All this shit on here (though very funny) and not ONE of you guys mentioned the NAKED BLONDE HOTTIE with the huge rack!!! WTF is going on here??!!?!?!? I don't even dig white girls as I prefer asiians/latinas but OMFG that girl is fareaaaking HAWT!!!
I figured I would put the story of how Vernon came to be ... Here is EL's post explaining ..
hhahahhahha! ... Lemme tell you the story from top to bottom.
Well has u propably all know bye now Vernon is in town.!! Well me and about 10 friends attended a rave called H2O in south africa featuring Paul Van Dyk.Has we arrived there we all stood around checking the scene this and that WHEN IT HAPPEND: .. One of the girls got all quite and showed us the new superhero...Vernon.. Standing there all by himself with a drink in his hand.. I told the girl to take a pic of him while we all were amuzed bye the dress sense of this G-D. :-P .. She didnt want to make it all obvious and we formed like a group and she took the pic.. He wasnt aware of any of this... So the day progressed and we didnt notice him again has the testosterone was all flowing and the alcohol got all working in the nice South Africa sunshine,.. anyhow has the next thing leads to another the Monday morning following we all received all these wonderful pictures via e-mail and i decided to play around with Visio and just placed him in different scenes where i think he would fit suited.. HAHAHA! .. I created maybe 10 of them and kept fowarding this to all my friends.. (obviously creating the Why??? thread and showing the work to all u guys on AR has well) and when i realised this blew up in the side of the world and all different ones got sent around..Obviously i wherent the only guy that found this amuzingly and from there on it never stopped..... Vernon was re-born has a superhero and traveller and world re-knowned superstar.... I would think i saw about 40 + recreations of different editions of the original pictures being sent around including my good friend Chuck Lee's personal ones ... It never ended there when i drove back from work the one afternoon listening to my local radio station called 5FM where obviously the presenters also got a handfull of these E-Mails that where sent around and hundreds but fcken hundreds of people calling in saying how hilarious these E-mails where.. hahahahahhahahhahah!... They even asked the radio network community which i would take a wild guesstimate of listeners would be in the count of about 10 million + asking if "Vernon Koekemoer" would call in ... lol.... Vernon fvken who??? I just created an anonomous name that i though would suit this guy.... hahahahahhhahahhahahhahahh... It has never ended there when on Various channels on television this caracter would appeared like on the local news !!!!!!!!!!!!!.. He is even going to be used has a advertisment for a MAJOR..BUT MAJOR fast food chicken outlet here in SA!!!!!!!!!... i mean for **** sakes!!!!!!!!!!! still not the end of this just yesterday morning in the biggest newspaper in south africa called "The Sta*" they had a feature and about him.... Chuck Lee posted this after i sent it to him.... And if that is not enough they created a "Vernon Friends" page on Facebook and thousands of people added their name but has u all know bye now not the whole world found this amuzing..... The newspaper article is all about how this thing damages his personal identity and it aint right doing this to him etc..blah blah blah blah..fvken bullshyte !!!!!!!!!! Anyhow i think this created more and more fans to Vernon and i just think that is fvken amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!........ My good friend Merc. also posted the link to his personal ringtone, different story's and artiles about Vernon. Who would have thought that this poor little big armed, good physique'd, mullet wearing,alocohol drinking, leg shaving, tight gay shirt wearing, gold chain wearing, raving old man, juice loving, fake buffalo shoe wearing, Chuck Norris challenging, would travelling, super hero innocent guy would have thought to be such a big star..
Just on another note another good friend of mine works for Toyota cars ... Now he is a marketing manager for them... Just yesterday we where chatting and they are going to use him has an advertising figure..... Now just imagine this on a billboard next to the freeway....
Its just a picture of the newest vehicle ...and above it says "VERNON KOEKEMOER HAS GOT ONE".......hahhahhaahhahaahhahahahaha *snort* hahahahahhahhaahahha......
I think that is going to be the next biggest thing!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway now u all know the story of Vernon Koekemoer! lmfao..... Vernon fcken who.. ?????? lmfao..
We're all having good fun....
Great post Merc. I suppose that was a PM my friend Diablo sent you. He's an amazing bro for sure!!!
Thanks Merc. for keeping our funniest threads ever upgraded!!!
El and Merc. are the MEN.
El is a lil gay tho...
El posted it here ....
i didnt make that but saw it floating around online
What a slut paris...
vern can pull any peice he desires
Sure he can
i heard a rumour paris is pregnant with vernon's baby....goldigging bitch is trying to latch on to vernon's fame.
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