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Thread: obama: what a joke

  1. #1
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    obama: what a joke

    this guy donated less than 1% of his million+ earnings this past year, not really democratic huh? i bet that he wont be as stingy with my money. that is only around $10000! i made around 90k and i gave my church (to promote a non racist agenda, unlike his) close to that. not only is he a racist he is a hypocrite. i dont expect any body to be perfect but come on man give me a break! this speaks more about his character than what his pastor/mentor/best friend said.

    we as members should "donate" some of our money to get this guy a cycle. i thought that he looked anerexic because he was giving "so much," to help out all the people that the white man keeps down, but that is obviously not the case.

  2. #2 info on his earning and donation record. I don't like Obama at all, although it seems every young person and liberal idiot in this country has obama fever.

    Ron Paul was the only hope for a decent future. Now, we're ****ed. I don't even plan on voting. It doesn't even matter anymore.

  3. #3
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    Do you have a link for the source of that information? I'd love to pass it along to everyone who thinks he's the new Fonzi

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    this guy donated less than 1% of his million+ earnings this past year, not really democratic huh? i bet that he wont be as stingy with my money. that is only around $10000! i made around 90k and i gave my church (to promote a non racist agenda, unlike his) close to that. not only is he a racist he is a hypocrite. i dont expect any body to be perfect but come on man give me a break! this speaks more about his character than what his pastor/mentor/best friend said.

    we as members should "donate" some of our money to get this guy a cycle. i thought that he looked anerexic because he was giving "so much," to help out all the people that the white man keeps down, but that is obviously not the case.
    Donated less then 1%? Sounds like a Conservative Republican to me =)

  5. #5
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    Conservative republicans aren't the ones preaching "shared wealth" homie.

  6. #6
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    Oh, and just for the record. Conservatives actually do donate more than liberals on average.

  7. #7
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    this guy donated less than 1% of his million+ earnings this past year, not really democratic huh? i bet that he wont be as stingy with my money. that is only around $10000! i made around 90k and i gave my church (to promote a non racist agenda, unlike his) close to that. not only is he a racist he is a hypocrite. i dont expect any body to be perfect but come on man give me a break! this speaks more about his character than what his pastor/mentor/best friend said.

    we as members should "donate" some of our money to get this guy a cycle. i thought that he looked anerexic because he was giving "so much," to help out all the people that the white man keeps down, but that is obviously not the case.
    That's an out and out lie. Post the link! If you have listened and/or read through the report thoroughly, you would notice that 5 yrs ago, he donated 1%. But throughout the years (over the last 7yrs) his donations fluctuated between 1 and 7% of his income to charity. I guess you also didn't read that the reason for his minimual contribution was because of student loan burdens but he has increased his donations throughout the 7yrs.

    And lastly, where's the proof that Obama's a racist? No where has he ever said anything or act out any racist ideology. Just because his pastor said somethings doesn't make Obama himself a racist. How many people do you know that have told racists jokes or believed racial stereotyes? Since you know those people, does that make you a racists? Considering Obama's church is 99% white (with only 3 black services a week), and the fact that Obama himself is half white, does that make every white person that attends that Church racists as well? What exactly did rev. Wright say that was racists anyway? Just because someone speaks of the truthful shortcomings of a particular people doesn't make them racists. Conservative talk show host have no problem sighting the shortcomings of minorities and their problems, why is not ok for a minority to do so?

  8. #8
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    he earned 1.2million in 2005 and donated like $175,000 or so...thats more than 1%...

  9. #9
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    i just learned how to check my email like 3 months ago, i havnt figured out how to post a link. i heard it on the austin rose show a local talk radio host. check this guys numbers before he had political asperations.

  10. #10
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    copy and paste, genius. Its not that hard. Conservative radio has a tendency to spin news in their favor. You should do your research before you post. You still haven't proven your statements as to why Obama's a racist as well.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    That's an out and out lie. Post the link! If you have listened and/or read through the report thoroughly, you would notice that 5 yrs ago, he donated 1%. But throughout the years (over the last 7yrs) his donations fluctuated between 1 and 7% of his income to charity. I guess you also didn't read that the reason for his minimual contribution was because of student loan burdens but he has increased his donations throughout the 7yrs.

    And lastly, where's the proof that Obama's a racist? No where has he ever said anything or act out any racist ideology. Just because his pastor said somethings doesn't make Obama himself a racist. How many people do you know that have told racists jokes or believed racial stereotyes? Since you know those people, does that make you a racists? Considering Obama's church is 99% white (with only 3 black services a week), and the fact that Obama himself is half white, does that make every white person that attends that Church racists as well? What exactly did rev. Wright say that was racists anyway? Just because someone speaks of the truthful shortcomings of a particular people doesn't make them racists. Conservative talk show host have no problem sighting the shortcomings of minorities and their problems, why is not ok for a minority to do so?
    he didnt seem to worried about those student loans when he purchased his mill+ home, but i guess when you got "frank lucus" helping you out with the paper work it will ease your mind. since obama doesnt have ANY political history then we have to look into his personal life. this guy is running for president of the united states not manager of mcdonalds, the highest office in the world, and he shows up with three words on a napkin instead of a resume (hope, change, and free). he is making a joke out of the whole political process (as if it wasnt already bad enough). if you dont ever have to prove yourself (right or wrong) then hell the next president is lible to be paris hilton, she dosnt have any experience but she sure makes me feel good.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    copy and paste, genius. Its not that hard. Conservative radio has a tendency to spin news in their favor. You should do your research before you post. You still haven't proven your statements as to why Obama's a racist as well.
    if imus is racist and kramer is racist then i think that obama is just as qualified to be in the catagory. where there is smoke there is fire? every body who has had any influence on his life has been held great anamosity toward white people and america. i ticks me off that he thinks that he can make a 5 min speech to cover up for 20 years. to be honest i dont care if he is racist, heck i would vote for ferrican if he was running. he belives in segregation, and is open about it. he is not coming in with a hidden agenda like obama.

    it is more important to me that he wants to raise capitol gain tax to 25% than wether or not he wants to sit next to me a dinner table. let me get this strait mr. obama, i risk loosing a 100% of my money and through smart business make a profit you deserve 25% of my money to give to someone who dosnt even try to find a job? if i loose a 100% of my money than are you going to give me 25% of it back? didnt think so....i do like the way he worded it though as if he is only taking money from the rich people and not people like my parents who make a combo of 60gs a year and have tried to invest some, with the way that SS is looking and medicare, so that they may be able to retire with something.

  13. #13
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    if imus is racist and kramer is racist then i think that obama is just as qualified to be in the catagory. where there is smoke there is fire? every body who has had any influence on his life has been held great anamosity toward white people and america. i ticks me off that he thinks that he can make a 5 min speech to cover up for 20 years. to be honest i dont care if he is racist, heck i would vote for ferrican if he was running. he belives in segregation, and is open about it. he is not coming in with a hidden agenda like obama.

    it is more important to me that he wants to raise capitol gain tax to 25% than wether or not he wants to sit next to me a dinner table. let me get this strait mr. obama, i risk loosing a 100% of my money and through smart business make a profit you deserve 25% of my money to give to someone who dosnt even try to find a job? if i loose a 100% of my money than are you going to give me 25% of it back? didnt think so....i do like the way he worded it though as if he is only taking money from the rich people and not people like my parents who make a combo of 60gs a year and have tried to invest some, with the way that SS is looking and medicare, so that they may be able to retire with something.
    Boy the more you post...what Imus and Kramer 'SAID' were racists that is why they got the label, not their associations. Your arguments continue to be flawed. If you don't care if Obama is a racists, why do you keep trying to paint him as one?

    Everyone in his life over 20yrs has a hatred of white America? Like his mother and his grandparents and all the other white family members he associated with. The last time I checked there aren't a whole lot of blacks in Hawaii either. And you still haven't showed my anything that what prove what Rev. Wright said was racists. Please site examples!
    Last edited by BgMc31; 03-29-2008 at 04:27 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    he didnt seem to worried about those student loans when he purchased his mill+ home, but i guess when you got "frank lucus" helping you out with the paper work it will ease your mind. since obama doesnt have ANY political history then we have to look into his personal life. this guy is running for president of the united states not manager of mcdonalds, the highest office in the world, and he shows up with three words on a napkin instead of a resume (hope, change, and free). he is making a joke out of the whole political process (as if it wasnt already bad enough). if you dont ever have to prove yourself (right or wrong) then hell the next president is lible to be paris hilton, she dosnt have any experience but she sure makes me feel good.
    So by your flawed logic a man can't purchase a home if he has student loans? That ridiculous. Keep trying dude. The more you post the more ridiculous your arguments become.

  15. #15
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    i used the word racist onece in the whole first paragraph and that is obviously the only word that you can hear. this post is about how obama is a joke as a canidate. he has done absolutly nothing in the senate. i get it the man can make a speech. but if it has no substance what good is it? this man doesnt have any new ideas or solutions or record of doing any thing except affiliating with racist and being a die hard liberal on every matter. has he ever reached across the isle on any matter? and yet some how he can unite the goverment. it is absolutly rediculous how he can piss on peoples head and convince them it is rain....since the only thing that you can think about is race, give me an example of how he is not racist.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    So by your flawed logic a man can't purchase a home if he has student loans? That ridiculous. Keep trying dude. The more you post the more ridiculous your arguments become.
    i was commenting on you saying that he cant donate more to charity b/c of he was paying off his student loans. it is just funny to me since he cares so much about giving to the poor, that he would make sure that they had houses before he bought himself a mansion. reminds me of your hero al gore worried about pollution and riding in private jets.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Boy the more you post...what Imus and Kramer 'SAID' were racists that is why they got the label, not their associations. Your arguments continue to be flawed. If you don't care if Obama is a racists, why do you keep trying to paint him as one?

    Everyone in his life over 20yrs has a hatred of white America? Like his mother and his grandparents and all the other white family members he associated with. The last time I checked there aren't a whole lot of blacks in Hawaii either. And you still haven't showed my anything that what prove what Rev. Wright said was racists. Please site examples!
    examples of him being a racist: why did he choose to use his black half instead of his white? why did he marry a black woman instead of a white? why does he choose to hang around people who hold an anamosity towards white race? why does he take offense to comments about blacks and not whites? why does he choose to affiliate with a party that caters to the black race?, obama has never called me a craker or whitey b/c i do not know him personally, wich is the only way to truely know if someone is racist or not. i know what i see and i hear and that is all i truely have to go by. in my eyes i see as much evidence against him as i have against others who have been called racist who are white. you seem to be cought up on strom, how do you know that he is a racist.

  18. #18
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    You guys can bitch back and forth and speculate all day on whether you "THINK" Obama is a racist. Truth is until you see him wearing a Black Panthers jacket and marching down the street to re-institute segregation, or some other such nonsense, that is all you will be able to do is speculate. Instead, I chose to expose his Socialist ANTI-Constitutional policies&positions.

    From CNN:

    GUNS: Supports extending the assault weapons ban. Supports national law against carrying concealed weapons, with exceptions for retired police and military personnel. Supports limiting gun sales to one per month.

    Barack Obama wants to dismantle our 2nd Amendment right. Our last resort against tyranny and self defense against attackers. A typical liberal who would like people to become victimized and allow the police to take care of the persons attacker, post-mortem. 1) National laws enacted at the Federal level against the Bill of Rights are unconstitutional, the powers are reserved to the states respectively. 2) Statistics overwhelmingly prove that of the 38 states who have "Shall-Issue" conceal&carry permits, their violent crime rates dropped an average of 5-7% overall. Florida when it enacted it's "Shall-Issue" policy in the 80's, went from a murder rate 34% higher than the national average, and after implementing its Shall Issue policy, the murder rate was 4% BELOW the national average. Forget the fact that he is a Presidential candidate, people in general like this make me absolutely sick that they feel that we should penalize law-abiding tax paying citizens for trying to defend themselves, and encourage criminals to carry firearms. When you outlaw conceal&carry in an area, it becomes a criminal enabling zone, because they know that their victims are more than likely unarmed and will follow the law. I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6.

    HEALTHCARE:Would create a national health insurance program for individuals who do not have employer-provided health care and who do not qualify for other existing federal programs. Allows individuals to choose between the new public insurance program or from among private insurance plans that meet certain coverage standards. Requires employers who do not provide health coverage for employees to pay into the national health insurance program. Does not mandate individual coverage for all Americans, but requires coverage for all children. Allows individuals below age 25 to be covered through their parents' plans. Cost estimated between $50 billion and $65 billion, to be paid for by eliminating Bush tax cuts for those earning over $250,000.

    Need I even comment on this? He wants to raise taxes. We could dive into all sorts of reasons why taxing higher incomes disproportionately actually hurts the economy, mainly because when they are taxed higher their profit margin goes down so they often seek to make cutbacks in their companies, reducing jobs&pay for the lower incomed people. We all also know the "projected" costs and what it will actually cost is not based in reality. More than likely this will be paid for by PRINTING MORE MONEY and further decreasing the purchasing power of the American dollar. This looks "free" but it is really a smoke and mirrors game.

    HOUSING: Proposes creating a $10 billion fund to help prevent foreclosures, eliminate some taxes and fees for families who must sell and offer counseling to homeowners. Announced a "credit card bill of rights" to provide disclosure of hidden credit costs. Would provide tax credits to 10 million middle class homeowners who struggle with mortgage costs.

    SOCIALIST SOCIALIST SOCIALIST...Jesus ****in Christ... Ever heard of the free market or laissez-faire? No one in their right mind would REWARD lending companies for bad banking practices. If those banks and lenders go out of business, it is better for the consumer and the citizen. You also wreap what you sow, if you bought a house you clearly knew you could not afford you must take SOME accountability. However, quite typical of Obama's policies, it is not YOUR fault, its NEVER your fault. The government knows best, the government will take care of you, big brother to the rescue. 1)That 10 billion dollars is nowhere in the budget, it will most likely be once again PRINTED OUT OF THIN AIR, further inflating the currenchy and devaluing the purchasing power of ALL American tax payers. That means 350,000,000 people or so suffer with a weaker dollar, to save the houses of a select few who made purchases they could not afford.

    ABORTION:Opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v Wade. Disagreed with Supreme Court ruling to uphold the "Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act." Did not cast a vote on Prohibiting Funds for Groups that Perform Abortions amendment in 2007.

    Another UNCONSTITUTIONAL policy from Barack Obama. There is no provision in the Constitution for Federal mandates that all the states had to adhere to. The powers to regulate abortion are reserved to the States and the PEOPLE respectively, NOT TO BIG GOVERNMENT!

    EDUCATION:Would reform No Child Left Behind, ensuring access to high-quality early childhood education programs and child care opportunities, recruit well-qualified and reward expert, accomplished teachers. Make science and math education a national priority. Reduce the high school dropout rate and empower parents to raise healthy and successful children by taking a greater role in their child's education at home and at school.

    UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!!! There is no provision in the Constitution for a Department of Education. The DOE is a hugely WASTEFUL and expensive program. When the DOE got involved the quality of education went DOWN, WAY WAY DOWN. These powers are reserved to the STATES.

  19. #19
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    examples of him being a racist: why did he choose to use his black half instead of his white? why did he marry a black woman instead of a white? why does he choose to hang around people who hold an anamosity towards white race? why does he take offense to comments about blacks and not whites? why does he choose to affiliate with a party that caters to the black race?, obama has never called me a craker or whitey b/c i do not know him personally, wich is the only way to truely know if someone is racist or not. i know what i see and i hear and that is all i truely have to go by. in my eyes i see as much evidence against him as i have against others who have been called racist who are white. you seem to be cought up on strom, how do you know that he is a racist.
    1st you called Obama a racist that is why I focused on that. You caled him a racist because of his association with one person, not anything he has said or done. Point out where he's taken offense to what was said about blacks and not whites. He did speak out about the Rev. Wright. But you still haven't answered the question as to what the Rev. said that was racist. Sure what he said was inflammatory, but racists...hardly.

    So you are also saying because Obama married a black woman than he's a racists? Say that aloud and you will see how ridiculous you sound. From what I've seen he's always identified himself as being bi-racial. Society identifies him as a black man. Same goes for anyone who is half black. My kids are indentified as black even though they are only half. Is that their fault? I think not.

    And lastly, how do I know Strom was a racists, well because he admitted it. If you did your research (as you've proven in all your post that you are incapable of doing so), you would know this. And don't try to change the subject to Obama's credentials as a politician. Your initial postings (which I have been commenting on) called the man a joke basic on an absurd notion that he was a racist or radical.

    If you were smart you would try to be more like Godfather who is a true Ron Paul conservative who isn't focusing on the man's non-existent racism and posted his polical stance.

    Godfather, for every reason why you won't vote for the man I AM voting for him. As a avid hunter myself, I see no need for assault weapons, they are used for one purpose and one purpose kill human beings.

    Healthcare: I think we owe it to our society to provide healthcare for everyone. It should be made available. Unlike Hillary Obama doesn't want to force anyone to have healthcare but rather make it 'available' for all. And lets not try to say that medicade is available fr those who don't have employer provided healthcare because that is not true. There are a huge segment of our population that make too much to get medicade but not enough to afford medical insurance provided by their employers. IMO a society isn't as successful if it doesn't care for its own. Socialism...hardly. Socialism implies that the government doesn't allow for upward mobility and everyone is on equal footing, which of course doesn't happen. What Obama wants to do is make sure everyone has the basic neccesities in life and healthcare is one of those things. How do we pay for it? Ending the war in Iraq where we are spending 12B billion a month. You all whine about Obama's programs are gonna cost 800+ million (not 10 billion), if we got out of Iraq, we could pay for his programs and then some with the money we will be saving, even it it was 10 billion.

    Abortion: I think the fact that he is upholding a woman's right to choose proves that he doesn't ant government controlling what people do with their personal lives. Why do republicans always claim to be against big government when they are the one's who oppose abortion and same sex marriages? And don't give me this crap that it up to the states to decide. That's just a farce to outlaw a woman's right to choose.

    Education: Common sense would tell you that if the federal government didn't have any involvement in education then there would be zero uniformity. Therefore schools in different states would educate students based on their own curriculums leaving some states to teach mythology and such instead of real word applications. You would begin to notice a litany of college problems and issues as kids would be on different levels. No Dept. of Education would be a disaster. No child left behind has been a failure and everyone knows it.

    But just like you cannot convince me that Obama is this Stalinistic icon I cannot convince you that this man is what this country needs right now. Finally someone who forces us all to look in the mirror and face our true ills and come to a discussion/path as to solve these ills.
    Last edited by BgMc31; 03-29-2008 at 08:25 PM.

  20. #20
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    Good post TGF

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post

    Godfather, for every reason why you won't vote for the man I AM voting for him. As a avid hunter myself, I see no need for assault weapons, they are used for one purpose and one purpose kill human beings.

    I am inclined to agree at least in some part with the rest of your post except for this statement. This is just another example of a first step in trying to destroy the 2nd Amendment. Cars kill more people each year then guns. Guns are an inanimate object. A car is just as deadly if not more deadly than an assault weapon, in the hands of a person who wishes to do someone harm. A car is also more readily accessible. The case for banning assault r***es has serious flaws. If we concede that assault weapons are "dangerous" and ban them, what next? What about a NATIONAL ban on handguns? Then a national ban on SEMI-AUTOMATIC shotguns&r***es. Soon, we arrive at a society much like England, only allowed to own BREAK OPEN shotguns which must be kept inside the home and locked up securely. I assure you, disarming our populace and limiting the types of effective weapons they are able to own will have lasting consequences for the future freedom of our country. It is unfortunate that there are those PEOPLE/INDIVIDUALS out there who go on shooting rampages. However, a person determined and hell bent on killing, will kill by any means possible. There is no clearer evidence than in Rawanda, where 1,000,000 people were killed with machedes, another inanimate object. Perhaps Obama would like a national ban on steak knives next?

  22. #22
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Using Rawanda makes my case as well. How many in Rawanda are killed by AKs. Plus how many cars are intentionally used to kill people as opposed to assault r***es. Look I'm not some sheep that follows everything Obama says. I agree with him more often than not plus much more than Hillary and McCain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Using Rawanda makes my case as well. How many in Rawanda are killed by AKs. Plus how many cars are intentionally used to kill people as opposed to assault r***es. Look I'm not some sheep that follows everything Obama says. I agree with him more often than not plus much more than Hillary and McCain.
    How many of those people in Rawanda would have been able to save themselves from genocide in absence of a government entity to do so had they all exercised their inalienable rights to protect themselves from such tyrannical forces by each citizen owning a firearm? Rawanda is a perfect example of a failing state that could no longer guarantee protection for its people, and in that case they could have turned to their last resort which was to be armed and defend themselves. Unfortunately, 1,000,000 unarmed people were slaughtered, and mostly with machedes. I think it builds the case even more about why the populace of any country should be armed and able to defend itself.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    this guy donated less than 1% of his million+ earnings this past year, not really democratic huh? i bet that he wont be as stingy with my money. that is only around $10000! i made around 90k and i gave my church (to promote a non racist agenda, unlike his) close to that. not only is he a racist he is a hypocrite. i dont expect any body to be perfect but come on man give me a break! this speaks more about his character than what his pastor/mentor/best friend said.

    we as members should "donate" some of our money to get this guy a cycle. i thought that he looked anerexic because he was giving "so much," to help out all the people that the white man keeps down, but that is obviously not the case.
    Man you're so full of shit. They did not give 1% and their church was one of their smaller donations.

    The Obamas earned $1.67 million in 2005 and $991,296 in 2006, the returns show. Their income spiked thanks mainly to the sales of his two books,Dreams from My Father, first published in 1995, andThe Audacity of Hope, a best seller in 2006.

    In 2006, the Obamas reported giving $60,307 to charity, or about 6% of their income — the largest percentage during those seven years. From 2000 through 2004, they reported giving a total of $10,770, or less than 1% of the $1.2 million they earned during that period.

    Vietor said the Obamas gave $240,000 to charity in 2007. He declined to disclose their income. Some of their largest charitable donations disclosed — $27,500 in 2005 and 2006 — have been made to their church, Trinity United Church of Christ.

    They also gave $45,000 to two literacy organizations and $31,000 to CARE, the global anti-poverty group.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    if imus is racist and kramer is racist then i think that obama is just as qualified to be in the catagory. where there is smoke there is fire? every body who has had any influence on his life has been held great anamosity toward white people and america.
    He was raised by his white mother and white grand parents. I guess they are racist against white people to.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    He was raised by his white mother and white grand parents. I guess they are racist against white people to.
    To be fair, he did note that his grandmother was a "typical white person" who was prejudiced against blacks. Apparently, to him, we're all the same.

  27. #27
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    Has every presidental candidate been a millionair? Is it impossible to get into the race without a private fortune? Sounds shitty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern View Post
    Has every presidental candidate been a millionair? Is it impossible to get into the race without a private fortune? Sounds shitty.
    The average person has been priced out of Democracy. It is almost impossible for someone without a significant amount of funds to run a successful campaign for any political office that matters. In addition someone must usually be well connected, and a pre-requesite for those connections is usually being wealthy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    But just like you cannot convince me that Obama is this Stalinistic icon I cannot convince you that this man is what this country needs right now. Finally someone who forces us all to look in the mirror and face our true ills and come to a discussion/path as to solve these ills.
    He's exactly like every politician who just panders to what the people want to hear. What ills does he force us to see? The only candidate who talked about real issues and had real solutions for those problems was Ron Paul and he was completely marginalized by the media.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    He's exactly like every politician who just panders to what the people want to hear. What ills does he force us to see? The only candidate who talked about real issues and had real solutions for those problems was Ron Paul and he was completely marginalized by the media.
    Yup obama is a populist bullshiter***

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Yup obama is a populist bullshiter***
    ...and Ron Paul is irrelevant.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

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    Hm... Obama supports banning the sale and transfer of all semi-automatic firearms... and a ban on handguns? Obviously not a supporter of self defense, and we all know how well handgun bans work, look at Washington DC and Chicago, no handguns there! Works about as well as the illegal drug ban that the entire country is under.

    Wants to leave illegal immigrants in the U.S.... screw that, send 'em back. Also supports giving drivers licenses to people who are here illegally.

    Voted in favor of the Patriot Act... which throws our civil liberties out the window. Allows the FBI to search telephone, email, and financial records without a court order, granted the ability for the government to detain and deport ANY immigrant, even if they're legal, for any reason.

    But yeah, he's a good candidate. Cares more about the rights of illegal immigrants than sustaining the rights of U.S. citizens. Not really sure why anyone would want the government to take away any more rights such as the right to privacy, the right to self defense, the fourth amendment (unreasonable search and seizure), etc.
    Last edited by AandF6969; 03-30-2008 at 02:15 PM.

  33. #33
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    hey im sorry for not listing more details in my post, i havnt had the internet but for 3months, i dont really know how to do any thing on the computer. i only type like 25 words a min. i was hoping that by opening this thread i could get some facts on each canidate, especially obama, b/c from what i see and hear from this man i dont understand why anyone can even consider him as a serious canidate since he hasnt done absoutly nothing since he has been in the senate.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    He was raised by his white mother and white grand parents. I guess they are racist against white people to.
    how many quotes or books has he titled after any thing they said?

  35. #35
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  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    ...and Ron Paul is irrelevant.
    That Ron Paul is irrelevant is not something that you should boast about when what the public and the msm consider relevant is whether or not Obama's preacher is racist, or whether or not Obama's speech "transended" racial boundaries. It's fvcking disgusting all the trivial garbage that we focus on when, in reality, we have mounting problems that I've never heard Obama or the other two candidates even mention. This whole process is about name recognition and celebrity status. So yeah, Ron Paul being irrelevant should give you an uneasy sense of where this country is and what we're concerned with. When "feel good" rhetoric and promises to make everything better is what's "relevant" than, yes, Ron Paul is irrelevant.

  37. #37
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    "So you are also saying because Obama married a black woman than he's a racists? Say that aloud and you will see how ridiculous you sound. From what I've seen he's always identified himself as being bi-racial. Society identifies him as a black man. Same goes for anyone who is half black. My kids are indentified as black even though they are only half. Is that their fault? I think not. "

    what i meant by that is if he is so bi-racial then why does he keep identifing with his black side. him marrying a black woman doesnt make him racist, it was just another example of him yet again identifing with his black side. i was making the point that he chose a black wife, a black preacher, the black party, etc. i dont see him doing any thing to identify himself with his white half. which if he was raised by a white mother and grand parents shouldnt be so hard to do.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Look I'm not some sheep that follows everything Obama says. I agree with him more often than not plus much more than Hillary and McCain.
    where do him and hillary disagree? from what ive seen they are pretty much identical on every issue, obama just puts more sugar on top.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post

    "So you are also saying because Obama married a black woman than he's a racists? Say that aloud and you will see how ridiculous you sound. From what I've seen he's always identified himself as being bi-racial. Society identifies him as a black man. Same goes for anyone who is half black. My kids are indentified as black even though they are only half. Is that their fault? I think not. "

    what i meant by that is if he is so bi-racial then why does he keep identifing with his black side. him marrying a black woman doesnt make him racist, it was just another example of him yet again identifing with his black side. i was making the point that he chose a black wife, a black preacher, the black party, etc. i dont see him doing any thing to identify himself with his white half. which if he was raised by a white mother and grand parents shouldnt be so hard to do.
    When has he identified himself as being just black? And what black party are you referring to that he is a member of?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by zartan View Post
    Your point being?

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