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Thread: Just a shot at 220lbs 5'10"

  1. #1

    Just a shot at 220lbs 5'10"

    The girlfriend wanted me to see what my back looks like..
    I don't really like having my pic taken as you can probly tell by the look on my face .. lol

    Sorry, She's into this black and white photo thing ...
    I'm close to 220 there with almost 17" arms.

    I was in an accident a year ago that kept me out of the gym for a great portion of the past year ..

    I cut about 20+lbs of fat in the past 5 weeks when I geared up for vacation next month ...

    I really need to cut another 20lbs of fat over the next 5 weeks but keep some of my size. Most of the fatty areas are in the armpit area and mid section ... Everything else is fairly lean considering my weight right now.

    I ordered one of those sauna suits from ebay and was wondering if anyone has experience with it ... How often to use it ? can it be used every day ? prep ?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	stroop01.jpg 
Views:	573 
Size:	46.0 KB 
ID:	88307  
    Last edited by Stroop; 02-28-2008 at 11:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Stroop View Post
    The girlfriend wanted me to see what my back looks like..
    I don't really like having my pic taken as you can probly tell by the look on my face .. lol

    Sorry, She's into this black and white photo thing ...
    I'm close to 220 there with almost 17" arms.

    I was in an accident a year ago that kept me out of the gym for a great portion of the past year ..

    I cut about 20+lbs of fat in the past 5 weeks when I geared up for vacation next month ...

    I really need to cut another 20lbs of fat over the next 5 weeks but keep some of my size. Most of the fatty areas are in the armpit area and mid section ... Everything else is fairly lean considering my weight right now.

    I ordered one of those sauna suits from ebay and was wondering if anyone has experience with it ... How often to use it ? can it be used every day ? prep ?
    The only thing a sauna suit is going to do is dehydrate the crap out of you.... check out the diet section..... formulate a diet and add some cardio to your weight training...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    The only thing a sauna suit is going to do is dehydrate the crap out of you.... check out the diet section..... formulate a diet and add some cardio to your weight training...
    Ok but why do boxers use them to drop weight all the time ?
    Isn't it fair to say that when you sweat, you shed body fats along with it ?

    Agreed, I probably need some work on my diet but it's got me this far in short time ...

    I'm 40 years old. As the years pass it gets harder to drop body fat, unlike when I was 25...

    It took me a year to put on 40+ pounds of fat - Even the best diet can take many months ... I'll take any edge I can get to lose those extra 20.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Stroop View Post
    Ok but why do boxers use them to drop weight all the time ? Yes this is a 100% correct water shedding water causes your bodyweight to decrease so you can make weight
    Isn't it fair to say that when you sweat, you shed body fats along with it ?NO it is not just drink some water and you'll baloon to a greater weight then when you started and look bloated super saturation

    Agreed, I probably need some work on my diet but it's got me this far in short time ... Thats kind of silly... so if it works kinda OK you dont need to make it any better?

    I'm 40 years old. As the years pass it gets harder to drop body fat, unlike when I was 25...Exactly your metabolism slows down you hold less muscle thats why your diet and cardio is so important

    It took me a year to put on 40+ pounds of fat - Even the best diet can take many months ... I'll take any edge I can get to lose those extra 20.
    NO there are no short cuts... they only wat to loose weight is to diet + cardio + weight training and maybe some metabolic stimulators...
    Response in bold..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    ^^good advice

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Us fighters use sauna suits the day before and the day of weigh ins for that extra 5 to 10 pounds but after weigh ins we are drinking water to get that water back or we will feel like shit. just watch your pee make sure it doesnt get dark keep it light yellow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    So that in your avy is really you...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Response in bold..
    Like he said, it will only shed the water weight

  9. #9
    ya man you'll prob drop a quick 5-10 pounds then it'll just stop and you'll feel like shit. They only use the sauna suits to make weight, then re-hydrate right after weigh ins

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