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Thread: Injected Feedback needed....

  1. #1
    ~Admin~ Guest

    Injected Feedback needed....


    Check out the Injected video for today....they tried something diffderent, so let us know what you think. They're feeling their way out on these videos, so let us know what you like from all the different ones, and I'll pass that along to tony and the video crew, and we'll ultimately be able to give you guys a finished product that's exactly what you're looking for.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I like the professionalism and matter of fact message. I also liked the use of references because it gives validity to everything AR said. The use of references lets the viewer know that its not just some made up dogma that is being spitted out of AR or BC's mouth. This is also good for any None Pro Steroid viewers watching, (Doctors, Lawyers, LE, ect) because the message should really be intended for those who are ignorant of the Pro-Steroid position.

    So i vote for more referenced videos so that when the validity of the message is in question, someone can easily go and find the informations themselves. Thats what makes this message different from the mainstream medias interviews with "experts" that give people the spin on information to put steroids in a negative light.

    What I didnt like from a few videos ago was the use of profanity in the video. I know that it was an april fouls joke and I personally found it hilarious. Having said that it doesnt show professionalism and can cause a complete loss of credibility with views that are not frequent visitors to the Forum. Later on down the road if these videos make an impact on the mainstream media. Videos like that could be used and most certainly would be used negatively by whatever media outlet that chooses to try to discredit Steroid.Com. They would simple say "look at these meatheads that cant even act civil, See perfect example of roid rage," or some unfair crap like that.

    Just my humble take on things. I am 99% happy with the all the videos except for that one thing. Not trying to stir the pot up, but just trying to give a take that a nay sayer or a skeptic would to help those who make the video's out.

    Good Job, keep bringing the messages out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    I like the vids. The guys are doing a great job!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Please keep these as professional as possible please. Keep the side jokes out. This is the only REAL informitive weekly clip on steroids on the net. Keep the jokes and keep the facts comming.I look foward to being educated on the facts of streroids. thanks for all that you do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I love the Injected Vid series .. Great work guys ....


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I like the professionalism and matter of fact message. I also liked the use of references because it gives validity to everything AR said. The use of references lets the viewer know that its not just some made up dogma that is being spitted out of AR or BC's mouth. This is also good for any None Pro Steroid viewers watching, (Doctors, Lawyers, LE, ect) because the message should really be intended for those who are ignorant of the Pro-Steroid position.

    So i vote for more referenced videos so that when the validity of the message is in question, someone can easily go and find the informations themselves. Thats what makes this message different from the mainstream medias interviews with "experts" that give people the spin on information to put steroids in a negative light.

    What I didnt like from a few videos ago was the use of profanity in the video. I know that it was an april fouls joke and I personally found it hilarious. Having said that it doesnt show professionalism and can cause a complete loss of credibility with views that are not frequent visitors to the Forum. Later on down the road if these videos make an impact on the mainstream media. Videos like that could be used and most certainly would be used negatively by whatever media outlet that chooses to try to discredit Steroid.Com. They would simple say "look at these meatheads that cant even act civil, See perfect example of roid rage," or some unfair crap like that.

    Just my humble take on things. I am 99% happy with the all the videos except for that one thing. Not trying to stir the pot up, but just trying to give a take that a nay sayer or a skeptic would to help those who make the video's out.

    Good Job, keep bringing the messages out.
    I agree on that post completely. Some jokes are fine to have in the video feeds IE: Anthony placing third in the office pool, brought a grin to my face.

    I'm noticing lots of threads get made up and usually half of them are because diet is really out of sync. Perhaps a video is needed or might help on how steroids 'Are not the end-all-be-all' miracle drug for those trying to gain weight, but taking proper care of yourself (diet, sleep, no alcohol) is?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Endless Obsession
    i watched all of them and found them to be informative as well as TRUTHFUL. hope to see more soon keep up the good work guys!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    Quote Originally Posted by running_scared View Post
    I agree on that post completely. Some jokes are fine to have in the video feeds IE: Anthony placing third in the office pool, brought a grin to my face.

    I'm noticing lots of threads get made up and usually half of them are because diet is really out of sync. Perhaps a video is needed or might help on how steroids 'Are not the end-all-be-all' miracle drug for those trying to gain weight, but taking proper care of yourself (diet, sleep, no alcohol) is?
    That is an awsome idea about making a video about diet and AAS not being "magic beans"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    videos are great keeps us up to date on the truth about aas
    especialy the facts the media twist for a good story!!!
    thx guys

  10. #10
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by running_scared View Post

    I'm noticing lots of threads get made up and usually half of them are because diet is really out of sync. Perhaps a video is needed or might help on how steroids 'Are not the end-all-be-all' miracle drug for those trying to gain weight, but taking proper care of yourself (diet, sleep, no alcohol) is?

    I think that would be and excellent video topic.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    a bit off topic, but when will we be seeing the longer 'Anabolic Review' show with the studio and stuff?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    a bit off topic, but when will we be seeing the longer 'Anabolic Review' show with the studio and stuff?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I like the professionalism and matter of fact message. I also liked the use of references because it gives validity to everything AR said. The use of references lets the viewer know that its not just some made up dogma that is being spitted out of AR or BC's mouth. This is also good for any None Pro Steroid viewers watching, (Doctors, Lawyers, LE, ect) because the message should really be intended for those who are ignorant of the Pro-Steroid position.

    So i vote for more referenced videos so that when the validity of the message is in question, someone can easily go and find the informations themselves. Thats what makes this message different from the mainstream medias interviews with "experts" that give people the spin on information to put steroids in a negative light.

    What I didnt like from a few videos ago was the use of profanity in the video. I know that it was an april fouls joke and I personally found it hilarious. Having said that it doesnt show professionalism and can cause a complete loss of credibility with views that are not frequent visitors to the Forum. Later on down the road if these videos make an impact on the mainstream media. Videos like that could be used and most certainly would be used negatively by whatever media outlet that chooses to try to discredit Steroid.Com. They would simple say "look at these meatheads that cant even act civil, See perfect example of roid rage," or some unfair crap like that.

    Just my humble take on things. I am 99% happy with the all the videos except for that one thing. Not trying to stir the pot up, but just trying to give a take that a nay sayer or a skeptic would to help those who make the video's out.

    Good Job, keep bringing the messages out.
    My feelings to the tee. Vids to represent us to the mainstream with absolute professionalism and vids just for us to educate concerning importance of proper diet and such, and all that.

    Keep up the great work boys cause it can only get better from here on out...
    Last edited by ecto9; 04-19-2008 at 07:57 AM.

  14. #14
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by running_scared View Post
    I agree on that post completely. Some jokes are fine to have in the video feeds IE: Anthony placing third in the office pool, brought a grin to my face.
    The side notes are way too much of a distraction. I can prove this, too. My question to everyone:

    While the fun fact about Anthony placing third in the office pool was up, what did Anthony actually say? Can you truthfully answer this without going back and watching the video again? I'm guessing probably not.

    Feeding the audience two seperate pieces of information, one funny, and one serious at the same time can detract from one, or both messages entirely.
    You can't have Anthony talking statistics and trying to inform us while there is something funny on the screen at the same time. This is especially true when you're trying to bring truth to people that have been fed lies about steroids for so many years.

    I think the posting of the sources however was brilliant and brings much more credibility to everything said in the videos.

    In all honesty, you guys do a great job on the videos, but you really do need to keep the jokes out if you want these videos to hit a mainstream audience to educate them.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    My Guy's poophole
    I'm wondering if Anthony did know that he would be joked in his injected vid
    Can't see the clue on that btw, hope this won't persist for all the injected vids, but sometimes could be funny tho.


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Overhaulz View Post
    The side notes are way too much of a distraction. I can prove this, too. My question to everyone:

    While the fun fact about Anthony placing third in the office pool was up, what did Anthony actually say? Can you truthfully answer this without going back and watching the video again? I'm guessing probably not.

    Feeding the audience two seperate pieces of information, one funny, and one serious at the same time can detract from one, or both messages entirely.
    You can't have Anthony talking statistics and trying to inform us while there is something funny on the screen at the same time. This is especially true when you're trying to bring truth to people that have been fed lies about steroids for so many years.

    I think the posting of the sources however was brilliant and brings much more credibility to everything said in the videos.

    In all honesty, you guys do a great job on the videos, but you really do need to keep the jokes out if you want these videos to hit a mainstream audience to educate them.
    I also have to comment on this part in bold and agree with it 100% as well.

    I'm assuming the upcoming Anabolic Review series will be along much more refined and professional lines, with well thought out over all presentations.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Training Hardcore Style
    I think they are great... pick apart the media and "myths" of anabolics one topic at a time to give a different perspective.. A lot more impressive and creative on the topics and information than I had initially anticipated.... We know all the bad publicity out there and with these videos basically grabbing one thing at a time and debunk the myth with credible information.

    Excellent work!!... I still think you should consider a topic once a week.... Add maybe another minute or two longer on the videos so that you don't run out of topics and you actually have the opportunity to maybe hit on some of the important subjects a little more in depth... I was just thinking you might start struggling for topics yet, still have a lot more to say about certain things already 2cents

    Overall I look forward to them all the time... THANKS!
    Last edited by rockinred; 04-19-2008 at 09:53 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    I have enjoyed all the informtion on the vids. I hope the professionalism continues so this site will, as always, be the one on top. I really think that is what seperates this site from all others.

    Also, this may be off topic slightly, but as we all know the newbies continue to amaze us with the first posts. It's apparent to me that they are not reading the rules before posting. My thinking is maybe they will watch a video on the rules. Just a thought.

    Also, make them click on something saying they either watched the video or read the rules or their account want be able to post until then. If they do all the above, and then post a bad question, ban or give them a warning.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Bump !!!!!

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Overhaulz View Post
    While the fun fact about Anthony placing third in the office pool was up, what did Anthony actually say? Can you truthfully answer this without going back and watching the video again? I'm guessing probably not.
    Life as perfectionist and very competitive. Anthony was finishing up his sentence when the pop-up came to the right. Subjecting a small dose of humor into a serious report honestly gets me paying attention a lot more rather then just statistics and facts pulled. I've presented plenty of seminars and many of the best don't just go fact after fact after reference, as quickly even the most dedicated student or person sitting will start to dose off. Humor is a bit of spice, it works well and I found that with the case here.

    I'm not bashing at all what your saying, but gotta remember many people think of "juicers" as those hardcore scream-o guys at the gym who have no life, humor or understanding. We are created to intimidate and eat, and shoot needles. Humor breaks that ice and closes that gap between a mainstream audience and those who use AAS. Just my 2 cents

    Has any form of PCT been discussed for that matter? Or ANY of the steroid profiles gone over? There's a true plethora of information in our libraries that can be transferred to video for insightful watching, IE: Pick a steroid, discuss what you can expect, what you may not expect (acne, increased aggresion with certain AAS, hairloss or DHT ect..) There's so many video's to be able to do here guys, keep it up!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    Quote Originally Posted by running_scared View Post
    Life as perfectionist and very competitive. Anthony was finishing up his sentence when the pop-up came to the right. Subjecting a small dose of humor into a serious report honestly gets me paying attention a lot more rather then just statistics and facts pulled. I've presented plenty of seminars and many of the best don't just go fact after fact after reference, as quickly even the most dedicated student or person sitting will start to dose off. Humor is a bit of spice, it works well and I found that with the case here.

    I'm not bashing at all what your saying, but gotta remember many people think of "juicers" as those hardcore scream-o guys at the gym who have no life, humor or understanding. We are created to intimidate and eat, and shoot needles. Humor breaks that ice and closes that gap between a mainstream audience and those who use AAS. Just my 2 cents

    Has any form of PCT been discussed for that matter? Or ANY of the steroid profiles gone over? There's a true plethora of information in our libraries that can be transferred to video for insightful watching, IE: Pick a steroid, discuss what you can expect, what you may not expect (acne, increased aggresion with certain AAS, hairloss or DHT ect..) There's so many video's to be able to do here guys, keep it up!

  22. #22
    ~Admin~ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by running_scared View Post

    Pick a steroid, discuss what you can expect, what you may not expect (acne, increased aggresion with certain AAS, hairloss or DHT ect..) There's so many video's to be able to do here guys, keep it up!
    There will be 2 profiles done per week. Anthony is summarizing them all up into 3 minute video profiles currently. Every profile will be done, as well as the major articles on the home page.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I was pretty thrilled when I heard that AR were going to be producing a video series and hoped that they would not disappoint. Far from disappoint so far they have surpassed my expectations and I eagerly watch each installment. They are informative and amusing, and are also presented in a professional manner which hopefully the general public will take seriously. Speaking of the general public not everyone visits AR so I was thinking that if you really want to get the word out you should post the video's on YouTube. It's possibly your best bet for free mass exposure if thats what your after.

    As far as subject material goes perhaps an installment showing the differences between recreation drugs (canabis, meth, coke ect), the types of people who use them and the social problems which arise from there usage compared with Anabolic Steroids. Surely a clear distinction can be made. I don't believe that steroids should be put in the same category as recreational drugs but suspect that the general public may not share my opinion.

    Keep the good stuff coming, Mick.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    I have enjoyed all the informtion on the vids. I hope the professionalism continues so this site will, as always, be the one on top. I really think that is what seperates this site from all others.

    Also, this may be off topic slightly, but as we all know the newbies continue to amaze us with the first posts. It's apparent to me that they are not reading the rules before posting. My thinking is maybe they will watch a video on the rules. Just a thought.

    Also, make them click on something saying they either watched the video or read the rules or their account want be able to post until then. If they do all the above, and then post a bad question, ban or give them a warning.
    thats is an awsome idea!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    i love the movies even the jokes.i love it when there is a new one that i havent seen yet.i learn alot from guys are doing an awsome job.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    LoL, great vid today A-rob!!! loved the message but the little subtitles on the side were kinda funny. i think they're getting better every episode but the message today about the average user is very informative and true as well.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by running_scared View Post
    Life as perfectionist and very competitive. Anthony was finishing up his sentence when the pop-up came to the right. Subjecting a small dose of humor into a serious report honestly gets me paying attention a lot more rather then just statistics and facts pulled. I've presented plenty of seminars and many of the best don't just go fact after fact after reference, as quickly even the most dedicated student or person sitting will start to dose off. Humor is a bit of spice, it works well and I found that with the case here.

    I agree too that humor is great when presenting a speech or seminar. The humor must be properly timed too, though. If you truly and honestly watched the video without reading my post about conflicting messages with the humor, then you're a far greater multitasker than I truly will ever be
    I honestly had no clue what he was saying and was concentrating far more on what was coming up on the sidenotes.

    For me, when there are facts being presented and humor simultaneously, I'll pay attention to the humor. The video was kind of like seeing Anthony talk about steroids while a stand-up comedian was performing next to him. I was listening to the comedian!

    Again, you're completely correct about humor in presentations, it's just the humor in the video wasn't timed properly to coordinate with getting the message across to the viewer (for me at least).

  28. #28
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    I think some vids about types of cycles you could do would be great including PCT. Maybe something on IGF-1 and HGH as well.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    The Nut House
    todays vid was the best so far.... especially liked the semi-humorous side bar, reminded me of the Colbert Report's "The Word" segments

    good stuff! keep up the great work AR!


  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    BUMP ???

    Thanks for the feedback everyone ..


  31. #31
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    I'd like to see some big name body builders come on and talk frankly on steroids they've taken or are taking.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    I'd like to see some big name body builders come on and talk frankly on steroids they've taken or are taking.
    I think the odds of that happening are slim and none as most big-name body builders are sponsored by supplement companies. One of the big names recently WAS frank about his use in a documentary, and his sponsor dropped him.

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