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Thread: Opinions on AI/SERM cycling

  1. #1

    Opinions on AI/SERM cycling

    Hey guys, I was wondering about the effectiveness of running an AI or SERM all by itself and trying to figure if there would be bodybuilding benefits to it. I know many AI's and SERMs increase testosterone levles and either reduce estrogen or compete for the receptor. My question is if i was to hop on an AI or SERM as an "on cycle" as opposed to a post cycle what benefits could I expect? Obviously these compounds won't yield steroid-like gains but I'm sure they would still pack on some muscle mass. Would cycles of AI's and SERMs be beneficial to someone trying to put on muscle? And has anyone ever used these compounds by themselves and had results?? Opinions and insight are greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by JTheRock7 View Post
    Hey guys, I was wondering about the effectiveness of running an AI or SERM all by itself and trying to figure if there would be bodybuilding benefits to it. I know many AI's and SERMs increase testosterone levles and either reduce estrogen or compete for the receptor. My question is if i was to hop on an AI or SERM as an "on cycle" as opposed to a post cycle what benefits could I expect? Obviously these compounds won't yield steroid-like gains but I'm sure they would still pack on some muscle mass. Would cycles of AI's and SERMs be beneficial to someone trying to put on muscle? And has anyone ever used these compounds by themselves and had results?? Opinions and insight are greatly appreciated.
    for what reason would you choose to run an "AI/SERM" cycle rather than the real deal? are you concerned with the sides?....

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by VTliftVT View Post
    for what reason would you choose to run an "AI/SERM" cycle rather than the real deal? are you concerned with the sides?....
    No I'm only 19 im not going to run any cycle, at least not yet, i'm just curious about the effectiveness of an AI/SERM cycle. In the steroid profiles section it seems that most of the compounds raise testosterone a nice amount and lowers estrogen so it seems like the idea of using an AI/SERM as a cycle would be plausible.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    One obvious downside is that you need estrogen to produce gains.

    And lowering it from its natural state might actually slow gains rather than increase them.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    One obvious downside is that you need estrogen to produce gains.

    And lowering it from its natural state might actually slow gains rather than increase them.
    True, what about arimidex though? It reduces estrogen but does not eliminate it? Also, arimidex seems to raise test levels a great deal. I'm just curious if anyone here knows a person who has experimented with this or if they themselves have ever tried it.

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