Originally Posted by
Gym Freak
I've used only used 2 different types of off the shelf pro hormones from GNC before for short stints of time, i.e. 4-5 weeks at a time. I don't consider much of pro hormones from GNC but I tryed them to see if they are what the manufacture claims. Experience not only teaches you how to train and diet but how to supplement properly as well. You find out that along the way you have wasted a lot of money trying hyped supplements and such. No difference or change in anything like size or strength was noticed when I tryed pro hormones so I just ignore them altogether now. I don't respond to many supplements like others do. I don't know why but I don't. As far as my traps and delts, I've really worked hard on them. Your V-taper starts from the delts, so I've paid special attention to them when I work them. My traps always get noticed, I don't know if they are genetically a strong point or they are due in part to the way I train them. I train for not only size, but I try and focus a lot on the shaping of the muscle. I guess that is why they call it bodybuilding. I think my triceps are small. I think they are a problem area for me so I have been focusing hard on them when they are trained. I feel that I have several problem areas that I am trying to improve upon.