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Thread: Concerns About Anabolics Baught From Trainer

  1. #1

    Concerns About Anabolics Baught From Trainer

    new to all of this. I am concerned whether or not the anabolics i am taking are legit or not. My trainer who i've known for quit some time sold me some anabolics that are produced locally by a "friend" of his. obviously a very covert operation apparently the raw materials are baught from china and mixed here. the reason i am questioning the ligitmacy of the product is the following

    been on my cycle for two weeks i have seen no side effects (acne, hair loss, etc.)
    the injections produce no pain whatsoever

    wondering if im just being impatient and need to wait longer or i should start seeing some results by now i am currently pushing the following...

    testpro 100 1cc per week
    supertest 450 1cc per week

    please help thnx
    Last edited by ktanner777; 02-28-2008 at 08:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    please edit the lab name out of your post.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the edit.
    2 weeks is relatively short to notice the effects.
    If you don't mind, give us a little more info on you:
    planned cycle length?
    planned pct?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Thanks for the edit.
    2 weeks is relatively short to notice the effects.
    If you don't mind, give us a little more info on you:
    planned cycle length?
    planned pct?
    Planned cycle length:10 weeks

    looking to put on about 15lb at minimum

    my biggest reason for questioning the products is the fact that i keep reading about how painful injections are the following day and I HAVE HAD NOOO PAIN!
    Trainer says its because stuff is pure and not full of benzo alcohol...just wanna make sure im not getting jerked around!
    Last edited by ktanner777; 02-28-2008 at 09:02 PM.

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  6. #6
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    sigh. 150 pounds man, you should be focused on your diet, not aas.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    have not been over post cycle with trainer yet apparently well deal with that when the time comes

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    sigh. 150 pounds man, you should be focused on your diet, not aas.
    my diet has been stellar for two solid and strong just need to put on weight im at the threshold.

  9. #9
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    the time was at the beginning planning stages...

    no wonder the publics views shun on aas usage, cause majority of the people using it have not done enough research prior to its use and end up hurting themselves.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    my diet has been stellar for two solid and strong just need to put on weight im at the threshold.
    I call BULL$HIT. Stellar for two years and you still weigh 150lbs. threshold, i think you mean plateau.

    I'm smellin bacon...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by rock75 View Post
    the time was at the beginning planning stages...

    no wonder the publics views shun on aas usage, cause majority of the people using it have not done enough research prior to its use and end up hurting themselves.
    hey i didnt create this thread to get looking for some good quality advice what you have offered is nothing so keep your opinions to yourself if they offer no help...kthnx

  12. #12
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    Your diet is "stellar", but you are 150lbs and can't gain another 15?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    hey i didnt create this thread to get looking for some good quality advice what you have offered is nothing so keep your opinions to yourself if they offer no help...kthnx
    If you don't want to hear what we are saying, there is an easy fix. Go somewhere else.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    If you don't want to hear what we are saying, there is an easy fix. Go somewhere else.
    my questions are concerning the it too soon? should it be painful injections? if you wanna know about my diet ill be glad to share...either way what should i be seeing from these aas at this point in time...two weeks in?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    my questions are concerning the it too soon? should it be painful injections? if you wanna know about my diet ill be glad to share...either way what should i be seeing from these aas at this point in time...two weeks in?
    from the sounds of it, you are just hellebent on running a cycle in a stubborn way.

    pct should be arranged and ready before you start your cycle.

    consider this, if you are only 150 now, how are you going to keep your gains after the cycle is over. clearly your diet doesnt support mass gains, and you dont even have your pct stuff together.

    so most likely, you will lose your gains after the cycle from an insufficient diet or failed pct.

    we're not lecturing you, just giving you a shot of the truth.

    the truth is a bitch sometimes.

  16. #16
    If this is a real some research man....these guys have a are what you eat, so if you only weigh 150 somethin is wrong and steroids isn't gonna fix it

  17. #17
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    do you have any anti-estrogen's on hand...incase your nipples start itching and gyno occurs - or your "trainer" didn't discuss that with you. Question, how long have you been "training?" How long have you been "training" with this "trainer?"

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    from the sounds of it, you are just hellebent on running a cycle in a stubborn way.

    pct should be arranged and ready before you start your cycle.

    consider this, if you are only 150 now, how are you going to keep your gains after the cycle is over. clearly your diet doesnt support mass gains, and you dont even have your pct stuff together.

    so most likely, you will lose your gains after the cycle from an insufficient diet or failed pct.

    we're not lecturing you, just giving you a shot of the truth.

    the truth is a bitch sometimes.
    diet is as follows

    meal 1: oatmeal mixed with truemass 2 scoops + 6 egg whites

    Meal 2: large canned chicken and plain rice cakes

    meal 3: chick, or ground turker, or fish and a carb and a fiber veggy

    meal 4: NO drink

    meal 5: same as meal 3

    meal 6: canned tuna/chick and a carb

    meal 7: Low carb shake hand full of almonds

  19. #19
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    I'm betting he doesn't even know what pct is since I've asked twice and he hasn't replied to that. Yet another one who wants to hear what they want to hear, but not what they need to hear.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I'm betting he doesn't even know what pct is since I've asked twice and he hasn't replied to that. Yet another one who wants to hear what they want to hear, but not what they need to hear.
    i answered you in post #7

  21. #21
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    I would be leary of any "trainer" offering steroids, he may hold onto your pin for 7yrs and use it as evidence against you. Seriously though, any "trainer" worth a $hit should look his clients in the eye and say "I know there are ways around this, but I am going to "TRAIN" you how to do it without so when you do reach a level of comfortability you can ACHIEVE further growth." Not, "I'll train you, but you need to buy steroids from my friend before I do cause I can't make you grow without them." Which is basically what he did.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    i answered you in post #7
    so he is right, you don't know what it cause you didn't discuss that with your "trainer"

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    i answered you in post #7
    I wondered what your plan for pct was, not your trainer's. The time to plan your pct and get all pct compounds is before the cycle starts, not some time later.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    diet is as follows

    meal 1: oatmeal mixed with truemass 2 scoops + 6 egg whites

    Meal 2: large canned chicken and plain rice cakes

    meal 3: chick, or ground turker, or fish and a carb and a fiber veggy

    meal 4: NO drink

    meal 5: same as meal 3

    meal 6: canned tuna/chick and a carb

    meal 7: Low carb shake hand full of almonds
    "stellar" diet if you are looking to lose weight, not gain mass. triple the above and you might gain some lbs.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I wondered what your plan for pct was, not your trainer's. The time to plan your pct and get all pct compounds is before the cycle starts, not some time later.
    well maybe you could offer me some advice on that.

    still really unsure the answer to my original question...should i assume that these aas are legit or do i need to give it more time?

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by rock75 View Post
    "stellar" diet if you are looking to lose weight, not gain mass. triple the above and you might gain some lbs.
    truemass in a diet for losing weight?

  27. #27
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    the first thing I notice on cycle is an increased sex drive. Depending on the cycle that is usually in the first few weeks.
    Your diet would be fine to lose weight on, no where near a bulking diet. To be honest I would question the integrity of your trainer, if he had your best interest at heart he would have helped you tweak your diet before he put you on a cycle.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    well maybe you could offer me some advice on that.

    still really unsure the answer to my original question...should i assume that these aas are legit or do i need to give it more time?
    testpro 100 1cc per week - test prop 100 mg/wk - might as well take celltech
    supertest 450 1cc per week - depends on what was used in the "brew" as most "supertest" is a longer acting test and will take a longer time to fully get in to your muscles.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    truemass in a diet for losing weight?
    well are you gaining weight?
    check these:

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    truemass in a diet for losing weight?
    the diet you posted isn't bad like I said, if you want to lose weight. there is obviously not enough calories in their to support your needs for growth, plain and simple - if you want to grow you need to eat.

  31. #31
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    I'm sorry to get on you kid, but you were not ready for AAS and your trainer should not have recommended them to you. Research and search on this forum for PCT, anti-e's, just read all that you can possibly read. and remember, what someone says works for them may not work for you as we are all different individuals, take what is said a basis for you to form your own opinions and go from there

  32. #32
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    bulking diet should be 3-4000 calories a day for someone your weight. hell i eat over 3k calories a day just to maintain my weight at the moment.

    protein should be upwards of 300g a day.

  33. #33
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    It depend what AAS are in your body as to how long before you should see results. With d-bol a few days, with eq a few months , you dont know what your taking so you dont know what to expect......

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by BDTR View Post
    i'm much more in favor of a toned down lee priest style bulk diet. I've found it works far better and i gain a lot more muscle, fat can always be stripped down after.

    Fat is easier to lose than muscle is to gain, why limit yourself?

    Your sample diet is good, the macros are correct, but in all honesty i prefer bulking with lots of red meat, lots of carbs and lots of fats and pay no attention to macros aside from protien (2 grams per lb of bodyweight) and the fats and carbs come in large amounts throughout the day as well..

    Sure your way will put lean muscle on and limit fat loss, however my way is more fun. A sample bulking diet that i would use:

    Meal 1. 1 1/2 servings n large 2 in milk with oatmeal and peanut butter and 4 eggs (cooked)

    Meal 2. Steak, potatoes, veggies of some sort, 1/2 serving protien powder (usually whey) with olive oil (2-3 tablespoons)

    Meal 3. Ground beef, onions, peppers, mushrooms, rice.

    Meal 4. 1 1/2 servings n large 2, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, milk.

    Ultrafuel preworkout

    50 grams of whey, 150 grams of dextrose 20 ius of slin

    Chicken, rice, brocolli

    Meal 6. Steak, mushrooms, onions potatoes or rice of some sort.

    Meal 7. Nlarge 2 with milk, flax oil

    Meal 8, 3 cans tuna with mayo and bread

    Mid sleep snack - Cottage cheese, protien drink with milk.

    So yeah... this diet isn't for endomorphs, but its what works for me.

    It comes out to about 6500 cals, 600+ protien etc..

    I also use 12.5mcg of t3 while bulking and the GH helps keep fat off.
    Im aiming for this diet next cycle, no more p*ssy footin around!

    Its easy and has been stated bro, without food you dont grow. And as AandF says in his bulkiing thread...muscle dont appear out of thin air, you need calories to back them. Ok, for instance you may be eating that much and maintaning that weight, find out you BMR, then find out how many calories you need throughout the day to MAINTAIN you weight. go 500-1000 over that to gain. Its easy.

  35. #35
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    Listen to these guys. Your diet sucks for bulking. Even for mild gains / lean mass you wont grow eating that little. IMO 3 shakes a day is too much. You should use real food.
    I used to think I was a so-called hard gainer. Then I learned to eat right.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Im aiming for this diet next cycle, no more p*ssy footin around!
    Awesome diet plan Bro. I think I might copy this one to a word document.

  37. #37
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    LoL there are a few things id change in there tho but for the most part, its doable. To Ktanner777, this is an example of a bulker (advanced IMO as Ive never hit 6000 cals yet ). Once again, eat big to grow big.

  38. #38
    thnx for the help...will begin high calorie intake he said no more p**sy footing

  39. #39
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    yeah legobricks thats a diet to aim for but for me i would have to get another stomach surgically added. Im struggling to get 4500-5000 and thats with 2 high cal shakes a day.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by ktanner777 View Post
    diet is as follows

    meal 1: oatmeal mixed with truemass 2 scoops + 6 egg whites

    Meal 2: large canned chicken and plain rice cakes

    meal 3: chick, or ground turker, or fish and a carb and a fiber veggy

    meal 4: NO drink

    meal 5: same as meal 3

    meal 6: canned tuna/chick and a carb

    meal 7: Low carb shake hand full of almonds

    Definately not enough calories here bro....everybody is different but I'm eating AT LEAST 4000 a day to try and maintain my weight. The post above sums it up, you can't grow muscles without feeding them.

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