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Thread: Low Testostron + Weight Gain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er

    Low Testostron + Weight Gain

    Hi Guys,

    It is a possiblity that because of a Low testostrone yo ucan gain weight? I am trying like a hell and not losing much turn out that testostrone levels are low. Now I am just wondering i that can cause weight Gain.
    I am 33 and 33 yrs old.



  2. #2
    No doubt about it. Low Test levels WILL cause weight gain as well as other problems.

    My problems was low Test/high DHT levels. I'm on HRT now (Test-E, Deca, hGH) and after 3 weeks feel 100% better. Gone from 39 to 32% body fat (at same weight). Next cycle from Dr. will be Test/Winstrol for cutting.

    HRT/AAS cycle can help you get a grip on weight gain, lost libido, fatigue, stress, energy, muscle mass and body fat are also finding solutions through HRT/AAS.

    You came to the right place for info. The senior members/moderators here have helped me immensely even though my cycle is Dr. prescribed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Thank you very much for the reply. So how easy it is for a Doctor to subscribe enan or Tcyp cause I have this condition or should I take the high road to fix this issue. I live in Canada.

  4. #4
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    the three oh!
    i think it works both ways,if test levels are low you can gain weight and if you gain alot of weight your test levels go down.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    i think it works both ways,if test levels are low you can gain weight and if you gain alot of weight your test levels go down.
    Great post. So should I take testostrone so the weight goes down or should I loose some weight so the testostrone go up.....?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    I would start by getting diet in check and losing somw weight. Eevrything gets, and works better when you lose weight. Eevrything....

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