Life as perfectionist and very competitive. Anthony was finishing up his sentence when the pop-up came to the right. Subjecting a small dose of humor into a serious report honestly gets me paying attention a lot more rather then just statistics and facts pulled. I've presented plenty of seminars and many of the best don't just go fact after fact after reference, as quickly even the most dedicated student or person sitting will start to dose off. Humor is a bit of spice, it works well and I found that with the case here.
I'm not bashing at all what your saying, but gotta remember many people think of "juicers" as those hardcore scream-o guys at the gym who have no life, humor or understanding. We are created to intimidate and eat, and shoot needles. Humor breaks that ice and closes that gap between a mainstream audience and those who use AAS. Just my 2 cents
Has any form of PCT been discussed for that matter? Or ANY of the steroid profiles gone over? There's a true plethora of information in our libraries that can be transferred to video for insightful watching, IE: Pick a steroid, discuss what you can expect, what you may not expect (acne, increased aggresion with certain AAS, hairloss or DHT ect..) There's so many video's to be able to do here guys, keep it up!