Got a bj really...mee too wow
.. Ya but your girlfirend chew'ed on you dick. Mine sucked me right up till i fell asleep.
I kept fingering her tiny poocrack while she was BJing me...I'm close to the pinnacle!!!
Ur my favourite friend sharing pics.... LOL... Its never to late to start your thread, Ask the guys for some info, i bet you that you arent the only italian gaylord that wants to give your girlfriend up the shitpipe... And they might give you some tips......
Just my Opinion! ... lol..
U didnt answer my question!.. Does she also finger your poo-drain sometimes?
Tigre's back brothas. Go visit him
HAHAH!.Grande Tigre .... Why dont you and him become very good friends. You guys can spend some weekends togetther talking about HCG and Pregnyl this, that and the other.... U guys can visit Fashion shows in Milan and travel Italy together....
There is not enough help to help Tigre.!... I like italy... My 4th favourite place in the world. HAHAHA!.. Me too. I hate doing special stuff with females. I just like being on the couch watching movies and eating alot of Sh/t on weekends sleeping and having sex and sleep again then wathching porn. In that order!... HAHA!
I also like taking my dogs for a walk in a HUGE upmarket Shopping mall with alot of important people. There is a square called Nelson Mandela Square and its full of nice restaurants and people coming there with families dressing up smart and i like going there with shorts and shoes with no socks and an old shirt and my tattoos on my legs and walking my dog there and it shits on the square there and everyone looks at me and security doesnt even come close to me coz they scared of my dog and i just walk there ....... LaLaLaLa!..
All the people just look at me funny.... But i dont giva****!
.... 2 of us in the same place?...... HAHAHAHHAHAAHAH!... F*ck shame to the rest of the nation!... lmfao!
Plenty of work here. I see you can already do some Editing bye the way u did Vernon hahahah!... And u can come stay in the apartments where i stay for about R4000 per month where R12 = 1 euro.
Your income can be about R16 000 rand so you have ALOT of money for the abusing of Steroids and Food and pay for sex and get a good car/bike. There is alot of Gym's here too but SA is too hot. I hate the weather here and the crime..... But behave like a criminal so im not scared! hahah!... Anytime Noch!
So bye the way.
HAHA!.. thought u would have found that one funny!.. I am gonna grow my hair exactly like his...
You are lucky there in SA...I envy you so much!
Here in north Italy a standard salary is R12000-13000 and you have to pay something like R6000 for a fvckin' apartment, there is actually no life here. We have to double work to afford gym and steroid costs and eat and go somewhere in saturdays is desperatly expensive!
I was seriously thinking to go out and searching for a more comfortble life anywhere out of Italy bro. My buddy's going in a month cause he's freakin tired too...He lived in London for six months and even with the min salary he could go out every day and drink gallons of beer there!
^^^^New avvy lol
Yeah London is the place to be. My mom stays there and i lived there for 7 years. I could also easily afford to live but unfortuantley i spent all my money on recreational drugs!.. What a dick! Yeah man even though it sounds like fun its not worth your life here coz people will kill you for anything! ..FCKEN ANYTHING!... So doesnt matter where you are the are always something that ****s it up... London is a good bet. But i would like to give NYC also a go, I LOVE city life and concrete Jungle and shyte so i think NYC is the ultimate place to be...
SA's Crime is way more than other countries. Fck is sux. I prefer european Countries coz its so old and its so easy to travel...Where in SA is so far from the rest of the world. Yeah ill never be happy wherever i go.. BUT Gym, Music, Food, Animals and shyte makes me happy so has long has i have this can i be anyware..
Sweet chat lata
Off to Gym!
See you later bro.
Happy lifting
and he's's...JAYDUB
JAYDUB in the house!!!!!
Welcome to AR Dukkit and Jaydup. Please check the diet forums.
yep.... that's right. got over 500 posts now....that means I'm cool
whats a diet?? is that like an STD???
congrats jaydub, you are now... cool. in your own eyes. haha
hahah for sure!!
hey... its "the devil" how was that fall from heaven??? break any bones? or wings?
Your senior's back maggots!!!!!!!!!!!
whats up chuck? whats going on killer?
all rise!!!! chucklee in the house!!!!
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