nice work buddy, im gonna be doin the same cycle, maybe with a little more PCT though, i'll pick up some arimadex, and i have clomid right now, i dont think it would make that much of a difference though.
keep us postedd!
nice work buddy, im gonna be doin the same cycle, maybe with a little more PCT though, i'll pick up some arimadex, and i have clomid right now, i dont think it would make that much of a difference though.
keep us postedd!
Quick update....
Well week 5 is almost concluded. The shots have been going great and so has the cycle all together! My strength is starting to shoot up! An example...My previous max on bench was 195, yesterday I was able to put up 225 twice! I've been eating like crazy and lifting hard! I weighed in today at 177! that's a total of 15lbs in 5 weeks! My goal was to get to 190 and cut down to 180 after all is said and done. Looks like my goal should be attainable! Again, everything is going the way I was hoping. I'm starting to slightly break out on my back and forehead.
Here's a few update pics...
couple more
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