Originally Posted by
number twelve
please give this a read guys...
i was with this girl for about 6 months, in the first month i messed around on her (i know its wrong it was dumb), after i strayed things started to get progressively more serious so i stopped messing around on her cause i knew the relationship was solid. however, a few weeks ago i felt we needed to take a step back from things cause they were moving too quickly, however, i maintained good terms with her and still saw her just not as often...that is the background...
during our "separation" her best friend started telling me these horror stories about her before i knew her, how she would basically dip out with random guys at parties and just get slayed by them and then never talk to them again, basically she painted the image of my gf being a complete tramp. my roommate (who is bf/gf with my gf's roommate that was telling me all of this) also got in on it, telling me all this ****ed up shit, they were both saying the perfect things to make me wanna never talk to her again.
well i confronted her about this, after much drama it turns out they were lying to me so that i would leave her. they admitted to making the stories up. my roommate knew about me cheating and he proceeded to drop the dime on me about that, which basically ruined shit for me. he was the one i came to and vented to about all of my shit so he knew everything and he knew exactly what to say to me to get under my skin. i know what i did was wrong, i wouldnt be in this situation if i hadnt cheated. regardless however, i feel like my roommate had no ****ing place to get involved with this, and the fact that he was trying to put things in my head to make me leave her is really wrong in my opinion. I care very much about this girl, which is the only reason im taking the time to write about it.
i need the advice of ppl thinking with a clearer head than me right now, im very tempted to kick down my roommates door and beat the ****ing shit out of him.