution in order to keep bacteria from festering inside the solution. Multiple dose vials have been used in hospitals for a long time. They have however shifted away from these towards pre-loaded syringes. However, the reason is not because of "cancer causing stoppers," but purely a matter of sterility.

    I'm also failing to see how the member you quoted doesn't know what he's talking about because he spelled cypionate wrong? The spelling was obviously close enough for you to understand what he meant, and I think his point was quite valid. That would be equivalent to discounting my entire post because I spelled the word "contaminated" wrong.

  15. #15
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    Not complete B.S.

    It's obvious that the author that wrote this has an agenda. Some of it is B.S. and taken too far, but not all of it. I think that many people are getting caught up in a debate of whether or not vials are as safe as amps. However, that was just one point of this persuasive essay. The bigger picture being you really have no idea what you are getting with these UGL's. In fact, injecting pieces of dissolved rubber stopper is the least of my worries when it comes to UGL gear made by someone I don't know in a place that is not up to human grade standards. You can only hope that you are getting the correct hormone at the correct dose and it is sterile enough for injection. If the UGL manufactured the product right, who knows if they even got real hormone to begin with? Are you %1oo sure the UGL tested for purity? Just because you have an amp maker and don't use BA or BB doesn't mean you are getting a superior product either.
    I don't know if dissolved pieces of rubber stopper are causing people cancer. It certainly can't be good for you. I do see the agenda in this argument and it really makes human grade gear look that much better. Either way you choose I think everyone just needs to be careful and not take chances because "so and so" lab has a great deal on "XYZ" this week.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    is nothing better to scare someone than saying 'it may hit you in the future'...

    hell, they say you can get cancer from eating burnt/dark toast.. but how many people do?
    I sure hope it aint true because i eat toast everyday

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by flabbywussy View Post
    they aren't speaking of high quality gear (human grade) like ur uncle gets they're speaking about ug lab gear. btw it's "cypionate" NOT "cypanate" so b4 u jump on the bandwagon start callin bullshit. i would make sure u read everything properly, and stick around awhile longer til u learn the proper terms so people know what ur talking about
    I am pretty sure everyone knew I meant Cypionate ,sorry for the spelling error, as for sticking around here longer to learn to the proper terms I have been here just as long as you have so

  18. #18
    And by the way your right, I did not read the whole article, I started too but it just seemed like someone trying to push their own products. Way to go for you if you have time to read all the BS you can find on the internet to the point where you are an expert on the material.

  19. #19
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    this is complete b.s. i said it in the first post too. gee i hope nobody works in a facility where they produce the rubber that is used for those stoppers. gee they might inhale that stuff and be dead in weeks, funny thing they are always hiring hmmmmm. bottom line is that people would be dying left and right by the thousands if rubber were this toxic. we all use rubber on a daily basis. its total b.s. and should be treated as such. by the way how do we know anything we are getting that we buy is correct???????? how do i know there is not lead in my corn flakes or trace amounts of uranium in my mountain dew (which i think there is) unless we get everything we use or ingest tested? and i hope all my spelling is kerekt.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    this is complete b.s. i said it in the first post too. gee i hope nobody works in a facility where they produce the rubber that is used for those stoppers. gee they might inhale that stuff and be dead in weeks, funny thing they are always hiring hmmmmm. bottom line is that people would be dying left and right by the thousands if rubber were this toxic. we all use rubber on a daily basis. its total b.s. and should be treated as such. by the way how do we know anything we are getting that we buy is correct???????? how do i know there is not lead in my corn flakes or trace amounts of uranium in my mountain dew (which i think there is) unless we get everything we use or ingest tested? and i hope all my spelling is kerekt.
    Like I said, the rubber stopper argument, is for you to decide. The difference between human grade gear and UGL? Is almost like buying your mountain dew and corn flakes at a grocery store, (reputable brands with quality control) rather than finding something that looks like corn flakes and mountain dew on a bench in a park and deciding to eat it. Are they contaminated? Are you willing to bet the gear you found with no quality control is safe for injection?

  21. #21
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Reprisal 6 View Post
    Like I said, the rubber stopper argument, is for you to decide. The difference between human grade gear and UGL? Is almost like buying your mountain dew and corn flakes at a grocery store, (reputable brands with quality control) rather than finding something that looks like corn flakes and mountain dew on a bench in a park and deciding to eat it. Are they contaminated? Are you willing to bet the gear you found with no quality control is safe for injection?
    dont get me wrong i wasnt really trying to make the point that the rubber stoppers do anything .... i dont care. its the point that to me it is not a persuasive essay as you call it. i just think it is all 100%total garbage. for example:

    "also tren needs BA to go over 75 mg so you get kidney poisen and cancer in one bottle ,now we only make oils without BB/BA , that limits dose , it may crystalize and crush in cold but i will not cause cancer we use paraben as preservative " woow kidney poison and cancer in one bottle, he forgot SARS, and the black plague.
    "have you seen how much is 500 mg ? its tea spoon of powder , now have you seen how big is 1ml of oil ? ,that much powder dont desolve in 1ml of oil unless cancer causeing BA /BB added " you can get that powder to melt even without oil.....let alone ba or bb.
    "ampoule are free of pyrogens and air , germs dont grow where there is no air " "ummmmmm anaerobic bacteria..............."

    "to make tren over 70 mg , cyp over 150mg , and so on you need BB?BA , 4 guys diagnosed with cancer , one is a IFBB and my friend , cancer ended his career ,thier doctors all diagnosed same thing :
    thier body infected with rubber from syrenge plunger and vial stopper which desolved by BB/BA " are you kidding me??????????

    and dont even get me satrted on the dust mites............... people are dying all across the globe from dust mite poisoning.

    anyone who believes any part of this stuff is nuts. its complete and total garbage from start to end and should be treated as such.

  22. #22
    Furthermore to the Professional grammer expert from above, yes my uncle get his from a doctor and it is human grade, but guess what, it still has a rubber stopper..........

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