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Thread: Serious doubts about using AS.

  1. #1

    Serious doubts about using AS.

    Hi there,

    Must admit I've found these forums really informative, so thanks! People seem to be split over when's best to start taking ASs, and I'm torn as to whether I should start.

    To give a little background: I'm 18, nearly 19, weigh about 190 lbs, and am 6'2". I've been properly training since September 2007, never resting for longer than 2 weeks, and have gone from 147 lbs to my current weight in that time. I also trained when I was 14/15 casually, but stopped before I was 16, then starting again just before I turned 18. I've been having one serving of Mammoth 2500 weight gainer after each workout, which I think has been really successful. I could up the servings throughout my day, but seeing as it's a weight gainer I'm worried about putting on too much excess fat.

    Basically, I've seen great gains in the past few months considering the small amount of time I've been training. But I want more! I'll be honest, I want to go to university in October and have people think, "Damn, this guy's really worked hard to get to that size". So I researched ASs and thought that I might try out Dianabol to see if it had any major effect, and if I liked the effects I'd stick with it and expand onto other ASs if I want to.

    The big decision for me is, do I start now, or wait until I'm 22/23 when I've got a few years of training behind me. I love the gym, and just want to be the best I can be. I'm not asking for anyone to make this decision for me, but would appreciate the advice of the more experienced and knowledgable people here to aid me in mine.

    Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Wait... end of story it will be so much better if you wait... plus you reduce the risk of premature growth plate fusion and other nasty sides from starting young...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Wait... end of story it will be so much better if you wait... plus you reduce the risk of premature growth plate fusion and other nasty sides from starting young...

  4. #4
    Alright. I've been having good gains naturally anyway, so it couldn't hurt to spend some more time researching and seeing just how much I can max out naturally.

    Thanks for the advice!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    For sure wait. 7 months training and 18 years old isn't even close to what you could achieve naturally with a rigorous training program and a very strict diet.

    Instead of upping your servings of the weight gainer, check out the Diet forum on this site and follow one of the Bulking Diets. Even without AAS I am confident you will achieve results that surprise yourself even if you get your diet in check.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Louis View Post
    Hi there,

    Must admit I've found these forums really informative, so thanks! People seem to be split over when's best to start taking ASs, and I'm torn as to whether I should start.

    To give a little background: I'm 18, nearly 19, weigh about 190 lbs, and am 6'2". I've been properly training since September 2007, never resting for longer than 2 weeks, and have gone from 147 lbs to my current weight in that time. I also trained when I was 14/15 casually, but stopped before I was 16, then starting again just before I turned 18. I've been having one serving of Mammoth 2500 weight gainer after each workout, which I think has been really successful. I could up the servings throughout my day, but seeing as it's a weight gainer I'm worried about putting on too much excess fat.

    Basically, I've seen great gains in the past few months considering the small amount of time I've been training. But I want more! I'll be honest, I want to go to university in October and have people think, "Damn, this guy's really worked hard to get to that size". So I researched ASs and thought that I might try out Dianabol to see if it had any major effect, and if I liked the effects I'd stick with it and expand onto other ASs if I want to.

    The big decision for me is, do I start now, or wait until I'm 22/23 when I've got a few years of training behind me. I love the gym, and just want to be the best I can be. I'm not asking for anyone to make this decision for me, but would appreciate the advice of the more experienced and knowledgable people here to aid me in mine.

    Thanks a lot!
    dam it! put some time into this stuff naturally give youself a few years and think about it.

  7. #7
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    See how far you can get naturally ...... that is for the best. After you have hit a plateau for about 6 months or so ..... then reconsider. I would still hold off until your mid 20's if possible.

    If you make great strides and look like a pro and want to go further in bodybuilding then start the gear earlier!!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by 39+1 View Post
    dam it! put some time into this stuff naturally give youself a few years and think about it.
    Hence the reason I'm researching and agree in light of what people have said that waiting is best.

  9. #9
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    it is best.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Louis View Post
    Alright. I've been having good gains naturally anyway, so it couldn't hurt to spend some more time researching and seeing just how much I can max out naturally.

    Thanks for the advice!
    Good attitude fella,

    If your making good gains now naturally stick with it.

    When thinking about reaching your goals see AAS as ya ace card.
    And as with all ace cards you don't wanna have to play it till you really have 2.

    Take the next few years perfecting ya diet and workout routine and growing from that.
    Then when things just hit a point your really cannot past, play the ace card of AAS.

    At 18 ya system is only getting towards its peak test production.. use that gift ya been given while its there, and don't risk loosing that gift through 2 early AAS use.

    Researching will make you AAS experience so much more worthwhile once it comes to that time.
    Last edited by shifty_git; 04-13-2008 at 01:16 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    Good attitude fella,

    If your making good gains now naturally stick with it.

    When thinking about reaching your goals see AAS as ya ace card.
    And as with all ace cards you don't wanna have to play it till you really have 2.

    Take the next few years perfecting ya diet and workout routine and growing from that.
    Then when things just hit a point your really cannot past, play the ace card of AAS.

    At 18 ya system is only getting towards its peak test production.. use that gist ya been given while its there, and dont risk loosing that gift through 2 early AAS use.

    Researching will make you AAS experience so much more worthwhile once it comes to that time.
    Great advice there, mate. Thanks a lot. This has certainly made everything much clearer for me.

  12. #12
    I agree, wait it out a bit bro. My first cycle was when I was 16, and trust me I wish I had waited!! Thankfully I came out lucky and didnt experience some of the bad long term sides like low test etc....BUT I'm almost certain I stunted my growth. I'm 5'11 and I could have been 6+ easy! Aside from just the growth part, you'll be glad waiting around and gaining naturally, your not ready just yet, and when you will be it will all be worth it!

  13. #13
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    i'm in your same boat bro, i'm 18 turning 19 in may and have been researching AS for a couple years, though i'm definitely waiting till i'm at least 23-24 to start AS, have you read the thread about taking steroids before you r 24, if not it's here

    it's a really good read and showed me alot

  14. #14
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    The Endless Obsession
    lol i noticed most people on this forum are short...hmmm wonder why

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by phate186 View Post
    i'm in your same boat bro, i'm 18 turning 19 in may and have been researching AS for a couple years, though i'm definitely waiting till i'm at least 23-24 to start AS, have you read the thread about taking steroids before you r 24, if not it's here

    it's a really good read and showed me alot
    Cheers mate, I'll give that a read. Nice to see someone else in the same position!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    yeah, same here, not many people our age that get on here have the presense of mind to listen to these guys and not use till the proper time (not trying to brag on myself, just stating), i'm glad you made the right choice and are waiting

  17. #17
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    gaining like you are now is impressive and you must be doin it right so keep at it and keep learning .so when you do go on you will have a much better build and strength and the knowledge you need to use the drugs properly and the knowledge to control your body by diet exercise .

  18. #18
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Louis View Post
    Hi there,

    Must admit I've found these forums really informative, so thanks! People seem to be split over when's best to start taking ASs, and I'm torn as to whether I should start.

    To give a little background: I'm 18, nearly 19, weigh about 190 lbs, and am 6'2". I've been properly training since September 2007, never resting for longer than 2 weeks, and have gone from 147 lbs to my current weight in that time. I also trained when I was 14/15 casually, but stopped before I was 16, then starting again just before I turned 18. I've been having one serving of Mammoth 2500 weight gainer after each workout, which I think has been really successful. I could up the servings throughout my day, but seeing as it's a weight gainer I'm worried about putting on too much excess fat.

    Basically, I've seen great gains in the past few months considering the small amount of time I've been training. But I want more! I'll be honest, I want to go to university in October and have people think, "Damn, this guy's really worked hard to get to that size". So I researched ASs and thought that I might try out Dianabol to see if it had any major effect, and if I liked the effects I'd stick with it and expand onto other ASs if I want to.

    The big decision for me is, do I start now, or wait until I'm 22/23 when I've got a few years of training behind me. I love the gym, and just want to be the best I can be. I'm not asking for anyone to make this decision for me, but would appreciate the advice of the more experienced and knowledgable people here to aid me in mine.

    Thanks a lot!

    Ask yourself this very question right now! Are steroids worth going to jail over? I say this because you have a good chance of ending up behind bars for doing them. Plus you can lose your job etc. Think very carefully.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    My Guy's poophole

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