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Thread: What should i do?

  1. #1

    What should i do?

    Hello my friends, I'm new in this forum.

    I just want some advice. I'm 30 years old and 180LB with a body fat of 10.4%. I've be training hard for about 1 year 1/2 with a strict diet (p50-c30-f20) and hard training. It seem that all that work it's for nothing, I’m stuck at 180-185. I've got to the point that I have thought of doing steroids.

    I just moved to the Dominican Republic and I had a friend tell me to do 3 doses every 2 weeks of 250Mg of Testoviron depot, I did but I did not see any change in size, I sure did see a difference in strengths, like I said on top, I’m 180lb with 10.4% body fat, I want t gain about 10-15 pound of mass, I don't want to much, and I want to keep my body fat down. I did some reading and I read something about cycles, what’s the best combination and cycle for what I’m looking for? Like I said I just want to gain 10-15 LB of muscle maybe even less. I'm tired of spending money on food and protein supplements and not seeing any results. Please help. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Welcome fella!

    How long did you do the Testoviron cycle for?

  3. #3
    250Mg every 2 weeks/ 3 time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Not sure what ya mean by that, only 3 weeks at a time?

    A beginners cycle would be Test E (Testoviron) 500mg per week for 10-12 weeks followed by a PCT.

    You can use an oral like dbol to kickstarter.

    Testoviron being Test Enan means because of its longer ester it wont even be reaching peak blood levels till 4-5 weeks into a cycle.

  5. #5
    i took Only 3 doses. 6 weeks. What's PCT?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Quote Originally Posted by king1199 View Post
    i took Only 3 doses. 6 weeks. What's PCT?
    Needs to be taken at much higher doses than 250mg once every 2 weeks.

    That's actually about the same as what your body will produce naturally.

    PCT is Post Cycle Therapy.

    When ever you put steroids into your body you will suppress / shut down your natural test production, a PCT kicks your natty production back into action.

  7. #7
    So your sugestion is to strart with:

    A beginners cycle of Test E (Testoviron) 500mg per week for 10-12 weeks

    can use an oral like dbol to kickstarter, For how many weeks and how much i would have to take?

    How about this combanations, i was reading about them:

    Testoviron Depot + Anadrol 50

    Test. Enanthate + Anadrol 50 or Dianabol

    Which is better?

    Thank you dude.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Quote Originally Posted by king1199 View Post
    So your sugestion is to strart with:

    A beginners cycle of Test E (Testoviron) 500mg per week for 10-12 weeks

    can use an oral like dbol to kickstarter, For how many weeks and how much i would have to take?

    How about this combanations, i was reading about them:

    Testoviron Depot + Anadrol 50

    Test. Enanthate + Anadrol 50 or Dianabol

    Which is better?

    Thank you dude.
    Testoviron and Test Enanthate are the same thing.
    Testoviron is just a brand name.

    Anadrol or Dbol would be a good choice. Go for which ever you can get ya hands on as you will have similar results.

    Take the oral for the first 4 weeks as this is the time the test esters will be raising in ya system.

    Check out the profiles for..
    Test Enan.



  9. #9
    Thank you dude, you been a good help. My last question is after the cycle, what I have to do to maintain the gains that I have gotten? Because, I don’t want to spend all this money and then eventually lose it all again. Thank you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Mmmmh shifty you give all these advices without even knowing what his diet looks like?

    King, welcome first.
    If you can't gain naturally it means that you're not training or eating properly. How many protein do you eat everyday? I also think that 1 1/2 years of training are not enough to think about roids yet.


  11. #11
    Thank you for that welcome, ChuckLee.

    This is my meal plan:

    Meal 1: Post workout
    9 eggs whites
    1 whole egg
    50G of oats
    Totals 411 8 37 44

    Post workout drink:
    60g Optimum 100% Whey Protein
    15g Carbo Gain
    15g Now! Dextrose Carb
    Totals 350 2 35 47

    Meal 2:
    220g Boneless Skinless Breast
    190g Baked potatoes
    2 OZ Crisp Garden Salad
    Totals 373 2 36 55

    Meal 3:
    60g Optimum 100% Whey Protein
    32g Now! Carbo Gain
    15g Peanuts
    Totals 450 10 39 51

    Meal 4:
    60g Optimum 100% Whey Protein
    32g Now! Carbo Gain
    15g Peanuts
    Totals 450 10 39 51

    Meal 5:
    60g Optimum 100% Whey Protein
    32g Now! Carbo Gain
    15g Peanuts
    Totals 450 10 39 51

    Meal 6:
    220g Boneless Skinless Breast
    55g Long Grain Brown Rice
    2 OZ Crisp Garden Salad
    Totals 397 2 38 54

    Total 2881 -44g/fat-263g/carb-353g/prot

    I don't want to gain much, I like being thin, just want to gain some mass. I can't eat anymore, I work a lot and that's why I use drinks for meal 3-5 I tried bringing my carbs up and my body fat went up, I think I’m carb sensitive so I want to keep my body fat down and just add "some" muscle. I have a six pack that I don't want to lose. I live in a beautiful hot country (Dominican Republic) with the best beaches around, so I have to stay in shape.
    I'll put a picture up of what I look like, so you can have an idea.
    I just need something simple, like I said I just want to get to about 190-195LB, that's it, and keep my body fat about 10-11%, Nothing More.

    Thank you in advance.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by king1199; 04-13-2008 at 09:18 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    hArD hItTen
    well i would not take anadrol 50 because your going to look like a marshmallow and i would take only 15mg of dbol a day for 2 weeks.... you should look into getting testosterone propionate no water retention but the downside is you have to inject at least every other has a short fatty acid hydrocarbon chain which works faster ie short chain body breaks it down quicker....Just my suggestions

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    never never land
    Quote Originally Posted by Drkodiak1 View Post
    well i would not take anadrol 50 because your going to look like a marshmallow and i would take only 15mg of dbol a day for 2 weeks.... you should look into getting testosterone propionate no water retention but the downside is you have to inject at least every other has a short fatty acid hydrocarbon chain which works faster ie short chain body breaks it down quicker....Just my suggestions
    what is 15 mgs gonna do??? id say 30-40 mgs for 4 weeks!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The Steel City
    too much liquid in your diet. Take food into work and keep it in the fridge. No point in drinking 5 shakes a day

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The Steel City
    oh and i like your "Prince" facial hair

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