am new 2 all of this and,just got sum test cyp and npp 100 wot do u think of it? both are made from **EDIT** are they gud thanks.
am new 2 all of this and,just got sum test cyp and npp 100 wot do u think of it? both are made from **EDIT** are they gud thanks.
is that a ugl? if so naming it is a no no.
Whats ya age, stats, lifting / cycle experience?
am 23 and this is my first time av just had 10ml of cyp week 1...2ml
week 2...3ml week 3....3ml week week 4....2ml and just got sum npp 100 my m8 say take npp with test prop wot do u think
sorry for givin the name as a say its my first time.
Check out this thread
And what about the rest of ya stats and lifting experience?
Also, that cycle sounds messed up. sounds like you need to do a lot more research b4 touching aas.
at the min my lifting is not great bench press 80kg shoulder press is 60kg av had the cyp now and hopefully should see sum gains av seen gains in my arms shoulders and traps do u think a should keep off test and use nnp 100 or should a take test with it? my m8 allways gets good stuff but a want 2 no how a should take a cycle thanks
your way over your head bro.. not even close to being ready for steroids.
am not new in tht way av done weights in the past am 20st and been doing mma for 3 years wot would u recommend cheers
av had 10ml test cyp now aye have 10ml npp 100 tht a havnt used yet do a keep off tht a just take test cyp or is there sumthink 2 use with the cyp 2 make a gud cycle
I would recomend spellcheck
Give us an example on how you think it should be run?
also, post your diet with macros.
ok here is my life story am 20st 6feet 3inch av had 10ml test cyp in 4weeks av just finished that and just got some npp 100 i am going on holiday in 7 weeks and want to look good my diet is good carbs and protein cabs in small dosess i need some good info on wot to take and how much per week sorry for my writing it was slang thanks
hmmmm, interesting. Shifty... I concur.
i have no idea what this dudes saying.
but ill say this... dont do the NPP by itself. simple as that. if you were more experienced (like Tai) then you could mess with it alone. But seeing that you have no idea what your talking about. i would stick with test if you must do a cycle. but without diet and lifting info.. we really cant do jack shit for ya bro.
wht do yous recommend i should take?
Honest truth? i recommend you do a lot more research into the compounds and how to set up a basic cycle.
Whats was your PCT for your last cycle?
And you still havent told us your BF%!
You could be a 280lb obese guy for all we know.
Now that is some Funny SH!t........
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